Who naturally induced labour? Tell me about it...


New mummy to baby girl
Jun 11, 2011
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So I'm 40+3, DD was born 40+4 bit of had days of signals etc inc mucus, show, contractions.

Got nothing at the minute to indicate labour even close!

Would like to naturally persuade labour lets say.

Any successes???
Walk, lots of walking! And then cook a roast dinner, am fully convinced I essentially smoked my son out by standing over the cooker mashing potatoes/making sauces etc! Lol!
I tried everything to get my 2 out (especially my second, I had 3 sweeps and even tried castor oil!) but was still induced at +11 and +13 days :dohh: A friend of mine swears walking put her into labour but she was 3cm already!
I like to think I induced my own labour, though it may well have just been coincidence! I got to 40+4 and had NO signs whatsoever, so my friend lent me her bottle of clary sage oil and that night I made a really strong bath with it, then massaged it into my belly ... by the morning, I was having definite pains, by midnight I was in hospital, and my daughter was born the following day at 40+6!
Walking! I am convinced I walked myself into labour with my second! It was a horrible day, absolutely pouring down but I decided DS1 and I were going to spend the day walking anyway. We got our waterproofs and wellies on and we literally walked from 9.30am until gone 4pm, we jumped in puddles and ran between shelters. 6pm I was getting contractions and DS2 arrived early hours xx
On the excercise ball, walking, walking up and down stairs, spicy food - not really working :-( x
This may have been coincidence, but I started drinking several cups of Raspberry Leaf tea on a Friday and went into labor Monday morning at exactly 38 weeks.
Walking did it for me too! I went for a long walk on the Friday evening-started feeling lots of pressure while walking. Came home, went to the toilet and saw my bloody show. Went into strong contractions a few minutes after, and baby was born the next morning!
Miles of walking (from 30 weeks on), bouncing on ball, castor oil (per midwife's recommendation - don't know if I'd do it again!! Morning of June 6th at 40+3) sex & orgasm (June 7th a bit before midnight). Had my baby 3 hours later :thumbup:
I was told to do lots of walking, but I don't think it made much difference. DD was born on her due date and DS1 was born at 40+2 so I didn't expect to go too far overdue.. DS2 was 11 days late! I walked LOADS during the pregnancy and kept vey active, but as my due date got closer (and then passed) I literally never sat down! Lol. My waters broke as I was walking to the nursery with my sister to collect our girls. We also went out for a 2 hour walk that evening as I didn't start having contractions.. Ended up in hospital the next morning on the drip to induce my contractions.
With DD1 I went into labour a couple of hours after DTD :blush:

With DD2 my waters went and contractions were on and off and they were going to induce me the following morning. I really didn't want to be induced so I tried nipple stimulation (read about it in Ina May's book) and it really worked. I wouldn't freely recommend though it as it was very powerful and I only did it as I was about to to be induced anyway!
Well I've tried DTD, bouncing, RLT, walking, spicy food and I'm about to go into 41w and my DD was 40+4 so I'm wondering why this baby doesn't want to come out...
He/she will! Really soon. This July will be the month you will meet your new LO. It sucks though, I know. :(
I'm thinking should I try nipple stimulation / expressing to move things along??
At this stage, I don't think there's any harm in trying anything you want to. Baby is more than ready for life on the outside. Come on out LO! :D
With some of mine I've had signs (a show etc) with others I've just gone into labour with no warning signs.
Hope baby comes soon for you x
With DD1 @ 40+4 - 2 bus rides, bumpy drive in 4x4, walking and sex at midnight. Woke up at 4am with contractions.

With DD2 @ 39+6 - 4 hours walking around town, sanding my bed and painting it. Woke up at 2am with contractions. Also used EPO from 36 weeks (even inserted 10 capsules at 39 weeks).
Still waiting over in third tri. Now 8 days over.

Yesterday - nipple stimulation, squats, hours of bouncing on a gym ball - a thoroughly brisk walk for 40 minutes - which was more of a power walk / slow jog etc and nothing :(

I have around 5 RLTs a day...
I did some gardening at MIL's house, sweeping, floor scrubbing etc to help her out. 6.45pm that night my waters went!!! I was 40+12

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