Hi ladies,
I am on 2nd cycle of clomifene 50mg (currently CD15) good news is the other day I got confirmation from hosp that I successfully ovulated on the 1st cycle so I’m hoping it continues.
I use CB digital ovulation sticks and also easy@home strips.
first cycle I got high on CD14 & peak on CD15
this cycle I am still negative. (I now have 2 cb digital readers as just got a new box) older one says high (and has done for 2 days now) but new one is negative.
first cycle I had a 31 day cycle.
can anyone that has taken 50mg clomid tell me what CD you ovulated / did ovulation Vary each cycle or was it the same day?
I am on 2nd cycle of clomifene 50mg (currently CD15) good news is the other day I got confirmation from hosp that I successfully ovulated on the 1st cycle so I’m hoping it continues.
I use CB digital ovulation sticks and also easy@home strips.
first cycle I got high on CD14 & peak on CD15
this cycle I am still negative. (I now have 2 cb digital readers as just got a new box) older one says high (and has done for 2 days now) but new one is negative.
first cycle I had a 31 day cycle.
can anyone that has taken 50mg clomid tell me what CD you ovulated / did ovulation Vary each cycle or was it the same day?