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What week did you go into labor with your first?


Well-Known Member
Apr 16, 2012
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Im constantly hearing, "oh your always late with your first" or "your always early with your first" and gosh I'm just so curious!!!

With your first, what week did you go into labor? And by all means, if there's a story attached to it, I would love to hear it! I love to ready labor stories. Been addicted lately :blush:
I went into labour at 38w1d
I was at work in a hospital all day, I left work at 4pm and my water broke at the car dealership at 4:20!
39+0 here. Hind waters went early hours of 38+6, very mild cramping / fuzziness in lower back throughout the day and then just before midnight my front waters popped. Contractions started 15mins later and I progressed well but due to my son getting stuck and waiting for a theatre slot he wasn't born until 18.32.

I've said this before, but of our NCT group 5/7 delivered on or before their due date and 4 of these started with their waters breaking. None of the 7 made it past 41wks - so for us the whole, you'll be late, its your first didn't really ring true. In contrast I'm the 4th one to be pregnant with their second and so far every single one of us has gone past their due date with their second!!
My waters broke at 5.30pm at 39+6. Had been in slow labour for 5 weeks and had spent the day with my tens machine attached to me. Baby was born at 5.07am the following day at 40w exactly!
With my DD I went into labour at 39+3 followed by an EMCS in the early hours the following morning. I was the only one out of our NCT class to go into labour early. 6 mums, all now on our second babies and I'm still the only one who who went into labour before due date. All the other babies were overdue despite raspberry leaf tea, curries, sex, walking etc. I did nothing to bring on labour apart from a spot of gardening. DS was a planned c section.
I had to be induced.

Went into labour at 5am, 40+12
Born at 10.55am, 40+12
I went in to labour at 40+2, he was born on 40+5 xxx
Ds#1- preterm labor at somewhere between 34-45 weeks that was stopped. Born at 37+6(?) naturally, 8lbs 20.25in.
ds#2 induced at 38 weeks but was already in established labor when admitted to hospital and ended up only using pitocin to aide labor as labor slowed after epidural was placed. 9lbs 21.25 in.
My first was born at 40+2. Was in labor for 42 hours! But it runs in my family to have long labors. Thankfully none of my others have been anywhere near that long.
I had to be induced at 41+1 and had her on 41+2
With my first I went in at 38 &4. I'm pregnant with my second so I'm wondering when im going in with this one lol.
35 weeks my waters broke and 24 hours later he arrived. I'm 38+2 so far this time with number 2 x
I started having regular contractions at 4am at exactly 41 weeks. They were every 4 minutes at this point so I rang the hospital but because they were 'very busy' (!) they told me to ring back when they were every 2 minutes. This happened fairly quickly so I rang back at about 9.30 and headed into hospital to be examined, but I was only 2cm and still quite thick. I wasn't too disheartened by this 'cause five days earlier I'd gone for a sweep and she could barely reach my cervix and could only fit a finger tip in. Also I felt like I'd been pregnant and having pre-labour symptoms for so long that I'd dreamt it all up and was having these irrational fears that I was gonna go in and they were gonna be like "You're not dilated at all. These pains you're having aren't even contractions. Go home and man up." Haha..

So I was sent home to wait 'til they got "more intense". By about 5/6pm they were so intense that I didn't feel like I could go on with just cocodamol anymore, so I rang up and headed back in.

I was still only 3cm dilated, but they admitted me 'cause I was in a lot of pain and I'd already been in twice (once at about 2pm 'cause I thought they were intense enough then!). And by 10pm was still 3cm... :wacko: They admitted me onto the antenatal ward and gave me diamorphine so I could get some rest, but I didn't even manage to get any kip 'cause I was so excited, and it just killed my contractions off which was infuriating! I s'pose I did get some rest which was well needed but I was gutted that my contractions were now only every 6 minutes and not very intense.

By 9.40 they'd got a LOT more intense, to the point where I was begging for another internal to see if I was in active labour yet (which they outright refused me 'cause they could just tell from the intensity of my contractions :( ) and they were every 2 minutes again. But by this point baby's heartrate had started to drop with every contraction so the midwife said I was gonna have to have my waters broken. I stood up and a few minutes later my waters went everywhere!! So I was taken to delivery suite where it all got VERY hectic. I was 4cm when I first got there. The contractions were coming thick and fast now and I was on the gas and air, but I was already strapped to the bed with the monitor on me for baby's heartrate anyway so I asked for an epidural. This was all in by about 1.30-2.00 and they examined me afterwards and I was 10cm and ready to push!

I pushed for about an hour before they told me that baby wasn't in the right position and just wasn't gonna come without assistance, so I was taken to theatre for a forceps delivery and potentially an emergency C section. It was pretty traumatic overall but it was all worth it in the end :flower:

All the complications were caused by the fact that the baby was lying side on, which I think then changed to back to back, and she wasn't fully engaged as the waters were between her head and my cervix.

But like I said, it's all worth it in the end and you soon learn to block out the trauma of it! OH on the other hand.... :haha:
I'm being induced tonight at 41 + 5 days. Although I started having contractions after midnight. So who knows when the little one will arrive.
Had my daughter at 41+1. Went into labor exactly a week after my due date and had her the next day. I was scheduled to be induced at 41+2. I narrowly avoided. She was 9lbs 5oz. Ouch :(
39 weeks waters broke, DD born after induced at 39+2...

In our NCT group - all first babies - 4 out of 6 went early. The first girl was sent home and ended up being blue lighted back to hospital, baby born 15 mins after arrival - her baby was 2 weeks early (You can imagine how that scared the s**t out of the remaining 5 of us) Hospital bags were packed immediately!

The other early babies all came in week 39.

Within the ladies in my family sadly all the first babies were on or before due date - subsequent babies were late :( xx
DS was born at 39wks after dilating for four weeks (2cm at 35wks, +1cm every week after). I arrived at the hospital at 7.5cm and went straight to a 10 once they broke my waters.

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