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When did you move your LO to their own room?


Dec 9, 2013
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Hi, I know the official guidance is keep them in a cot in your room until at least six months (ideally a year). I am curious as to when you actually moved your LO and if it helped them sleep better. My first daughter was 7 months and she started sleeping through almost immediately after she went into her own room. My baby is 5 months next week and I am considering moving her soon to see if it reduces her wake ups during the night.
6 months with my first, it made absolutely no difference to her sleep.

Will be moving my lb next week now he's 6 months but he sleeps much better close to me so it'll probably get worse for a bit or we'll partially co-sleep if it gets really bad. He'll be sharing a room with my toddler so I can't afford to have them both awake.

I chose 6 months to fit with SIDS guidelines and because practically they outgrew the crib
I moved my son out at 9 months when he outgrew his crib.

I missed him so much! We will do the same with our daughter. Once she needs her big cot Shen will go into her own rooom. I willl be so sad!
My oldest started trying to climb out of his bassinet at 4 months, so we moved him to the nursery in a crib. My next 2 babies roomed in until 6 months. My fourth coslept until 8-9 months when we moved him. My older 2 slept better in their own rooms. My third was unaffected. My fourth slept worse and wanted to continue to cosleep, but I am pregnant and sleep too deeply now, so he had to go for his safety.
We moved DD into her own room at 4 months, so a little earlier than guidelines. However, no one was getting any sleep as we kept waking her up - plus, we had the baby monitor with the breathing sensor pad x
9 months as her nursery wasn't ready, but from about 7months we sometimes slept in the spare room so as not to wake her up. It depended on how unsettled she had been during the evening. Made no difference to her sleep whatever we tried really.
Moved her to her own room between 4.5/5 months! She got too big for her swinging crib that was at the side of the bed and my curtains in my room aren't blackout curtains so she was waking super early because of how bright it was. She already slept through the night but it made a hell of a difference to my sleep because every time she moved when she was next to me, woke me up! Which I don't mind if she was awake but it was if her hand moved- she's a wriggly baby :lol: it also stopped the early morning wake ups, the first night in her cot she woke up really late!

She's next door and had the monitor on loud! It made me a bit sad to move her when she was still so little but I definitely wouldn't change it now!
6 months with my first and 7 ish with the others, they were a bit more needy!
My daughter moved to her own room at 3 months, but I slept in her room with her until she was about 5 months. The only reason we moved her so early was because my OH was sick and we didn't want baby to catch it, then once he was well again baby refused to sleep in the Moses basket in our room so she stayed in her crib. Once she was 5 months old I would sleep in my own room (right across the hall) until her first wake up for a feed, then I'd stay the rest of the night in her room with her. I started sleeping the whole night in my own bed when she was about 6 months old and would just get up to feed her then go back to my own bed.
Ds was in his own room from the second night after he was born. Dh used to start work at 3am n work all hours. He drives a van so its very important he gets his sleep as could be a danger otherwise.

We had a video monitor so could see ds and had volume on max. We were happy with it and ds has always slept in his own room and learnt to self settle from very early on.
We have decided to try and have this baby in with us for couple of months as dh has better working hours now and worry and dd waking ds. But i will still take her in her room durring the night to feed/change her and bring her back to our room to sleep again. Will see how it goes :thumbup:
DD will be going into her own room at 8 months as we're moving and her current bedroom would be too far from our room, if it were nearer she would have moved out at 6/7 months.
She's 8 months and in our room. I honestly don't see her going to her own room for a while! I love being able to just look over and be near.

She sleeps well most of the time (not last night though lol) so I don't want to rock the boat when things are mostly good right now.
Moved her to her own room when she was 10 weeks. She was a horrible sleeper and was outgrowing her rock and play. We've had no sleep for several months and DH's mom was her offering some relief at night. She didn't complain and after a few nights loved it because she sprawl any way she wanted.
We moved her at 5 months. She was starting to be disturbed by dh's early alarm and also when we came up to bed. She'd been having naps in her cot in her room for a while beforehand.
Both were around 7 months. We were disturbing DS so decided it was best he went into his room. DD was very settled in our room but we're expecting again so decided it was best she got used to being in her room. Her sleep wasn't great for a few days but she soon got used to it.

This one will probably be in our room until he's mostly sleeping through because he wont have his own room to move into.
DD1 was 10 weeks, outgrew moses basket and she had a huge sleigh type cot that we couldn't fit in our room. She slept right through the night from the moment we moved her.

DD2 was 7 weeks and was even longer, she was a very light, noisy sleeper. My husband starts work at 5am and would wake her getting up and going in shower in en-suite. She didn't like her cot to begin with, added white air wrap bumpers so it looked more like her Moses basket and she settled great.

I used a monitor with a movement pad for some peace of mind, if they stop breathing the alarm goes off. I used to check on DD1 all the time in the beginning because she was such a sound sleeper, never made a sound and would sleep from 7pm till 9am, no noise ever woke her lol. DD2 is so noisy, she grunts and moans all night so i always know shes ok, she still keeps me awake some nights and shes in a different room! Sometimes it sounds like shes awake but when i go through to keep she has her eyes shut, just makes noises in her sleep. She sleeps 6pm till 8am now
We moved her for part of the night at 8 months. We bedshared otherwise and would continue to bedshare from when she started to wake during the night. Personally, I didn't find it reduced waking when she was in her own room. I just had to walk further and had a harder time falling back to sleep after those wake ups. But every baby is different. She started to sleep through the night in her own time and we didn't really do anything to encourage it, but it was well into toddlerhood, I'm afraid.
My baby hasn't even got his own room so will be in with us for the foreseeable future till we put the other two boys in together and get the babies room sorted. We are in no rush :) he's a terrible sleeper and always ends up sleeping in my bed anyway so its best that he is in my room for now anyway so I'm not walking back and forward all night!
My baby is six months next week and I definitely don't feel ready to move him out of our room yet! He still wakes two times a night for feedings usually, so it'd be annoying anyway. The only downside is DH's alarm or snoring wakes him sometimes.

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