Hey ladies, just wondering what you think. I had m/c in April where I was advised to wait a month, which didn't quite work out and at 9dpo I found out that I'm pregnant again. I was wondering when I should call the doc for an appointment. Missed period would be on the 9th, and last time they didn't want to see me until I was 8 weeks. From what I hear unless there was a known reason for the m/c they don't treat you any different than any other pregnancy. I know that my EDD using LMP will be off since my "LMP" is my m/c bleeding and I ovulated a month, not 2 weeks after the start of that. I'm sure OB can get that figured out since I charted so I have quite a clean O date. If they used LMP they'd put me at EDD of Jan 31 or Feb 1 (I'd be 5weeks, 4 days) and I know it's Feb 15th (3 weeks, 4 days)
I'm thinking I'll wait until after MP and ring up for a office pregnancy test. I can explain the situation then in case they want to do a dating scan or what not...
I'm thinking I'll wait until after MP and ring up for a office pregnancy test. I can explain the situation then in case they want to do a dating scan or what not...