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When did your baby start going to bed early?


Dec 9, 2013
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Hi, I have a 15 week old and I am trying to establish a good bedtime routine. But she won't settle down for the night until earliest 10pm and will just nap for approx 45 mins if I put her in the cot before this. She is also quite alert and playful before nighttime mode kicks in. She will also sleep in until near 10am (with 1-2 feeds during the night) so I just need to shift it all forward a couple of hours.
I have a 3.5 year old as well who goes to bed at 7.30pm but I cannot remember when she started going to bed earlier. When did you start getting your evenings back?
I'm pretty much the same too I have a 12 week old n I'm trying to get her to bed earlier too! She isn't readu til about 9.45 ish at the moment n goes down good n just wakes at 4 or,5 for one feed then goes back til 8 or9! I'm going to try next we shift her a but earlier but don't want her to wake up more in the night! My first daughter used to be in bed n asleep by 8 at this age but this one isn't ready til later as she has done the same n woke up after a nap! X
Sorry for the spell I have a new phone! She also naps regularly in the day she will have a play n bottle then nap n will nap about 6-7 times normally x
With my second baby around a few weeks old.
E started going to bed at 5:30pm around 6 weeks old. She still can't stay up any later, bless her.
Mines is 14m and still doesn't - but we both work til 6pm so we don't have much time with her as is. Right now she goes around 9pm.
Depends so much on the child. One of mine went to bed at 7 and sttn from 3 weeks old.
My others were all between 10 months and 20 months.

My 15 week er isn't in any routine yet and I'm not really attempting to get her in one yet as I won't have her sleeping in another room to me Til at least 6 months, and I can't go up to bed with her as I have older kids to sort out x
My daughter never stayed up much past 9pm, but around 3 months of age, her bedtime has fallen between 6-8pm (usually around 7pm though) most of the time. I try to make her last nap end at 3 or 330 at the latest now. She's almost 7 months.
I have 4, and most of them wouldn't settle until around 11 at night for several months. I had one who would go down at 8 and get up at 8 from the day he was born. The rest kept me up late and had me up at 5 am once they started sleeping through the night! My youngest is 10 months old, and I just got him on an 8:30 bedtime about 2 months ago.

I now have all of my kids going to bed at 8:30 because my OH doesn't get home until 7 at night, and I want them to have at least a good hour of family time every day.
We always aimed for bedtime around 7-8pm, but up to 4 months, she slept downstairs with us, either in our arms or in a wrap. This really helped her to settle into a routine of going to bed early and waking up early. She still woke for a feed around 10-11pm, but we at least got her to sleep for 2-3 hours first. I'm wondering if maybe you should try waking her earlier in the morning gradually to start the shift?
My baby is going to be 18 weeks old. The last two nights she has gone to sleep around 7-730 but wakes up an hour later and I nurse her back to sleep. Then wakes up once or twice more to eat... but we just survived the 4 month regression (or still going through it lol) and so I think her schedule is changing.... before this she wasn't ready till like 9pm for bed.
Well mind has gone up for the third time in a row at 9.45 I'm hoping if i stick to this til next week then try gradually bring it to 9 m eventually earlier when she's ready. I just don't want her to wake more in the nights cos 4 or 5 is good enough just for one feed til 8 or 9 m she is good bless her x
Thanks for your replies, it seems every child is different! I think I will just be patient, keep the routine going and hope it falls into place at some point.
Our twins both go down by 6pm. I start getting them ready by around 5.30pm. They started this when they were 7 weeks old. One day after their 5.30pm feed they both slept through the next feed (slept about 5.5 hours). After they did it 3 days in a row I took that as a cue and started actually putting them to bed. Before that they were out in the living room until their 11.30pm feed and they napped in their swings in between. They go from 6pm - 630am and wake 1-2 times, either twice at about 1230am and then 330am or once at about 230/3am.
Tbh from birth she was naturally having a "bedtime feed" around 7pm most nights, i realise this was sheer luck! I started putting her to bed and retreating back downstairs around 8 weeks old. This started approx 8pm and by 4 months old she was in a bath/feed/bed routine and asleep at 7pm

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