I have also been classed as unexplained infertility, even though I have been pregnant 6 times and am currently pregnant with number 7. My problem is with miscarrying, BUT apparently in BC, they class recurrent problems with miscarriages in the same category as 'infertile.'
I have had losses anwhere from 4 weeks 4 days, to 13.5 weeks, and I have had one micro-preemie in between. Greg is currently 6, but was born at 25 weeks, weighing just over a pound. He too was unexplained.
My pregnancies have occurred naturally, and on Clomid. We have been advised to do IUI or IVF, however, we don't have the money for either.
I have had a hysteroscopy, laparoscopy, and and HSG to check for structural abnormalities. Everything was fine there. My hormone panel is normal. Good ovarian reserve etc. One slight problem is I don't ovulate EVERY month. Not abnormal though apparently, and since starting Metformin in Sept 2009, I have ovulated every month.
Hubby's SA wasn't the best. He is 37, I am 29. His came back as lower than normal, with a higher rate of deformed ones. HOWEVER, they said this wouldn't have any effect on things really, it might just take us longer to conceive.
We have done OPK's and DTD during fertile periods, and nothing. We have taken Clomid done OPKs and DTD during fertile periods, and nothing. We have done the OVWatch thing, and nothing.... We have gone years without a pregnancy, only to turn around and have one happen after only DTD once that cycle, and counting ourselves out. So we never know when it will happen, but it does, only infrequently. And then I go on to lose it normally. We are parying for a different result this time.
We were told doing IVF might be out best option and this would implant a fertilized egg into me, which would take out the problem of the sperm and egg meeting. But, like I said, we can't afford this. So we were told to buy a book called 'Coming to Terms,' meaning they think we need to come to terms with the fact that we won't have another baby.
I did get pregnant on Clomid 100mg this cycle, and we are doing everything we can to maintain this one, including doing heparin injections daily, even though there is no real evidence to say this will work. If it doesn't, we will try on our own again, and if we get a BFP again, we will try IVIG, as long as the Dr can get us special coverage for it.
If that doesn't work, we will try a sperm donor, but it would have to be a friend, and it would have to be done the 'natural' way. If that didn't work, then I guess we would be out. We could try to inject DH's blood into me, so my body knows what its looking for so it can protect any potential babies, but that seems to be a bit out there.