YAY the first to arrive with a Bump in the second Tri!!!!!!


Mum of 2 - PG with No.3
Sep 1, 2006
Reaction score
:lol: :lol:

Only me!!!!!!!

Well I am the first second trimesterer here, YAY!!!!! :D

But you aint getting my big ugly bump in the bump piccy :( it aint even a bump yet! :oops:

Looking forward to this board setting up!!!

And chatting to lovely, friendly people :wink: :wink:

BRING IT ON................. :!:
Another second trimesterer here (is that a word?)

I am nearly into number three though! Does that make me the first due, New Year's Eve



PS I couldnt put my picture in, I don't know how :?
LynnieH said:
Another second trimesterer here (is that a word?)

I am nearly into number three though! Does that make me the first due, New Year's Eve



PS I couldnt put my picture in, I don't know how :?


I have no idea if trimesterer is a word :? but it sounds good :lol:

Sadly there is someone else that is due in 8 weeks, so that makes you the second due on this forum so far, YAY!!!!!!!!

Blimey New Years Eve...............if you hurry you may get a drink in for the new year :wink:

Wishing you a healthy & happy pregnancy hun xx
I will be 21 weeks this Saturday so I am about 6 weeks from my 3rd trimester. Going in on January 5th to have my baby if all works out as planned. So I'm right behind you lyn
I suppose I am cheating really but I am probably going to have an elective CS. I had a three day labour with ds and finally delivered by emergancy cs. It was very traumatic and I don't remember much about his actual birth.
It is my decision if I want to have the cs and I recovered really well last time so I think this will be better for me. Plus ds was 9lb 2oz.

If the section goes ahead it will be around 38 weeks on 18th December.

My due date is actually January 13th but I am going in on January 5th for my c-section. Sorry to hear about your labor with your ds. Not sure as to when exactly I went in labor with my ds since I wasn't even aware that my contraction where 3 minutes apart. I actually had called the doctor because everytime I was done going to the bathroom it hurt. The nurse tried to tell me it was a bladder infection which I disagreed with after 20 minutes of trying to convince her that this was not my probably I started screaming at her. I was only in the hospital for 4 hours before my ds was born.
LynnieH said:
I suppose I am cheating really but I am probably going to have an elective CS. I had a three day labour with ds and finally delivered by emergancy cs. It was very traumatic and I don't remember much about his actual birth.
It is my decision if I want to have the cs and I recovered really well last time so I think this will be better for me. Plus ds was 9lb 2oz.

If the section goes ahead it will be around 38 weeks on 18th December.


Oh WOW........that was some birth hun (((HUGS)))

I think I would like an elective too under those circumstances, as I said in another post, it is the epidural not working that is my biggest fear!!!

I really hope things go as you would like hun and I hope this birth is a lot easier and not so tiring for you as the last one was, and as a result you get to remember it a bit more xx
I am due on the 21st of december but I am going in on the 14th to have a c-section. My son was 2 weeks late, had to be induced, then 45 HOURS later they decided on a c-section!! So this time they are just going to do it!! Doesn't help that he was 10 lbs at birth!! Hopefully this girl won't weigh that much!! Good luck to you all!! :D
EthansMom04 said:
I will be 21 weeks this Saturday so I am about 6 weeks from my 3rd trimester. Going in on January 5th to have my baby if all works out as planned. So I'm right behind you lyn

Good luck again babe.......you're soon on the last run of this pregnancy :wink:
mommyx2 said:
I am due on the 21st of december but I am going in on the 14th to have a c-section. My son was 2 weeks late, had to be induced, then 45 HOURS later they decided on a c-section!! So this time they are just going to do it!! Doesn't help that he was 10 lbs at birth!! Hopefully this girl won't weigh that much!! Good luck to you all!! :D

I am feeling left out here I aint planning a C-Section (I Aint really please dont make me have one *Prays*).......

OMG.....no wonder you are having a section.........but I bet you are having it early to get that Xmas drinkies and dinner in eh?! :wink:

I hope it all goes well hun and congrats on having a little girl, I bet you are made up with already having a little boy?! xx
I am hoping that because my last month actually runs over the holidays that it will go real fast and that I will be to busy to be miserable like I was with my son.
You've found me out! Cs on the 18th, home for xmas and my mum and dad comnig over from where they live in Holland to do xmas lunch and organise everything for the holidays.

The only problem is my darling husband not getting on with my dad and the out laws being in competition with my parents. Obviously with my parenets bein away most of the time they think thy have exclusive rights to the family when their here. My outlaws were on holiday when ds was born and want to make up for it by REALLY hlping out this time. There mat be trouble ahead.

EthansMom04 said:
I am hoping that because my last month actually runs over the holidays that it will go real fast and that I will be to busy to be miserable like I was with my son.

I am sure it will go fast hun, I am hoping the same for me as it is only weeks after xmas we will have to get everythng sorted..........
LynnieH said:
You've found me out! Cs on the 18th, home for xmas and my mum and dad comnig over from where they live in Holland to do xmas lunch and organise everything for the holidays.

The only problem is my darling husband not getting on with my dad and the out laws being in competition with my parents. Obviously with my parenets bein away most of the time they think thy have exclusive rights to the family when their here. My outlaws were on holiday when ds was born and want to make up for it by REALLY hlping out this time. There mat be trouble ahead.


Blimey woman, you're gonna be busy, can you fit having the baby in :wink: :lol:

Hope there is no trouble in store for you *fingers crossed* families eh? :roll:
Looks like alot of us are going to be busy busy busy over the holidays. If not having our babies then preparing for there arrival.
Yeah like christmas isn't hard enough work (although I love every second of it).......I think it is really exciting all round, a good holiday, new year, new baby...................what more could we ask for?!
Oh yeah.................................NICE PRESENTS LOL! :wink:
Just been reading through old posts and this one was right at the end of the list. Are any of these ladies still on here?

Becka x
Just been reading through old posts and this one was right at the end of the list. Are any of these ladies still on here?

Becka x

:haha::haha::haha::haha::dohh::dohh: This thread confused the hell out of me till I saw your post and noticed that dates! :rofl:

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