your c-section experiances


Just had my second baby
Dec 1, 2007
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Im having a c-section on the 14th jan 08 and am feeling very anxious about the whole thing, the funny thing is iv had one c-section before but due to it being an emergancy i wasnt given a spinal i was put to sleep and do not remember any of the experiance i just remember what came after waking up. :wacko:

if anyone on here has had a c-section and been awake for the procedure i would love to hear your experiance and how it felt when they were doing it as im very much "in the dark" about it and feel that if u all tell me about your experiances i might know what to expect a bit more than i do now. :cry:

hope to hear from all u c-section mamas and thanks in advance.
Have had 3 sections ,all with spinal anaesthetic . Found them quite a good experience, rather odd walking down to theatre knowing you were going to have a baby. .Once spinal was in, they put in a urinary catheter and prepared the busy end. Then hubby came in. Soon got baby out, could feel tugging but no pain. Not sure what else you were wondering about?
hi have had 4 sections u walk down to theatre there they put in drip in ur hand then u sit on table while they put in the spinal its quite a weird feeling as they are putting it in and is important that u keep still while they are doing so,
once thats in they help u lay down u may feel tingling in ur legs as the anesthetic begins to work they put up screen infront of ur face get ur partner in then no less than 10 mins ur baby is out the rest of the time is stitching u back up
didnt feel any pain just a lil tugging
I cried all the way to theatre. It wasnt planned for me to have a c-section originally so I think it was adapting to the fact I had been robbed of my birth plan etc.

Once in the theatre I had a really good experience. The theatre staff were so so friendly and didnt do any thing that I wasnt aware of. The also explained the feelings i'd feel as the injected into the spine etc.

It feels a little uncomfortable when they are putting the spinal into your back but nothing wich would make you scream out in pain. I suppose it a little like being poked in the back quite hard and a stinging feeling as the anesthetic goes in. A bit like a bee sting. It can make you feel sickly and its very normal but if you do feel sick just say and they will give you some anti sickness stuff via your canular. I was sick from it and had to have this twice.

Once the anesthetic kicked in and they get to work it feels like some one tugging your insides as your belly is being wobbled about...

Baby is out within 10 - 15 mins and as Shamrock said the lenghty process is sticthing you back up again...

You will have a cafeter for your first day/night coming out of theatre and the hospital staff will make sure you are kept clean, i thought it would be really embarrasing but by this time that many have looked at your you know what you dont actually care.

The worst part about it all for me was the second day as the anesthetic left my system i was left with an awful ache and the pain hit me on the second day. I had my C-Section on saturday and have managed to reduce the pain killers on the 5th day. I just take them as I feel I need them now.

Sorry about the essay. Hope it gives you some peice of mind.
congrats babybean and shamrockgirl!!:crib:

how are you bending now? I mean, can u bend and pick up your baby?
Have u been advised on ow long before u can drive?

congrats again!
I had c section in march this year. Booked for 8am buy cos of all the emergencies we didn't get into theatre till 6pm something. Felt some tugging around but no pain. Discharged myself from hospital the next day.
Well as we all know mine was an emergency section.. I wasn't too sure what to expect. They kind of told me along the way what was happening. I was having contractions when they did my spinal (I was laying on my side when they did it) so I wasn't paying to much attention to that. But I felt releif when the tingling started and I coudlnt feel my painful contractions.
THey rolled me onto my back and by that point my legs were starting to go numb. Then they put in the catheter and started prepping my tummy. I did get sick though and I threw up but they knew it was going to happen. The room spun for a few minutes because my blood pressure went up from the meds.
They then brought jay in and we were behind the screen. They started the procedure and I could feel them pulling and tugging. It wasn't painful but it was uncomfortable. Only once did I feel a smidgen of pain. Afterwards was the worst for me. I could hardly sit up... But the procedure is nothing to worry about. It is very quick although it does feel like it takes forever! Don't worry too much :) If you arn't grossed out by ER type stuff you could watch how it's done on Youtube lol I was curious and watched how they do it... very fascinating!
congrats babybean and shamrockgirl!!:crib:

how are you bending now? I mean, can u bend and pick up your baby?
Have u been advised on ow long before u can drive?

congrats again!

Thanks :hugs:

Been advised 6 weeks not to drive but im going to double check with my car insurance as I know some car insurance companies say you have to allow 8 weeks.

I've not been to bad in regards to looking after LO its getting out of bed and sitting up thats the trouble. It just feels really tight at one side but Midwife says its healing nicely so i'll take her word for it.
Thanks :hugs:

Been advised 6 weeks not to drive but im going to double check with my car insurance as I know some car insurance companies say you have to allow 8 weeks.

I've not been to bad in regards to looking after LO its getting out of bed and sitting up thats the trouble. It just feels really tight at one side but Midwife says its healing nicely so i'll take her word for it.

i dont drive but think its 6 wks like babybean said hurt like hell the first week especially getting up from lying down but im much better now even been walking rd town etc im beginning to feel like the old me again and i fitted bk into my jeans yesterday yey
I was wondering about c-sections too since my doctor keeps talking like i'm having one, so is the spinal really painful? Sounds ridiculous but I think i'm more concerned about that since I hate needles lol. Also, I can't stand stuff like blood or knowing they're cutting me open, does anyone know at all if you can choose to have a general anesthetic?
u cant choose a general anesthetic thats one thing i do know, i had an emergancy c-section 6 years ago and the only reason they gave me the general was because babys heart was dropping rapidly and there was no time to wait on spinal so they just put me to sleep, a general is also risky for the baby and is only done if there is no other choice and also i wouldnt opt for a general again if i had the choice because when i came round from it i was so groggy and also in alot of pain as they dont give u painkillers until u wake up and i found it very hard to concerntrate on the baby and felt i missed out on a bond as i dont remeber him being born, thanks for all the advice ladies i am feeling much better about having my section now and im gonna check out utube too x
I was wondering about c-sections too since my doctor keeps talking like i'm having one, so is the spinal really painful? Sounds ridiculous but I think i'm more concerned about that since I hate needles lol. Also, I can't stand stuff like blood or knowing they're cutting me open, does anyone know at all if you can choose to have a general anesthetic?

the spinal isnt really painful just a weird sort of feeling as its going in for me the drip in my hand hurt more
My friend and me had elective sections on the same day! She did choose to have a general as she was so scared, but i think it is usual to have a spinal. I think the thought of it is worse than the actual procedure. I found that the drop in blood pressure which made me vomit much worse!. It went all over their instruments!
I don't think I would choose to have a general, just wondering for an option since I tend to get faint around blood, needles, lots of things in a hospital lol. But I think i'd regret doing it and missing the birth of my babies. Good to know the spinals not too painful, I just get myself so worked up about these things lol
i wouldnt choose a general - it takes a lot longer to recover froma general. When I had another op before it took me about two weeks to get over the anaesthetic itself - just kept feeling so tired and falling asleep!!

I also have been advised to discuss C section / vaginal birth with my doc, as I have a condition with virtually guarantees I am going to tear a lot. Great. I keep changing my mind about which i feel would be best so I jsut hope the doc can tell me which i should choose!!!
i dont drive but think its 6 wks like babybean said hurt like hell the first week especially getting up from lying down but im much better now even been walking rd town etc im beginning to feel like the old me again and i fitted bk into my jeans yesterday yey

Lucky you im still wondering around in maternity jeans. Have to hold them up with a belt like but I darent even try my pre pregnancy jeans on just yet. x
Im due to have my 4th c section at the end of May, I'm not looking forward to it to be honest, but, I'm going to go with the spinal rather than the general as I want to be able to hold my baby straight away. I also had a drain put in after chloe was born and it was pretty uncomfortable, im praying it doesnt happen this time.
i think you can ask to have a general but you need to make it clear you are totally terrified and disturbed by the whole thing. I think knowing what they are doing will be the worst for me as my imagination will be running wild and adam watches to many gruesome dvd's! The problem with a general though is it goes strait to the baby too so they have to work SUPER quick as they are only usually used in emergencies and baby needs to shift quick anyhoo. I suppose if you are totally freaked out let them know that you would make it difficult for them to do it while awake as you would be super panicy and your OH wont be able to go with you if your under general.

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