What's your two month old like?


Well-Known Member
Aug 12, 2014
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As the title states just wondering what everyone's two month old is like
sleeping patterns (if any) eating habits do they smile yet chuckle/laugh ect. Lifting head shoulders off ground all that fun stuff and does yours drool?
My DD is 8 weeks on Monday and we are just about getting a bedtime routine going. She sleeps from 7.30pm until 2-3am for a feed then back to sleep until 5-6am for more boob and then she will be awake for a bit. She has always had very good head control but hates tummy time so far so difficult to see what she does then as she is thrashing about in temper lol. She doesn't really Derik but chews her hands a lot. She bats at toys and holds on to my clothes. No chuckles yet but plenty of huge grins and coos. It is amazing how quickly they change ☺️ X
My daughter is 2 months old, she has good head control, only struggles when she's tired. She babbles and coos away, and has giggled a couple of times but it's not become regular yet. She's desparate to be mobile, gets frustrated trying to roll. She's succeaafully rolled a few times. Her favourite thing to do is to watch her big brother run around and has just started to enjoy baths :) she's a right little person now x

ETA - 3 months! 3 months sorry. Oops! I can blame baby braib, right?!
She had her two month checkup yesterday and barely cried when she got her two shots. She's putting on her weight and poops/farts like a grown person. She's always slept well, only waking once to feed. Incredibly alert and smiley.
At 8 weeks Thomas was:

Head and shoulders off the ground
Batting at things above his face, grasped at 9 weeks
Obsessed with looking at his hands
Breastfed every 3 hours
3 naps per day and bed at 8pm
Did not sleep through
Very sensitive to routine changes

Sophie was very cheerful, either feeding or asleep. She smiled but didn't laugh yet.
As the title states just wondering what everyone's two month old is like
sleeping patterns (if any) eating habits do they smile yet chuckle/laugh ect. Lifting head shoulders off ground all that fun stuff and does yours drool?

Clementine hardly sleeps during the day (provided we are at home all day) - she will sleep on me for a good solid hour if out for a walk in the carrier, but at home she cat naps for about 10-30 minutes maybe 2-3 times a day. But then at night has been sleeping right through from around 9-10pm until anywhere between 5 and 7am - I can't complain, really! If she does wake at 5 or 6 she will have a feed then go right back down until I get up at about 7.

I feel like she eats constantly - every 2 hours during the day, then from around 4pm she wants to eat every hour or more :wacko: Her feeds seem to be anywhere from 15 minutes to half an hour.

She smiles quite often, but is super smiley when she is tired - either about to sleep or just woken up :) No laughing yet though, but a few squeals from time to time. And a tiny bit of cooing but not much yet.

She does lift her shoulders up quite high when on her tummy, and holds her head well. She rolled from tummy to back exactly one week ago, but this was during nappy off time and hasn't done it again since! :haha: I think it may have been a fluke..

And yes! She drools quite often now, always little bubbles of spit on her lips haha it's cute in a gross kinda way.

She also seems to have just discovered she has hands, and I have caught her a few times now turning them over and staring at them, while opening and closing her fists. It's so cute :cloud9: I can't wait for her to start grabbing things. She was rubbing my boob the other day when feeding LOL!

What is everyone else's baby like in the evenings in terms of mood? Clementine screams her head off and gets herself very upset very quickly if not eating :\ Makes getting dinner ready quite stressful, she will even do it in the carrier.
Evenings are not good for us either. She is pretty unsettled but I think that is because it is bedtime for my DS and with cooking tea and bath the attention gets taken off her! I can normally get her to sleep by feeding her but sometimes she gets herself in such a tizz she just won't sleep little monster. She is normally asleep by 8.30pm but it is a battle to get her there!!x
As far as night time goes we give him a bath every night at 7(ish) then baby massage and nursery rhymes and pjs. After tthat we go around and do nightly kisses and hugs and we sit in my room quietly and feed to sleep usually cradle hold but the last week he's been wanting me to hold him to sleep less and less even for naps and such :cry: my first never had an independent streak in him till he was 3 and even now he wants me to tuck him in and lay with him till he falls asleep (though Iusually don't we just read books give hugs and kisses and tuck him in) I think this little man just gets over stimulated so lately he's been making me put him in between my legs with them crookedup so he can fall asleep sitting up looking at me. I'm afraid soon he won't want to sleep on / with me at all. But he's never been too grumpy at nights it's 5-7 am that he is just an absolute grump! I have been calling him my little grump-a-lump he's also started cooing more since I started this post. He's very lazy he can easily hold his head up if on his tummy but most the time he just prefers to lay there :haha: he's still a little drool machine and hates Binkys he LOVES his hand though. Always chews on it, he's been trying to grab my face, glasses and hair a lot. How often does your lo poo? He usually has two very big ones in the morning but other than that it's very tiny ones like two or three times the rest of the day. Started probably 2 or 3 weeks ago.
Lisa - Clementine's pooing has slowed down too, lol. I read somewhere that that happens around this age. And in BF'd babies can be normal to go up to 10 days without a poop! But we are getting a similar amount as you now, as compared to before when it was every nappy.
Rwhite- okay sounds good then I didn't bf my first for this long so I've been at a loss as to what to think I remember hearing at around 6w babies digestive systems go through a change but I thought maybe it went back to lots dirty diapers a day. Not 1/2 a day!
My dd is 9 weeks old now and she was 10lb 4oz at birth, she is still a little greedy thing weighing 13lb as of last week. She drinks 5-6oz every 3hours in the day and sleeps from 11pm-8am every night and has done for the last few weeks. She tends to wake at 8am for a feed and goes back down for her nap until about 10.30am sometimes 11am.. She smiles all the time and ive heard her giggle but only in her sleep 😂, she likes tummy time lay on me or dh, but hates it when we lye her on the floor. Her big brother (21 months) absolutly adores her and she gives her biggest smiles to him. She has got a really strong grip and will grab anything that is in reach. And her eyes are turning brown already. All in all a very happy content baby x

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