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When do they usually take steps assisted?


Mother of one daughter
Jan 10, 2011
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My 5.5 month old just started walking while holding onto our hands yesterday. He took a couple steps as a newborn because of that walking reflex they are born with but then stopped until now. My daughter crawled at 7 months and walked on her own at 13 months. I can't remember when she started walking while holding our hands though. Someone told me it is best they learn to crawl first so maybe I should not let him walk while holding onto my hands?
my daughter walked unassisted at 10 months but I didn't start walking with her like you describe until about 8.5/9months.

I have a 7 month old and I wouldn't do that with him as it's not possible for him to hold his own weight; he's showing no signs of being able to walk (he's just showing signs of wanting to crawl bringing his legs up when he's on the floor).

although babies develop at different times, and walk at different times I would encourage you not to walk your baby around as you are. It is highly unlikely that baby will start walking soon at 5.5 months and I would start walking baby around when they show signs of wanting to move/walk by themselves, such as cruising along furnature. perhaps buy a walker and see if baby tries standing alone and moving that way. If not, I wouldn't be encouraging baby to do this; usual behaviour to a 5/6 month old is rolling and sitting.

others may disagree so another answer may be helpful xx
Thanks for your response! He is actually able to stand on his own already but just not balance. For example he can stand while holding onto my fingers or a couch or something. He has been able to support his weight since he was born. If he is holding my hands he will pull himself up to stand on his own but as I mentioned only just started taking his wobbly little steps. I have also heard not to walk babies that is why I am concerned. I don't want to hinder him learning to crawl at all, but he really wants to get places and seems able to with a little help to balance. My brother walked at 9 months so I wonder if he is just prepping to be an early walker. Is it true they can get bow-legged from walking too soon?
The bowlegged thing is a myth!

Sounds like you've got a very eager little boy, my DD is 10.5 months and she's walking assisted with one hand atm and standing up without holding on to anything.. I've got no other experience to base ages off though xxx
My LO could also support her weight from birth and liked to stand holding onto our hands from a very young age. Then when she was 6 months she learned how to crawl and lost all interest in standing, I guess she figured crawling was a much faster mode of transportation. She never was really that into cruising either. Early on we thought for sure she would be an early walker, but she was 11 1/2 months when she took her first steps unassisted and then was walking confidently a couple of weeks later.

Crawling is important for developing coordination and core strength, but there are many babies who bum scoot or just never crawl before walking and I'm sure they develop into fully functional adults, so I wouldn't worry too much about whether or not he crawls or for how long. I wouldn't try to hurry him to start walking, but if he enjoys taking some steps holding onto your hands then I also wouldn't discourage it either.
Thanks! Jess I thought my daughter was going to be an early walker too because she had strong legs, but she didn't actually walking until 13 months. I wonder if Rowan will also lose interest in walking once he crawls too.

I'm glad to hear the bowlegged thing is a myth. I tried to make Rowan sit today and he just kept his legs straight so he could stand and practice walking instead. He really seems to be into it right now so hopefully it is not wrong for me to let him!
I'd say he probably knows what he's doing, I think generally if you combine following his cues with trusting your instincts, it's hard to go wrong.

BTW my little sister was one of those babies who never crawled, she bum-scooted until she walked! Turned out fine haha. :)
I would go with babies lead they all do things at different stages

My DD was a very strong baby even the Dr said the day after she was born and she was pushing up on her arms whilst laying on her tummy for checks! She could roll onto her side from the word go (so sleeping on her back was an issue!)

She was walking totally unaided at 10 months - 1st steps before then - she is now running around, climbing like a mountain goat :wacko:
I think you aren't supposed to try to get them finger walking if they aren't already pulling up and standing on their own as their joints and muscles aren't ready for it. Ours would walk holding onto our hands for a little bit from around maybe 11 months or so. She started to pull up to stand and cruise at 8 months, but didn't walk on her own until 15 months.
It really varies. My older brother was walking at 7 months, my younger brother didn't even show any interest in standing until he was 18 months. Mine all did the standing holding onto stuff/cruising along furniture for a while before taking their first steps; DS cruised at about 6 months and walked at 9 months whereas DD1 cruised from 5.5 months but didn't walk until just before her 1st birthday. We didn't "walk" them as you've described but I would guess it would be the same kind of deal, its hard to predict.
Sounds like my eldest! He started pulling up/cruising at 7 months, walked assisted by push along toys at 8 months and unassisted at 9 months. He did walk like a cowboy to start but his legs straightened out no bother within 2-3 months or so.

I would say though at 6 months maybe not encourage him too much as it's a lot of work for his muscles and pressure on his wee joints, there is no rush even if he is eager to be on his feet! :)

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