7:45 breakfast, 5-6 ounces of formula plus oatmeal made up with 1-2 ounces of formula (sometimes add applesauce or cinnamon to this)
10:30 snack (can be cheese cubes, toast, banana, rusk, avocado, mango...whatever we have really)
11:45-12ish lunch 4-6 ounces of formula plus 2 cubes fruit puree
2:30 snack (same as above options though I do try to limit her to one food that I know will cause constipation a day)
4/4:30 dinner 4-6 ounces of formula plus 2 cubes veggie puree + snack if she wants (yogurt, dessert jar once in a while)
6:30 top up bottle 4-7 ounces of formula and than bed