I'd say increase it as you feel ready to. They don't really 'need' the extra meals at 6 months, so it's more a matter of when you get the hang of fitting a meal in and feeling able to prepare something that's suitable. We started with one meal a day at 6 months (we also did BLW), which I think was lunch, then added dinner at 7 months and then were doing 3 meals a day most days by about 7.5 months. Personally, I kinda needed that time to work out how to best fit meals in between milk feeds and naps and to figure out the sorts of things I could offer. As my daughter got closer to a year, it was a lot easier to just offer her exactly what I was eating (which saves a lot of hassle), but at the start, what I was eating wasn't always appropriate for a baby (too much sugar or salt or too spicy or too hard pick up, etc.). So it took me a bit of time just to figure out how to modify my own meals so they'd be okay for her or to get creative about things I could offer her that weren't just what we were already eating. As I got the hang of it, I started to add in the extra meals, so that we were up to 3 meals a day most, but maybe not every day, by 7.5 months. She didn't really eat much until maybe 9-10 months though, and then it really picked up. What you're doing sounds great to me.