Sleepless Nights Support Thread

My girls is 16 months, yes 16 months lol and started Sttn 6-9 months then God knows... We have been back to the newborn phase since about 10 months and it's not ending waking 6-8 times a night some times more :-( I want to collapse under a big rock right now and sob myself to sleep for the next 3 days
My girls is 16 months, yes 16 months lol and started Sttn 6-9 months then God knows... We have been back to the newborn phase since about 10 months and it's not ending waking 6-8 times a night some times more :-( I want to collapse under a big rock right now and sob myself to sleep for the next 3 days

Hun I feel your pain, I used the word newborn myself yesterday too to describe my two. I feel so exhausted, how long can you go without sleeping a proper nights sleep without it affecting your health? I must be past that though :
My son has been waking multiple times from shortly after bed and this is not the normal him. He's 12 months old now.
He was always a pretty good sleeper but now, the last two months have been horrible and the past month even worse! He still has no teeth and we've been saying "maybe he's teething?" for like 7 months!
I know all the signs for teething - I've googled it - but he has had most of these symptoms for ever. Now, he cries and turns over to watch me leave and screams himself to sleep. Screams waking and the soother doesn't help like it used to(used to pass right back out) and he's cramming his hands in his mouth and cranky. But I see NO signs of teeth poking through. I see NOTHING. Anyway - here's my question; is it teething? LOL
I'm at the end of my rope. He's also so moody during the day!

thanks :)
My son has been waking multiple times from shortly after bed and this is not the normal him. He's 12 months old now.
He was always a pretty good sleeper but now, the last two months have been horrible and the past month even worse! He still has no teeth and we've been saying "maybe he's teething?" for like 7 months!
I know all the signs for teething - I've googled it - but he has had most of these symptoms for ever. Now, he cries and turns over to watch me leave and screams himself to sleep. Screams waking and the soother doesn't help like it used to(used to pass right back out) and he's cramming his hands in his mouth and cranky. But I see NO signs of teeth poking through. I see NOTHING. Anyway - here's my question; is it teething? LOL
I'm at the end of my rope. He's also so moody during the day!

thanks :)

Does his gums look swollen? I wouldn't rely solely on weather you can see teeth poking through to indicate teething.

My daughter used to put her fist in her mouth and scream when she was really scared or anxious so maybe it's separation anxiety?? Google it. :hugs:
My son has been waking multiple times from shortly after bed and this is not the normal him. He's 12 months old now.
He was always a pretty good sleeper but now, the last two months have been horrible and the past month even worse! He still has no teeth and we've been saying "maybe he's teething?" for like 7 months!
I know all the signs for teething - I've googled it - but he has had most of these symptoms for ever. Now, he cries and turns over to watch me leave and screams himself to sleep. Screams waking and the soother doesn't help like it used to(used to pass right back out) and he's cramming his hands in his mouth and cranky. But I see NO signs of teeth poking through. I see NOTHING. Anyway - here's my question; is it teething? LOL
I'm at the end of my rope. He's also so moody during the day!

thanks :)

Does his gums look swollen? I wouldn't rely solely on weather you can see teeth poking through to indicate teething.

My daughter used to put her fist in her mouth and scream when she was really scared or anxious so maybe it's separation anxiety?? Google it. :hugs:

I know this is old now but I agree with this. My boys have always been grumpy for a while which then passes and then when they are back to normal the teeth come through, it's as if the movement underneath the gums causes them the most pain
My middle child has just cried so much he's made himself sick again. That was his 4th time of wakenings and we're only at 1 o'clock so yet another night of no sleep for me. I'm so fed up of my oh's attitude and that my lack of sleep doesn't matter because I don't go to work. I can not stand much more of this especially as there seems no reason for his constant wakenings
Daddy Vlog:

I commend you for being such an excited father to be. My son is 8 months old and his Dad recently decided that he doesn't want to be a father and is leaving us.

There should be more Dad's like you.
Daddy Vlog:

I commend you for being such an excited father to be. My son is 8 months old and his Dad recently decided that he doesn't want to be a father and is leaving us.

There should be more Dad's like you.

These bright mornings! I wouldn't mind the 6am wake up but my son wakes up so exhausted and miserable and just cries all morning but is too confused by the brightness to go back to sleep 😫
These bright mornings! I wouldn't mind the 6am wake up but my son wakes up so exhausted and miserable and just cries all morning but is too confused by the brightness to go back to sleep 😫

Any chance you could get a blackout curtain? It would probably really help with that issue.
So we had a beautiful baby that STTN from 6 weeks - 12 weeks. During the day she screamed constantly and it turned out she had a dairy sensitivity. Since I went dairy free at 11.5 weeks she's now awake through the night more then when she was a newborn.

At 19 weeks we've tried it all and nothing seems to work. A few times she only woke twice with no changes in her routine, but then she's gone back to waking 5+ and everythime the only thing that gets her back off is a feed. If I don't give in, she will just scream hysterically until she gives herself severe trapped wind.

She's now started these waking up sessions earlier at night and is grumpy and irritable all day. This coupled with her ridiculous temper is hell. DH has severe health problems and although he is a god send in helping, he can't physically share the load 50/50 and on top of it all I'm the only earner and I'm having to work from home to pay the bills as maternity pay doesn't cover our stripped back outgoings.

There are times when I hate my LO overnight and then I feel so guilty for feeling this way because I know she's only screaming because she wants comfort. I just feel like I'm being pulled in so many different directions and the no sleep is making everything so much worse.

Sorry ladies, I just needed to vent.
Why oh why does my daughter not like sleep :wacko:

She is 9 months old on Thursday and she still wakes (on a good night) every 3 hours for feed/comfort :dohh: she has never slept a longer stretch

I am exhausted and do not know what else I can do - I thought maybe her going in her own room and not being able to smell the milk/me she would sleep longer but nope :nope:

My son was sleeping through the night at 6 months :wacko:
Fiesty, big hugs! You sound so overwhelmed and adding sleep deprivation on top of that makes it so hard. I really hope your lo will sleep soon! Do you have a close friend or family member who could just take the baby for a few hours so you can refresh and regroup? :hugs:

Twag, I feel your pain. Our lo wakes often at night to nurse as well. I am so tired. She has slept a 4 hour stretch once and not again. Hang in there! One day we will sleep again! Coffee is my friend right now lol
She was sleeping so well.but now, here I am at midnight, watching my partner sleep, envious, while she's wide awake. :( 3 months. I don't know what changed. I just know I need sleep
16 months. For the past few weeks, since starting nursery, getting a heavy cold and developing separation anxiety his whole temperament has changed. My giggly independent toddler is now glued to my leg or shrieking hysterically. He's stopped napping. He's up 6+ times a night.

I work 2 jobs and study full time. I also have the heavy cold. I'm at the end of my rope. I'm worried about him and worried about us. I can't go back to this living hell. He'd only just started occasionally sleeping through and we'd mostly reduced it to 1 wale up and no feeds. Now it's all night long and about 4 bottles in desperate attempts to stop the crying. He's been shrieking inconsolably all morning and I'm finding myself wishing he was in nursery today :'(
Awe, I'm sorry Jumpingin :( That sounds very stressful for both you and your son. It is a big adjustment going back to work. I always try to see how it must be for my son in these situations. They have limited knowledge of what their future holds. You are their most consistent thing in their life and when that relationship is threatened they are like totally different children. It's a tough adjustment phase until they learn that mom does come back after saying bye. You are his safe place and all those scary emotions he felt while you were apart get unloaded at night and whenever you are around. Take it as a compliment that he wants to be near you so much. Even if he needs to be with you at night to get that quality time in. This too shall pass
Why oh why does my daughter not like sleep :wacko:

She is 9 months old on Thursday and she still wakes (on a good night) every 3 hours for feed/comfort :dohh: she has never slept a longer stretch

I am exhausted and do not know what else I can do - I thought maybe her going in her own room and not being able to smell the milk/me she would sleep longer but nope :nope:

My son was sleeping through the night at 6 months :wacko:

She is 11 months old now and her sleep is still no better :dohh: I have had one night where she only woke once at 3.30am

According to my mum it is karma as I didn't sleep through until I was 4 :wacko:

I sure hope not :dohh:
Awe, I'm sorry Jumpingin :( That sounds very stressful for both you and your son. It is a big adjustment going back to work. I always try to see how it must be for my son in these situations. They have limited knowledge of what their future holds. You are their most consistent thing in their life and when that relationship is threatened they are like totally different children. It's a tough adjustment phase until they learn that mom does come back after saying bye. You are his safe place and all those scary emotions he felt while you were apart get unloaded at night and whenever you are around. Take it as a compliment that he wants to be near South so much. Even if he needs to be with you at night to get that quality time in. This too shall pass

Thank you so much :) Pass it has...Back to only waking once or twice and since nights not at all. Hallelujah!
Why oh why does my daughter not like sleep :wacko:

She is 9 months old on Thursday and she still wakes (on a good night) every 3 hours for feed/comfort :dohh: she has never slept a longer stretch

I am exhausted and do not know what else I can do - I thought maybe her going in her own room and not being able to smell the milk/me she would sleep longer but nope :nope:

My son was sleeping through the night at 6 months :wacko:

She is 11 months old now and her sleep is still no better :dohh: I have had one night where she only woke once at 3.30am

According to my mum it is karma as I didn't sleep through until I was 4 :wacko:

I sure hope not :dohh:

Oh no! Our dd2 is almost 9 months and still not sleeping well. I always start off putting her in her own bed.. Try everything but she wakes every couple of hours there and of course ends up in bed with me. She has also only had one night where she slept a 6 hour stretch even sleeping with me. I'm so tired!

I really hope your baby starts sleeping soon! Waiting until she is 4 would be rough.. She'd better be nicer to you then that! :)
What's everyone's opinion on those new snoo cradles by Dr Harvey Karp. Who wrote The happiest baby on the block? I think it would have solved so many of our problems! But $1100!!! Hmmm I'm not

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