Your baby's story so far...


May 5, 2014
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Name: Zachary Conrad
Known as: Zach, Zachy, Zachybobs
Age: 12 weeks 6 days
Brief birth details: Born 38w5d by induction, ventouse delivery, 5 days in special care for breathing difficulty

Milestones and achievements

Physical: Holding head up mostly on his own. Batting at hanging toys. Very strong kicks! Fitting in 3-6 clothes
Yet to: Make any attempt to roll, master or enjoy tummy time
Social: Tonnes of huge smiles, giggles, coos, squeals, loads of eye contact
Yet to: I think he's totally on track

Special achievements

Zach has battled with severe reflux and multiple health issues meaning he can barely sleep since birth. He's on a tonne of meds and sometimes is desperate for just a few minutes of sleep. Yet he's got the most beautiful smile and still has a sense of humour.

Likes and dislikes

Food likes: Breastmilk
Food dislikes: Neocate
Fave toys: Floor gym, kick gym, talking Eeyore, hanging crab, cuddly frog
Fave activities: Looking at me while I make various sounds, swimming, massage, tickles
Dislikes: Not being able to sleep, sudden noises, gas, reflux, pooing, tummy time, expensive swing

Describe your baby's character:
Zach is a sensitive boy who enjoys a lot of interaction and needs a lot of love. He's really good fun and loves to giggle, and finds silliness hilarious
Name: Jasmine Mae
Known as: Jazzy Mae, Jazzy Bear, Jazmo, Jazz, Jazzy
Age: 19 weeks
Brief birth details: Born 7 minutes before my due date via induction. 7 hours of labor. 1 hour of pushing.

Milestones and achievements

Physical: Long hair although balding in some spots, big Brown eyes from mama, dimples and cleft chin from dad, ears pierced, bears weight on feet, can drag herself forward while on tummy.
Clothes: some 0-3, 3 months, 6 months in jackets, 0-3 and 3-6 in shoes.
Yet to: crawl, walk and talk
Social: she's a flirt. She loves people. she looks and smiles and sometimes laughs at everyone she sees.

Special achievements

Just the other day she had made the connection with spoon and food. I've been giving her tastes of solids for a couple weeks now. She opens her mouth wide when spoon is placed close to mouth. When she is given a spoon to hold, she will put it in her mouth. So proud!

Likes and dislikes

Food likes: Breastmilk, cereal and sweet potatoes
Food dislikes: Not sure.
Fave toys: None.
Fave activities: Going on walks, tummy time, being read to, swinging, slides
Dislikes: When I yawn.

Describe your baby's character:
Smart, happy, silly, social, flirt, independent, beautiful baby girl that is mine. ❤❤❤
Jazz is absolutely gorgeous! Our of interest, when did her eyes turn brown? My little guy has dimples and a cleft chin too :)
Name: See signature
Known as: Baby Angel, Pea
Age: 14 months on September 11th
Brief birth details: Born at 40+6 following natural-onset labour, but needed waters breaking and stronger contractions induced after she got stuck for several hours back to back at 9.5 cm dilation. Weighed 8lb 15 oz!

Milestones and achievements

Physical: Has been walking since 12 months. Recently developed backward protective reflexes and can catch herself if she falls backwards.
Yet to: Sit straight up from lying down, though she is trying! Prefers to roll over and push herself up.
Social: Is going through a shy stage, but is generally a friendly, happy little girl who has 10-15 words and enjoys the company of others.
Yet to: Pronounce a word completely accurately!

Special achievements

N suffered with an undiagnosed tongue tie for the first 4.5 months of her life and consistently went on nursing strike, but following treatment, learned to love the breast and is still nursing to this day.

Likes and dislikes

Food likes: Breastmilk, quiche, pasta, peas, broccoli, baked beans, cheese ... anything really.
Food dislikes: She's not massively keen on tomatoes.
Fave toys: Threading beads, stacking rings, flap books, anything she can fill or empty.
Fave activities: Toddling, climbing, reading together.
Dislikes: Having to stay still or have a nap!

Describe your baby's character:
N is an easygoing, merry little character, with a mischievous, hilarious nature and a wonderful sense of humour. She regularly charms the socks off people - mostly older ladies in the supermarket, though men have been known to fall prey to her cuteness too ... lol!
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Name: Finn Thomas
Known as: Finn, Monkey
Age: 12 months on September 12th! :cry:
Brief birth details: Born 37+4 after my waters broke unexpectedly. Contractions came fast and powerful, when examined found his foot was in the birth canal and he was coming the wrong way. Rushed off for an emergency c section and then he was here!

Milestones and achievements

Physical: Just about to shift into 12-18 month clothes. Cruising, trying to shape sort and putting objects inside things, crawling.
Yet to: No steps or independent standing, or walking.
Social: Waving, clapping, giving kisses, some mimicking. No real 'words' but still lots of babbling. Mumumum, dadadada, babababa, etc.

Special achievements

He has pretty bad lip tie. Suffered a lot when we were breastfeeding and even when he went on to have issues bottlefeeding. He now has a mega gap between his front teeth which I hope will close up in time, but wow. :haha:

Likes and dislikes

Food likes: Apples, grapes, raisins, banana, chicken with veggies.. Bread, cheese. Macaroni cheese with broccoli and cauliflower is his absolute favourite ever.
Food dislikes: Veggies that aren't spoonfed to him. Have a piece of steamed carrot on its own and feed it to himself? No way. :dohh: :haha:
Fave toys: Fisher Price crawl around car. I always look and he's sitting in there pretending to drive. :haha:
Fave activities: Throwing things, getting into things he's not supposed to, 'investigating' and discovering whatever new objects he can. Terrorising the dog! Reading.
Dislikes: Loud noises, he'll crawl really fast to me crying for comfort. Strangers touching him... Doctor had to feel his belly and he screamed the place down. :haha:

Describe your baby's character:
Finn is a cheeky little so and so who can get away with most things because he's just so stinking cute! Very curious and very active, and just a wonderful clever little boy. :cloud9:
Name: Amelie Grace
Known as: Beautiful girl
Age: 12 days
Brief birth details: Born 39+4 after induction due to unstable lie. Natural delivery on gas and air after 2 hours established labour

Milestones and achievements

Physical: Learning to control head, putting fingers in mouth so discovering hands.
Fitting in up to 1 month
Yet to: Hold head up clear of ground, grasp objects with hands.
Social: Looking in direction of people talking
Yet to: Follow people with eyes, smile

Special achievements

Getting back up to birth weight at 10 days old

Likes and dislikes

Food likes: Breastmilk
Food dislikes: N/A too young for anything else
Fave toys: Swing
Fave activities: Cuddles, bathtime
Dislikes: Having to wait for bottle to warm up out of fridge (we exclusively express as had latching issues)

Describe your baby's character:
Amelie is a content baby who only cries when tired or waiting for a bottle but is easily settles so doesn't cry much.
Name: Dominic Aidan

Known as: Dominic / dominomonic / roo

Age: 6 months old in a few days time

Brief birth details: in labour for 42 hours, he started to get distressed so they took me for a csection, my epidural was only working on one side so they tipped me to even it, we didn't realise his cord was bundled by his head (hence the slow progress and distress) and tipping me squished his cord, his heart date plummeted and stayed down, I was put to sleep and he was born.

Milestones and achievements

• sits
• rolls everywhere

• 6-9m
• some 9-12 (sob!)

Yet to:
• crawl
• learn to drive

• says hiya and dada.
• Never stops chattering

Yet to:
• sleep through

Special achievements
• Saying dada

Likes and dislikes

Food likes:
• strawberries
• sweet potato
• kiwi

Food dislikes:
• banana

Fave toys:
• sophie Le giraffe
• mammys phone
• the remote

Fave activities:
• playing "oops I dropped my baby!"
• finger puppets

• his nose cleaned
• his face cleaned

Describe your baby's character:
• the craziest baby ever
• such fun

Name: Ella Marie
Known as: Ella girl, Baby Girl, Wiggle Butt, Giggle butt
Age: 4.5 Months
Brief birth details: Born at 39w4d. Water broke that morning, had her by 11:35pm. She was sunny side up which delayed things a tiny bit.

Milestones and achievements

Physical: Holds head up, rolls back to belly, kind of figuring out belly to back.
Yet to: Still figuring out belly to back
Social: Loves to talk, smile, giggle, look around
Yet to: She's where she should be

Special achievements

Learning how to breastfeed without the nipple shield.

Likes and dislikes

Food likes: Breastmilk
Food dislikes: N/A
Fave toys: Crinkly butterlfy, giraffe stuffed animal, her pink ball thingy
Fave activities: Looking around, "flying", rolling, eating
Dislikes: Going to bed, being hungry, being ignored

Describe your baby's character:
Happy baby, always smiling or giggling. Definitely a daddy's girl.
Name: Brand Craig
Known as: Sweet pea, Baby B, Baby boy
Age: 2.5 Months
Brief birth details: Born at 40+4. Back waters broke at 40+2. In labor for 34 hours. Induced with Pitocin 16 hours before delivery. I had no pain medication. I will tell you that Piton is horrible. I went through a lot of pain for the last 16 hours. I just set my mind to go natural and I stuck to it.

Milestones and achievements

Physical: Holds head up very well
Yet to: Figure out how to roll
Social: Loves to coo, laugh, smile, look at faces
Yet to: N/A

Special achievements

Starting to sit up unassisted in a chair

Likes and dislikes

Food likes: Breastmilk
Food dislikes: N/A
Fave toys: Anything that makes noise and he can hit. Hanging toys
Fave activities: Eating, looking at bright colors or anything for that matter
Dislikes: Going to bed, being tired, being hungry

Describe your baby's character:
So happy, overjoyed to just be alive, smiles constantly, very content
Your baby's story so far...

Name: Rohan Thomas Rooney-Bell
Known as: rohan, mummy's little soldier, my miracle
Age: 8 months
Brief birth details: Born 36+5 after spontaneous labour started the day before. Waters went at 2:30am that day and no progress by 11am so emcs. Spent 3 days in nicu due to breathing problems, strep b and severe jaundice.

Milestones and achievements

Physical: just learned to roll both ways and can sit solo for a few seconds
Yet to: Sit solo properly, get into hands and knees/crawl
Social: Very very smiley and sociable baby who grins at everyone
Yet to: Say anything bar bababa and squeeling

Special achievements

Rohans special achievement is simply being alive. He's had a rough 8 months starting at 12 days old when he almost died and spent 3 weeks in PICU (5 on life support) battling hypothermia, rsv/bronchioitis,pneumonia, collapsed lung and a bacterial infection. Then a few months later sepsis of te kidney with a severe uti as kidney infection finding out in the process that he has a duplex kidney and ureter wth grade 5 hudronephrosis and a ureterocele which he had surgery on in July and is on daily antibiotics because of. Then diagnosed with cmpi and now suspected asthma. He's been in hospital a few more times than that ad in and out of gp and out of hours. He's a little miracle fighter who was simply meant to be here.

Likes and dislikes

Food likes: Rice, potatoes, fruit, bread
Food dislikes: banana
Fave toys: Junparoo and anything he can get his hands on
Fave activitieS: singing and dancing with mummy. Junparoo time and trying to walk while holding our hands.
Dislikes: bed time, inhaler time, not being picked up all the time

Describe your baby's character:
rohan is full of love and is the happiest baby I know. He finds everything hilarious and already dotes on his big brothers. His larger than life personality I hope is here to stay. My little miracle fighter ❤️❤️
Name: Hannah Lucy
Known as: Hannah or Hannah Banana
Age: 10 months
Brief birth details: Induction at 41+5, as soon as waters were broken contractions started. Labour was 1hr 44mins. Gas and air for pain relief.

Milestones and achievements

Physical: Can walk across the room unaided (still quite wobbly), stands unaided for ages, climbs up the slide and can get self on and off the seesaw!
Yet to: Stand up unassisted (ie. Without pulling up on sonething)
Social: says alot of 'words' that are really just jibberish. She woofs when she sees a dog (or most other animals) and says 'gog' for dog, bye, nice, and hiya.
Yet to: say mum or dad (in context)

Special achievements

I feel like my LO has been very lucky and hasnt been faced with many challenges. I think her most special achievement so far has been sttn... Once... And never again :/

Likes and dislikes

Food likes: everything!
Food dislikes: cucumber
Fave toys: barbies, shopping trolley, playmobil, shopkins (basically everything that belongs to her sisters)
Fave activities: puting small items into the fireplace, pushing things around (trolley, buggy etc) dancing to music, climbing on me! Playing in the bath/shower
Dislikes: not getting what she wants, having no food left, getting out of the bath, sleeping.

Describe your baby's character:

Hannah has a very fiery temper. She throws mega tantrums when she doesnt get her own way. She is very quick to let you know when she isnt happy. Alot of her day is spent whinging and trying to cling on to me.
On the other hand, she is very inquisitive, observant, curious and smart. She learns concepts very quickly and tried to copy what everyone does.
She is quite strange with people she doesnt know, and you have to work hard to get a smile. Unless you are close family, then she smiles alot. She is such a ham, and loves to act silly especially when shr knows people are watching.
Name: Alistair
Known as: Al, Ali, gorgeous, chubs
Age: 10 1/2 months
Brief birth details: After getting stuck at 6cm i had emcs due to no heartbeat, resus 3 times!!

Milestones and achievements

Physical: Crawling & walking with furniture, also climbing.

Yet to: Walk unaided
Social: Very vocal says dad, sacey, didi for dogs, is it etc
Yet to: say mummy!!!!!

Special achievements

Alistair special achievement is been alive, he died during my labour and i count my lucky stars every day hes alive.

Likes and dislikes

Food likes: Everything especially steak.
Food dislikes: Bread.
Fave toys: A paint brush lol
Fave activities: Playgroup, seeing his friends
Dislikes: the word 'no' lol

Describe your baby's character:

The most amazing pleasent and gorgeous baby ever!!
Thank you!! :) Her eyes were black at birth. to be honest, I don't remember when they turned Brown!
Name: Clementine Hazel
Known as: Clem, Clemmy, Clem Wem, Cutie Baby (Lachie's nickname for her :cloud9:)
Age: Almost 5 months(!!)
Brief birth details: Born at 40+6 after a stretch and sweep. Born naturally, at home. 6lb 6oz and 52.5cm long.

Milestones and achievements

Physical: Rolling from tummy to back since 9 weeks, but can't be bothered most of the time :haha:, reaching for toys, almost sitting supported, can do well at tummy time if she wants to (but naughty mummy doesn't put her on her tummy nearly enough!). Rolling on to her side, but not quite yet to her tummy. Shaking rattles. Fits in to 3-6m mostly but still some 0-3m depending on how generous it is.
Yet to: Roll on to tummy. Pass toys between hands.
Social: Big smiles, squeals, "talking", screeching, laughs (when she feels like it haha), babbles (bababa, mamama).
Yet to: She seems to be on the right track :)

Likes and dislikes

Food likes: Breastmilk
Food dislikes:
Fave toys: Cuddly giraffe, play gym, rattles, soft book with crinkly leaves
Fave activities: Eating :lol:, cuddles, playing with toys, pulling daddy's facial hair, people watching - especially her brother!
Dislikes: Naps, cuddles with people she doesn't know very well, when mummy is trying to make dinner and she has to wait for her food!

Describe your baby's character:
Clementine is a very sociable baby - if it is the right time of day, she will charm you with massive smiles and squeals. But hand her over to someone she doesn't know, and her lip will start quivering and it's allll over :rofl:

She is incredibly nosy and has started turning her body around when she's lying down just so she can keep track of what's going on (whether this is to see the TV or to find out where I have gone, it's pretty cute!).

She can be very impatient and her mood can change with a snap of your fingers!
Ooh interesting thread! :)

Name: Inara Elizabeth
Known as: Inara, Innie Minnie, Minnie
Age: 11 days
Brief birth details: Born at 39+5, 7 lbs 7oz, 19 in., vaginal labor, 26 hr labor. Went home 2 days later

Milestones and Achievements

None really, as of yet... it's still very early days. I will say though, she's quite an easy going baby.

Special Achievements

None yet

Likes and dislikes:
Cuddles, hugs, she really loves and is soothed by kisses and storytime. She very much dislikes tummy time!

Describe my baby's character:
Inara is generally quiet and calm unless she needs something. She coos once in a while and smiles but generally only when receiving kisses. She did not cry when she was born. She wailed a little and silently looked around the room. She's something :)

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