I'm 25 and I've been TTC #1 for 7 months now. I charted my cycle for a year before trying and my cycle was pretty much dead on 27-28 day cycle. We started trying and my cycle was still really regular. This last month though my period was 5 days late, which was really unusual but I attributed it to stress from work. But my period came and lasted 5 days like it always does. Now I'm on cycle date 17 and after a day and a half of brown spotting I'm having light, deep red spotting; very similar to what happens when I start my period! I know I'm not pregnant because I haven't had sex in over a month (hubby's job has him picking up the slack for a bunch of employees who quit, gets home late, and needs E.D. pills which is a whole other time consuming hassle in itself).
Wtf is going on? Should I see my O.B.?
Wtf is going on? Should I see my O.B.?