February 2024 testing thread

Hi All, Joining in kinda late here, hope thats ok...I am a super hopeful and obviously delusional vasectomy wife lol...hubby was snipped almost 6 years ago now (his choice, not mine) and got the one initial all clear back then a few months after but no testing since then....and this cycle was the ONE cycle that we actually DTD the day before O and I felt O and everything...and my body is going crazy compared to my normal cycles...and Ive had 4 kids and even though we arent trying I definitely keep up with symptoms and stuff..so its just super annoying

Tested a few days ago at 10-11 dpo with the new dark pink cap FRERs and got indent lines and got excited but then once I realizes I was super bummed about it, but then tested again today at 13DPO on CB digital and walmart cheapie and stil got bfn and Not-Pregnant...my body is being SUPER mean this cycle because all my symptoms are 4x worse than normal PMS symptoms... like boob/nipples super super tender and sore and huge!... insomnia for almost a full week now...no acne when I usually have atleast 2 big cystic bumps by this time in cycle.....even symptoms that I dont normally have lined up timing wise perfectly to what would be average or "expected" like mild mild cramping at 8-9 DPO when I dont normally have cramping ever in cycles even when its actual period time..and my boobs started hurting overnight after that instead of gradual like usual....foods are tasting off, like the BBQ at MacDos and the burgers too....Ive even had 3 pregnancy dreams one was an implantation bleeding dream just like I had before my BFP with my DD but still nothing on tests....just super annoyed with my brain and body turning against me on the ONE cycle that we dtd on time just giving me false hope...AF due Saturday and Im afraid she is going to turn up full force and then some based on how bad these symptoms are... ugh...just needed to vent though..good luck to everyone else too:dust:
9dpo- Still having some symptoms but all bfn today…sigh. Praying for something tomorrow!
Unfortunately I have another etopic. I won’t be trying again as I can’t even think about taking the chance of going through this experience again. Hopefully the methotrexate shot will work and I won’t have to have my other tube removed as well

My heart is sooo broken for you. I have no words. I'm so so sorry. Hugs.
So is it darker this morning ???
And do these test show a later progression.
I don’t want to freak out so I didn’t test last night as over the other day I didn’t see my ch change from am to pm. I promised myself that I would take my last CBD on Sunday so I only went to do these cheapies till Sunday /Monday morning as I have my Beta then. I just don’t see it getting darker what do you think.? Even worst does it look lighter??? IMG_6709.jpeg
Unfortunately miscarriage has been confirmed today, it sad but I'm hoping it will pass naturally which it's looking like, didn't opt for meds or surgery
It's made us realise we do want to try for our 5th, before we weren't sure, so I won't be a stranger to bnb!
Brianna I'm so sorry, thinking of you and hope you're OK
Unfortunately miscarriage has been confirmed today, it sad but I'm hoping it will pass naturally which it's looking like, didn't opt for meds or surgery
It's made us realise we do want to try for our 5th, before we weren't sure, so I won't be a stranger to bnb!
I’m sorry, be kind to yourself, recover and good luck for baby number 5! Hugs
Thank you, I will join future testing threads
Unfortunately miscarriage has been confirmed today, it sad but I'm hoping it will pass naturally which it's looking like, didn't opt for meds or surgery
It's made us realise we do want to try for our 5th, before we weren't sure, so I won't be a stranger to bnb!
I’m so sorry.
I0dpo- I took 2 strip tests and one looked like it had a shadow. I took an opk and it’s nearly positive. I took one more then ran to the bus stop. Please pray that this is real!!! The other ones were pretty negative so I’m hoping this isn’t a false positive. I’m grabbing some free on my way to work.

I0dpo- I took 2 strip tests and one looked like it had a shadow. I took an opk and it’s nearly positive. I took one more then ran to the bus stop. Please pray that this is real!!! The other ones were pretty negative so I’m hoping this isn’t a false positive. I’m grabbing some free on my way to work.

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Certainly looks real mama! Eeek, how exciting for you, I can’t wait for the test progression.

I’m so sorry @Brianna777 and @star25.
@Brianna777 I'm sooo sorry.
@star25 I'm so sorry for your loss. :( But I'm looking forward to following your TTC journey for a 5th.
Unfortunately I have another etopic. I won’t be trying again as I can’t even think about taking the chance of going through this experience again. Hopefully the methotrexate shot will work and I won’t have to have my other tube removed as well
I am so so sorry hun.
Looks like those tests were bad, a chemical, or it’s just too early. I took another one of those dollar store ones I got a line on and a frer. I saw a light light line on the dollar store test, but the free was negative. Ugh
Sorry to hear that jules, I hope there is still time for it to change for you?
So after feeling a bit defeated this morning I bought a CB + and took two more premom, straight after work….. I need to stress less and trust in the process. So 9dpt and by the weeks 4 + 2 days do you think the CB is dark enough? I think it’s ok!


Looks like those tests were bad, a chemical, or it’s just too early. I took another one of those dollar store ones I got a line on and a frer. I saw a light light line on the dollar store test, but the free was negative. Ugh
Sorry, that sucks but I hope you get the BFP soon
@Brianna777 I’m so sorry love. I will never forget the fear anytime I had a bfp after my ectopic. I hope your tube can be saved in case you want to try again when you’re ready :hugs: thinking of you x
@star25 I’m so sorry, I hope you have your rainbow on board soon :hugs:
@Mum42crazy great progression, looks fantastic!

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