What to Expect from a C-Section Birth?


Well-Known Member
Jun 11, 2011
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Hi Girls.
So I found out today that I'm getting admitted to hosp on Fri. If my BP doesnt come down I'll be delivering by C-Section this weekend as its too dangerous for me to be induced with BP that high.

I had my heart set on a natural delivery and never even considered C-Section. I know that was dumb. I like to know what to expect so for those of you who've had previous sections can you help me out?

What happens on the day?
Who can be with me?
How much of it will I feel?
How much time does it take from they start to its over?
Whats the recovery REALLY like?

Please feel free to tell me the good the bad and the ugly- once I know what to be prepared for I know I'll be ok. Thanks in advance. :flower::flower:
Thanks for posting this I'm interested to know too! x
I am going to copy and paste it into the 3rd Tri also so keep an eye out there too. :) :flower:

I know that feeling of having your heart set on natural birth. I too had been attending active birth classes and ended up having emergency section, but thanks to those classes I knew why and how it had happened and was more positive about whole experience (i now teach them ha!). The important thing to remember is You are still giving birth regardless of how that is done!!!!

People often see it as the EASIER option, ha it is major abdominal surgery. Having spoken to a few of my new mummy friends who have had a section, elective seems to be easier to deal with than emergency for most. In emergency things are soo quick and you barely have time to think about what is happening.

From my experience, they numb you with a spinal, like a bee sting in your back, then they test to see with cold spray on certain areas to see if you can feel it. They then ask you to raise your legs (which is impossible), all part of the process to making sure you are numb. Then your partner or whoever is with you, is allowed in and stays at your top half with you. A screen is placed up so you are not able to see what is happening.

They should explain the whole process to you.

You will feel only pressure, no pain as they make the incision, it is a weird sensation, but should definitely not be painful. I felt more pain from the spinal than anything else. The process to get baby out is much quicker than when they are sewing you up. I went in at 17:55, she was out by 18:13 and I was in recovery by 18:50. They let me hold her as soon as they had got her out and cleaned her which was a matter of minutes (she was covered in poo, hence the emergency).

I was up and out of bed the next morning.

The scar is on your bikini line and so neat I can hardly see mine now 10 months on.

The recovery is different for everyone, but definitely 6 weeks minimum. What I would say is remember it is major abdominal surgery and to take it really easy within 1st 6 weeks. Take al pain medication offered, it will help. Try not to rush in to everything once home, get people round as much as you can to take the load off. A few of my friends rushed in and ended up ripping stitches etc. I got a tiny rip from putting my maternity jeans on 2 days after_ stupid- got infected and had two courses of antibiotics. I felt really good after a couple of weeks but still took it really easy. The Physios are great, depending on where you are of course, ours held classes and give you great exercises to do.

Remember to breath to stay relaxed and trust you are in good hands.

I hope that this helps slightly.

Best of Luck

Thank you so much!
All feedback and info is GREATLY appreciated. :flower:
What happens on the day?
They usually give you a high dose of epidural or spinal, when that fails or it is urgent they may make you sleep. You change into a gown they provide, get a cannula put in for fluids/medication and a catheter to drain urine as you won't be able to go toilet.

Who can be with me?
Whoever you choose, be it partner or family/friend but usually only one person

How much of it will I feel?
Not much, except for pulling and tugging sensations it shouldn't be painful. They will place cold presses on you to ensure that you do not feel anything and tell them if you do so they up the epidural dose.

How much time does it take from they start to its over?
Around 45 min, 7 min for baby to come out and the rest is spent stitching you back up

Whats the recovery REALLY like?
This differs, you will get pain medications and if you take this round the clock you should be comfortable. Make sure you hold a pillow against your tummy when coughing, sneezing or laughing as this can be a bit painful/unpleasant. Sit on hard surfaces in the early weeks as this will be easier to get back up. Don't do much and you should recover quickly. They say it takes around 6 weeks but I still felt twinges and pain when I over did things also you will notice more bleeding when you do.

Any more questions will be glad to answer, x
Hey, I had my c section on 6th feb. on the day I had to take a tablet at 6am and get to hospital for 8.30am. Was taken into my room on the ward. Blood pressure and urine sample were taken. Anaesthetist came to see me and explained what she'd be doing. Surgeon came to see me and explained the procedure. Had to sign some consent forms. Was then given a gown and a time (10am for me). Nicu staff came to see me as we new Joshua wasn't well and explained their role. My mum came in with me, only one person was allowed. Walked down to the theatre, and they put in canula and spinal. Didn't hurt as much as I thought. I was a hysterical wreck at this point. They checked I was numb by putting ice on my stomach, couldn't feel a thing, and inserted catheter. the bed was pushed into the theatre. I didn't even realise they'd started cutting me. It was a little uncomfortable as they moved things about to get him out. But not painful. Really weird sensation. Joshua was then delivered and had the longest 3 minutes of my life before he let out a tiny kittens cry. They weighed him and checked him over, wrapped him in a blanket and passed him too me whilst they stitched me up. I started to shake really badly so passed him to my mum, before nicu staff took him to warm him up. Before I knew it, I was in recovery room. Took about 45mins-1hr, but it flew by. Was in recovery about 45 mins, they keep checking your bp and pulse, and the catheter bag. Was then pushed back to my room. Most people are bed bound until the next morning, but as Joshua started to get worse, I insisted in going to see him. So I was in a wheelchair about 3 hours later. Take all the pain killers they offer, the liquid morphine is pretty good. Sadly Joshua passed away in the early hours of the 7th, but I was up and about and helped to wash him, dress him and spent about 3 hours with him. I was in hospital until the thurs (9th). My recovery has been horrendous. I had the worst bruising my mw and most the hospital staff have ever seen, but I put that down to getting up so soon. I showered the next morning after op, after having catheter removed, which isn't painful. I was very shaky on my feet, and removed the dressing. Disposable maternity knickers were brilliant as they sat above the wound. Getting on/off beds, sofas, and in/out the car was tough. Take it slow, don't rush. Walking up stairs is a nightmare. I had my first bowel movement on the Friday and it was excruciating. Take stool softeners if you can. Coughing, laughing, eating, everything hurts. When I was in the car I put a pillow across my stomach to stop seatbelt rubbing on the wound. Had my stitch removed on the Monday, again, didn't hurt, even with all my bruising. I had heavy bleeding for first four days, then barely nothing until last week, but I think that was my periods starting again. Really heavy and not nice, but I hate using pads anyway. It's now 5 and a half weeks later, still tender to touch, I've lived in leggings and pj bottoms. Can't stand the thought of anything near the wound. I split mine open a little by twisting round too much. But it's healing again now. Don't try and lift anything or carry too much and just take things as easy as you can. I've been too the drs today as I've had pretty bad stomach pains, which they said is normal and just the scar tissue on the inside.

So op was quick, didn't feel a thing apart from tugging, I was allowed to hold him (some people say they can't, make sure you ask them if they haven't brought baby over), get whoever goes with you to take a camera in. I was allowed to take pictures of the op, but chose not too, but have some of him getting weighed and me holding him. Make sure you ask the surgeon when they come see you. It's down to them really. And just take your recovery slowly. Anything else just pm me and I'll get back to you. Really hope it goes well for you xx
Hi Girls.
So I found out today that I'm getting admitted to hosp on Fri. If my BP doesnt come down I'll be delivering by C-Section this weekend as its too dangerous for me to be induced with BP that high.

I had my heart set on a natural delivery and never even considered C-Section. I know that was dumb. I like to know what to expect so for those of you who've had previous sections can you help me out?

What happens on the day?
Who can be with me?
How much of it will I feel?
How much time does it take from they start to its over?
Whats the recovery REALLY like?

Please feel free to tell me the good the bad and the ugly- once I know what to be prepared for I know I'll be ok. Thanks in advance. :flower::flower:

I am a first time mum and had my baby by caesarian 4.5 weeks ago. They had tried to induce me on my due date but it failed, I didnt even get a twinge!! They said the only way she was coming out was by c-section.

I had already been in hospital for 48 hours with the induction so I cant advise on the initial procedure if you are going in on the day but this is my experience:

I went to the delivery suite with my partner. I was in the hospital gown, he got surgery overalls to wear. The anaethetist, surgeon and delivery suite staff all came in (separately) to explain their roles and what to expect and to give us forms to sign.

I was taken to theatre and they put in a drip and the epidural which was nowhere near as painful as I expected - they numb the area first with a little injection.

My partner then came in and stayed with me, sat next to me holding my hand from then on. A screen was put up across my chest so I couldnt see anything. The epidural worked really quickly, they checked that I was totally numb by touching me and asking what I could feel - which was nothing. I was numb from my chest right down to my toes. I started feeling a bit nauseous and they put an anti sickness drug into the drip which worked immediately.

I had no idea that they had even started until I felt a tugging sensation and my OH said it was well underway! I heard them say my waters had gone and lots more pushing and tugging sensations around my stomach but just as pressure, no pain or any touch sensations. The anaesthetist was sat by my head and she was telling me what was going on and making sure I was ok. Then suddenly I heard them say baby was out and I heard my baby cry!!

I saw baby getting whisked across the room to be checked over and my OH was asked if he wanted to trim the cord and take photos. He did so and helped the nurse with wrapping her in blankets then he sat next to me holding her whilst I started to get stitched up. She was put on my chest for cuddles for a while then my OH and a nurse took her back to the delivery suite room to dress her whilst I finished getting stitched up.

My partner came in around 12.20, the op started sometime around 12.25-12.30ish and baby was out by 12.34! I think the whole thing lasted about 45 mins or so from incision to finishing being stitched up. The catheter was put in at some point too.

I can honestly say I didnt feel a thing (and still didnt right down to my toes for quite a few hours later until the epidural wore off), the worst bit by far was having the drip put in as my veins hide and it took 6 attempts!!

We were left alone for family time together for an hour or so in delivery suite and after another hour I went back to the maternity ward.

The nursing staff had to help me with baby overnight when OH had to leave (my hospital wont allow them to stay overnight) as I couldnt get up off the bed to pick her up, change her or feed her but the staff were great. They also changed my pads as there was a lot of bleeding. The next day the catheter came out (completely painless) and I could get up and move around. My pain was completely manageable on the painkillers provided by the staff...as long as I didnt laugh, cough or sneeze - horrendous!!

I went home 2 days later with pain meds and was remarkably comfortable on them compared to the pain I had expected. I was out and about to the shop and cafe on day 5 and found I got tired quickly but no pain. I have continued to go out every few days as staying inside was driving me mad! I am now 4.5 weeks since she was born and my doctor has cleared me to drive again as my incision has healed well.

All in all I have no negatives in my caesarian experience, I would definitely be happy to do it again if we ever get pregnant again. Hope this helps xx
Ah and I also recommend huge knickers that sit well above the top of the pubic area (around the top of the hairline) as this is where the incision is and you do not want anything at all anywhere near it. I am still bleeding although hardly anything now. I also had bad constipation but glycerin pessaries sorted that very quickly!

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