What was the C section like? is it easier less painful then vaginal birth?
I'm thinking about getting an elective C section I have too much anxiety about natural birth..Kind of silly but i'm afraid i'll die from the pain or something and I know labor can last hours and hours it sounds horrible to be in such pain for so long. I will surely convince them to give it to me as i'v already been on anxiety meds.
I went in wanting an all natural, no meds birth and for several reasons ended up having a c-section (which I'm actually totally okay with, it was a great experience!) I'd say if you did elective it's probably less painful because you're not dealing with hours of contractions, but the afterwards can be very painful even with meds and you aren't allowed to do a lot of normal things (like vaccuming) for the first month, which can be frustrating.
WARNING: Graphic!
I went in at midnight the morning of my sons due date because I was leaking amniotic fluiod but I was still only dilated to a 1. They said if I didn't start dilating they were going to induce... well 3 hours later I wasn't dilating so they gave me pitocin which makes your contractions 10x more painful (I was having back labor which is excruciating, I'm not sure what the regular, more common stomach contractions feel like) so since they gave me pitocin I was hooked up to fetal and contraction monitor, a saline to keep me hydrated, and the pitdrip. It's not fun trying to sleep with all those damn cords in you and the beds in the birthing room sucked! So after 3 hours I asked for something to help me sleep... it was something they put in my drip and made me drousy...I'm not sure exactly what it was but I fell asleep almost instantly. Finally my doctor came in around 10am and had a look at me. I had slept maybe 5 hours tops in the last 48 and was pretty out of it and in pain so he encouraged me to get an epidural (I was totally against them before, but OMG as soon as the anesthesiologist gave it to me I was SO relaxed... I wish I'd gotten it earlier.) Around 4pm my doctor comes in and says that I've only dilated to 4cm after 12 hours on Pitocin (when I should have been dilating .5cm every hour on pit) and there was meconium now so it'd be best to do a C-Section.
They wheeled me into the room, gave me the other numbing drug, again I can't stress how compassionate and awesome the anesthesiologist was. They tested to make sure I couldn't feel anything, put up a "privacy" shield so we couldn't see them cut me open, straped both my arms down in a "jesus" like pose... then doc. came in and began the procedure. Warning: when they cut you open they have some sort of "run off catch" for all the blood and amniotic fluid, well mine over filled and ran on the floor which freaked my husband out because he thought I was bleeding out, so warn whoever is in the room with you. It didn't hurt, obviously because of the drug, but you feel a tug/pulling sensation when they try and pull baby out. Mine was so deep down in my pelvis they had to use the vaccume. When they pulled him out I felt my body kind of arch up and then relax and I felt so light. They stitched me back up (takes about 20 minutes) and we oohed and awed over our son then they wheeled me into the recovery room where they weighed and measured him and gave me morphine and icechips. Then I was wheeled into my room to which I stayed for 3 days (this bed was sooo much more comfortable than the birthing room beds) I wasn't allowed to get out of bed for the rest of the day and they had legs compressors on my calves to stop me from getting blood clots which I had to keep on.) Having a cathider (sp?) is kinda nasty having everyone see your pee but nice not having to get out of bed
The next day my nurse came in, took the cathider out, wiped my vaginal area (you start bleeding, a lot!) and told me that I was allowed to get out of bed and encouraged me to walk around my room a bit but take it easy. They also have you pee 3 times and have them check to see how much you peed. Okay, when you first get up you will HURT. Take it slow and easy, I had my hubby stand on the side of my bed and slowly pull my legs to the side (again, very painful because when you move your legs it uses your stomach muscles) and then once my feet were on the ground I slowly leaned forward and put all my weight on him. The moment I stood up, even though I had a large industrial sized hospital pad I bled so bad it gushed onto the floor (nurse said it was normal.) Then I passed a large clot (the size of a large pad) which the doctor said was normal. The first few days I took pain meds every 4 hours (even through the night which seemed to be more painful. I slept sitting up with pillows all around me and either an ice or hot pack on my stitches... (they put a retractor on one side to hold open the cut when they deliever your baby and you tend to have more pain on that side) by the 4th day I was taking pain meds just during the day and right before bed. After 1 week I was off pain meds completely and even though you're not suppose to do pretty much anything I was cleaning and lifting around 1.5 weeks, with mild painful twinges on the right side (where they had the retractor.) By a month I felt completely healed.
They only thing I regretted was that I was stuck in bed for the first day so I wasn't able to get out of bed to change my baby (my husband did that) and when he cried I had to have someone bring him to me so that I could hold him (with the support of many pillows. Get a boppy it's amazing! Helps keep baby's weight off your tummy and scar)
Either way the pain is worth it...
Do what feels right to you.