As the title states just wondering what everyone's two month old is like
sleeping patterns (if any) eating habits do they smile yet chuckle/laugh ect. Lifting head shoulders off ground all that fun stuff and does yours drool?
Clementine hardly sleeps during the day (provided we are at home all day) - she will sleep on me for a good solid hour if out for a walk in the carrier, but at home she cat naps for about 10-30 minutes maybe 2-3 times a day. But then at night has been sleeping right through from around 9-10pm until anywhere between 5 and 7am - I can't complain, really! If she does wake at 5 or 6 she will have a feed then go right back down until I get up at about 7.
I feel like she eats constantly - every 2 hours during the day, then from around 4pm she wants to eat every hour or more

Her feeds seem to be anywhere from 15 minutes to half an hour.
She smiles quite often, but is super smiley when she is tired - either about to sleep or just woken up

No laughing yet though, but a few squeals from time to time. And a tiny bit of cooing but not much yet.
She does lift her shoulders up quite high when on her tummy, and holds her head well. She rolled from tummy to back exactly one week ago, but this was during nappy off time and hasn't done it again since!

I think it may have been a fluke..
And yes! She drools quite often now, always little bubbles of spit on her lips haha it's cute in a gross kinda way.
She also seems to have just discovered she has hands, and I have caught her a few times now turning them over and staring at them, while opening and closing her fists. It's so cute

I can't wait for her to start grabbing things. She was rubbing my boob the other day when feeding LOL!
What is everyone else's baby like in the evenings in terms of mood? Clementine screams her head off and gets herself very upset very quickly if not eating :\ Makes getting dinner ready quite stressful, she will even do it in the carrier.