Came off the nuvaring in december, had been on it for around 7 years. I had a cycle of 26 days, then started measuring my bbt to determine when I ovulate and to try and determine when my period is due and learn my natural cycle. My bbt since my last period was around 36.3ish, now dropped to the 35.8 area and hasn't really gone up. Only had cervical discharge one day, around 4 days ago, which is a nice change from when I was on the nuvaring and had it everyday. I'm on day 22 of my cycle. Should I just keep charting my bbt and symptoms for a few months, or should I go see a doctor and discuss what may be causing the lack of bbt rise and CD? I'm lead to believe that no rise in bbt is a problem when TTC, husband spent 7 years making me wait before TTC, and sitting around is killing me. Cant find any info on why bbt isn't rising, or no CD, can I even get pregant? Would you wait, or see a doc now???