do you have a way of telling when you are ovulating?
I use and check my Cervical Mucous, Cervical Position, and Basal Body Temp everyday. I would suggest trying it you want to know when you ovulate! You can pick up a BBT thermometer at Walgreens (don't use a regular thermometer since they really aren't accurate enough). Temping vaginally is the best way to get the most accurate temps.
I started temping in April and I LOVE it. I always just checked my CM and CP before, which always told me when ovulation was near, but didn't tell me if it happened or not.
Sometimes the body tries to ovulate and fails- and with my irregular cycles, it's likely that will happen on occasion. My doctor suggested testing: A: to see if I may have PCOS, and B: because I skipped two periods at the beginning of this year and couldn't figure out why I kept getting a
every time I tested! (I really thought I was PG when in actuality I just wasn't ovulating!)
BBT in conjunction with the rest gives me a VERY accurate idea of exactly what's going on by telling me exactly when ovulation has happened- pretty much to the DAY.
This is what I have figured out about my body through Cervix checks and temping: I get EWCM for up to a week and a half before ovulation, and a couple days before ovulation my cervix gets so high I can hardly reach it, my temp drops and I ovulate, then my temp rises as the Progesteron kicks in.
I chart at the exact same time every day (I set an alarm), so when i see the temp drop, I know I have either VERY recently O'd or am just about to.
As far as BD'ing goes:
As soon as I see EWCM I make sure me and my SO
every day if we can. They say that you should BD: Every fertile days, The day you O, AND The 2 days after you O as well. You'll learn how your body works and be able to decide what works for you!
The reason I try to BD every day starting the VERY FIRST DAY I have EWCM (even if that's for 10 days!) is because my cycle is irregular and sometimes the EWCM only lasts 3-4 days before ovulation- and those little
guys can live 3-4 days! So if you have fertile Cervical Mucous, you should always BD!
I hope that helps! Good luck, hun!