I was overdue by the full 2 weeks when my Dr suggested to start inducing me with a tablet with prostaglandin. Labour started slowly with irregular contractions, but after more than 24 hours my Dr decided that I had to get the drip with syntocin to really speed labour up. Though my contractions increased an became more regular and strong, still no sign of LO really engaging into my pelvis. So they broke my waters.. and when that also didn't move her down my Dr said that the only option to get her out -though my LO was not stressed thank God- was to have an Emergency C-section!
I was already devastated when I was put on the drip of syntocin, as I really had planned an all-natural and active birth. So being confined to the bed on the drip was not what I had prepared for. Especially when my waters were broken, and she had not moved into the birthcanal, they were afraid of prolapse of umbilical cord. so I really only had to lay flay on the bed.
By the time she suggested the E-csection I had already resigned to the fact that the desired birth that I had prepared for was not going to happen and just went along with it.
I was not nervous, not anxious, I even was not particularly looking forward having a baby at the end of the ride.. I just felt bad for my DH having to also have them see me being cut open etc..
After they took my LO out they held her up to show her to me, but they didn't hold her up high enough, so i didn't really see her at all..
And then they took her to the nursery and my DH went with them.. it took another hour before they had stitched me up and let me recover in the Recovery Room before I was wheeled over to my room, where my DH finally came in with her and I was able to see her for a first time.
Looking back.. off course I am glad she arrived healthily and she's been really good since, but I do feel sad that in my mind i missed the most important part of her coming into this world. That others held her first and cleaned and clothed her first.
And again, we are glad she came out this way in the end, as she had herself tangled in the umbilical cord (round her neck and round her arms like the straps of a backpack) and one can only imagine what would have happened without medical intervention.. but still.. I wished her birth, and my start as a mother, would have been different..