Alexander is 8 days old now and up until 2 days ago he's been great. He's bottle fed expressed milk and now seems so uncomfortable. He either throws up after his bottle or he spends hours grunting, squirming and going red. He also poos every time he's fed as he's pushing so hard. No matter how good I wind him I get little burpa and that's it. Infacol is making no difference. Oh and his poo reeks. I mean, not just newborn yucky poo. I mean gross!!
Could it be just wind? A tummy bug? Something I've eaten?
I've been going through the same with my 4 week old since birth. I breastfeed. I've been too and back from the doctors they say reflux and colic. But I've been doing a bit of research and think it could be a cmpi or cmpa. Basically a dairy allergy.
Have you spoken to the health visitor or gone to the doctors? It could just simply be a bit of colic and wind because he has an under developed gut or it could be an allergy?
I know how hard it is seeing them in pain and how tiring it is as well!
The symptoms by baby has been showing us
Curling legs up to stomach
Passing lots of gas
Gassy no matter how much I wind hun
Arches back
Cries in pain
Wants to feed but sometimes refuses
Green poo
Vomits a lot and sometimes its projectile
Is worse at night
Clingy wants to be held constantly won't be put down