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Your eight month olds schedule


Mommy to Megan
Sep 28, 2009
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So Isla has always been a terrible terrible sleeper, just had the 'sleep' health visitor out who was very helpful (not here to bash her at all) and said that my little ones last nap is too late and that's probably why she isn't sleeping through the night, please can someone share there sleep schedules for there eight month old?
I never let my son nap after 3pm he's one now but even at 8months that was the same I'd wake him at 3 and put him to be at 6pm he has only recently started sleeping through and nothing has changed x
I have an eight month old rubbish sleeper too! Up until a few weeks ago he was waking every 1-2 hours through the night. Now he wakes around 3 times and still has a bottle in the night.
He wakes between 6 & 7am (usually closer to 6am!). He usually has his first nap around 9am, falling asleep in the car on the way home from dropping his brother at school. This is anything from 20mins to an hour. I don't let him sleep past 10.30am though as otherwise he won't go down for his afternoon nap before we have to go back to school. He goes down for his second nap between 1pm & 1.30pm and I usually have to wake him to go to school at 2.45pm. Sometimes he'll go back to sleep in the car for an additional 20-30mins. He's in bed for 7pm and usually asleep by 7.15pm.
My DD just turned 9 months yesterday but her routine has been the same now for a while.

She usually wakes around 7 and goes for her first nap around 9.30 ish (give or take half an hour depending when she woke) she normally sleeps 1.5/2 hours. She then has her second nap from 1.30/2 until 3/3.30. She occasionally sleeps til 4 but I don't let her sleep later than that. She goes to bed at 7.30 and usually wakes once for a feed but recently she is sleeping badly at night due to teething.
W's afternoon nap is early afternoon because if I let her sleep anytime after about 4, she's a bugger to put down and doesn't get enough sleep which throws her off for the next day. She's almost 11 months but her nap schedule has been similar for a while, down for a nap about 9.30/10, sleep until 11/11.30 then down for her second nap about 2/2.30 for anywhere between 30 mins and an hour and a half xxx
My LO's 8-month sleep/eat schedule was:

8:00am wake/milk
8:30am breakfast (oatmeal, dry oat cereal, eggs)
12:00pm milk
12:15pm lunch
1:00pm nap
3:00pm wake
5:00pm milk
5:15pm dinner
7:00pm 30-min cat nap
8:00pm milk
8:30pm bed

I used babysleepsite to help me create my schedule when he was a few months old - I linked to their 8-month schedule samples, though. He's 11 months old now, and the schedule is the same, except he dropped the 7:00 nap at 9.5-10 months, and he doesn't always take his 8:00 bottle.
630 wake up
830-930 nap
1130-130 nap
330-4 nap
7 bedtime

This is very approximate. If his second nap is later and he wakes up after 2, we often forgo the last nap and go to bed a little earlier. He cosleeps and nurses himself back to sleep so we have our own myriad of sleep problems haha
We pretty much follow what Freya wants. Generally no nap after 4.30pm. Typically she goes like this

7.45 awake
11am - nap 45 minutes to an hour.
2.15 pm - nap for 30-40 minutes.

If she doesn't nap at 2ish then she usually needs another come 4pm or else she'll scream the house down. If she has her usual nap she's down to sleep for 7pm. If a late nap then it's about 8pm.

She doesn't sleep through though. Up until she went into her own room last week she was up every 2 hours in the night still breastfeeding. We moved her into her on room and the difference is amazing. Up once, twice at most to breastfeed then back to sleep.
What are naps?! :haha:

Esme fights hers something rotten. Ideally she has one 10-11 and then half 12-2. I wouldn't let her have one after 3pm for sure - not that she'd take one anyway.

E goes to bed between half 5-6 as she's totally exhausted by then and will sleep through till 6.
My little one is just over 9 months old but has followed this tough schedule for a couple of months now.

6.30-7am : wake up
9.30-11.30am : nap
2-3pm: nap
6/6.30pm : bed

She wakes 2-3 times a night to feed, but settles back to sleep easily after each feed.
Thankyou all for sharing! My lo was having her last nap of the day from 3.00-4.30 which the health visitor said was way too late, which I agree with but it's so hard as also have to do the school run and lo won't nap in her pushchair!
Today I put her down at 2.00 and she has now at 3.00 just stopped crying and has hopefully fallen to sleep, but as it's 3.00 was I supposed to get her up with no nap or let her have the nap she clearly needs?
I am so done with sleep!!
I try to not let her nap past 3pm (bedtime around 7 usually).

She just turned 8 months and is trying to drop a nap. But before the nap dropping, her sleep schedule looked roughly like

6am wake
8-830 nap
11-1130 nap
2-230 nap
7 bed

No third nap if second nap ends after 1230 (times above are just an average). Just would push bedtime up.

Still trying to figure out her nap routine with her trying to drop one!
Poppys 8 months old, she :
7am wake up, bottle.
Breakfast at 8.30 ish.
Nap 9.30-11 ish.
Lunch @ 12.
Bottle when ever she wants it after that. Maybe 1pm.
Back to sleep 1.45 - 3.
Snack, toast, yogurt, wotsits what ever to tide her over till dinner.
Dinner @ 5.
Bath at 6.
Up to bed 6.30, generally asleep by 7. :)

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