♡ Bump buddies due July 2021 ♡

I hope everyone is doing okay <3.
Hey kiwi! Hope the constipation is better? Everything else OK?

Im good thankyou. Well tired but thats same old. My 2 year old hasn't slept for... well 2 years :haha: so that plus pregnancy insomnia (even the part he does sleep im awake) Its driving me a bit loopy but ho hum.

Any bumps pics anyone?

Here's me!

Your bump is so cute! Mine is huge now!

I started my MaKena injections last week. Hopefully I get a nice HB with the doppler at my weekly appointments for the shot.
I swear I felt baby roll over today when I had my hand on my tummy while I was laying on my back, anyone else?
I've thought I've felt it before from the outside but wasn't sure if it was gas :haha: have felt it moving inside for weeks :flower:

What's the shot for again?

My midwife didn't listen for a hb when I had my appointment at 17 weeks. I dont see her again until I'm 28 weeks! Don't remember it being that long before...

Anatomy scan on 18th Feb though :happydance:
I've thought I've felt it before from the outside but wasn't sure if it was gas :haha: have felt it moving inside for weeks :flower:

What's the shot for again?

My midwife didn't listen for a hb when I had my appointment at 17 weeks. I dont see her again until I'm 28 weeks! Don't remember it being that long before...

Anatomy scan on 18th Feb though :happydance:
Felt baby kick on the outside while laying down last night! It wasn't super strong yet but OH was able to feel it too!

The Makena shot are progesterone to help stop early labor. I have to get them once a week in the back of my arm, they're painful but worth it. They dont know why I go into early labor but the shots have worked for me. DD2 was only born early because of a rupture (tear in the sack).

That does seem like a long wait to see your MW, maybe it's because of covid?

I'm really excited for my 20-week scan! I can't wait to find out the gender! We decided to do a gender reveal with cupcakes this time. Will you be finding out the gender?
Exciting about the outside movement!! Yeah probably because of covid. Everythinh is ruined because of covid. I'm not sure about finding out the gender. I'd like a surprise but I'm not very patient so I'll just see how I feel when they ask :haha: we won't do a big gender reveal if we do find out. We aren't allowed parties or to see well ANYONE so :coffee: BORING!! Cupcakes is a lovely idea!

I have such bad acid reflux. Ugh. Its Driving me mental. Anytime I bend down :nope:
Exciting about the outside movement!! Yeah probably because of covid. Everythinh is ruined because of covid. I'm not sure about finding out the gender. I'd like a surprise but I'm not very patient so I'll just see how I feel when they ask :haha: we won't do a big gender reveal if we do find out. We aren't allowed parties or to see well ANYONE so :coffee: BORING!! Cupcakes is a lovely idea!

I have such bad acid reflux. Ugh. Its Driving me mental. Anytime I bend down :nope:
Our gender reveal won't be anything big either sadly, just my OH & mu kids and myself obviously lol. The reflux is a pain for me too right now, it's totally awful. Hope yours eases up soon :hugs:.
@Gemble How are you doing hun? How's the reflux? Mine is still annoying & pretty bad sometimes.

Here is my 20 week ultrasound! Baby is doing perfect. We find out the gender on Thursday with a gender reveal cake! The doctor did say he wanted to do another ultrasound soon just to check my cervix length, he assured me everything was all right it was just a precaution.

Hello little one!! I'm guessing boy for you :blue: so did the sonographer write down the gender and you don't look at it?! There's no way I could do that, too impatient :haha:

Heart burn is still rubbish. Doubt it'll get better as time goes on. Probably worse. Ho hom! Maybe it'll have lots of hair. I'm sure i didn't have it this early last time! I'm ok if I don't eat chocolate, cheese or tomatoes and don't eat late at night \\:D/

Here's a pic of mine! All was fine, baby measuring straight down the middle for everything :D and is another boy!

@Gemble yup, just had him write it down and put it in an envelope. Then I delivered the envelope to the bakery. It was really really hard not to look but I resisted because this might be my last baby and I wanted to finally be able to do a gender reveal cake!

I had a horrible heartburn with my son almost like this pregnancy and he was born with a ton of hair! By the way congratulations on team blue! :blue:

I'm so excited for Thursday, I want time to speed up!! :haha:
How lovely! What an awesome cake too :) are you happy?
Yes! I would have been happy either way but I'm very excited to be having another little girl. How are things going with you hun?

I have an appointment on Thursday not only to get another shot but also to check my cervix. They wanted to do it as a precaution, so nothing really to worry about. I'm going to ask the doctor if there's anything they can give me or what type of medication is safe to take that's over the counter for heartburn. It's been getting so bad some nights and very very painful.

I'm so depressed right now :cry:. It was less than two weeks ago that I weighed myself and I was 175, now I'm 191. I've gained 21 pounds in less than 2 weeks which is 1.5 Stone. I don't know what to do I haven't been overeating or anyting. I've been super constipated and probably haven't had a bowel movement in over a week now but that can't account for 21 pounds. I just want to curl up in a ball and cry for the next 3 months. I honestly feel like I'm never going to get back to my old weight before I had my son of 115 lb. That has really been my goal until I accidentally got pregnant this time which I don't regret but it's still very depressing. I've even resorted to wearing the same thing for the past two years because I just can't bring myself to buy myself any clothes. I have like two outfits that I can wear and a ton of clothes at my old weight of 115. Female clothes are so expensive and I just can't justify paying anything for the weight that I'm at now. I hate myself & the fact that I've gained so much weight. With my son I gained over 70 lb throughout that pregnancy. None of the doctors seemed to care whatsoever. I can't let that happen again I just can't...E2
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Oh kiwi! Sorry I haven't been on sooner and answered this. Time is getting away with me. I highly doubt 21lbs can be actual fat gain! It has to be fluid and constipation aswell. Are you sure you're scales haven't gone a bit mental? Do you get weighed at your dr/midwife appointments? I can seriously loose like 6lbs after a poo :haha: I get constipated aswell. I've started eating vegetable soup every day for lunch and it's helped ALOT! Also fruit for breakfast with a cup of tea. I fully understand the weight fear. I've struggled with my weight most of my life. I got to my target of 178lbs (I'm 5ft 10) last September and managed to stay there. I still go to my slimming world meetings while pregnant and obviously I'm gaining weight but weighing in and talking to others every week is helping me stay more in check than I would if I didnt do it at all. If you don't feel you are over eating though it just has to be nature taking over and doing what it needs or a blip on the scales! You're body is doing an amazing thing. Don't be hard on yourself!

Have you tried not eating tomatoes based foods, cheese or chocolate? If I don't eat those my hear burn is so much more manageable!!

Hope I don't sound preachy, just suggesting what helps me :flower:

I'm ok, varicose and thread veins galore, which are painful but can't do anything about that :nope:
Hey sweetie I hope you're doing well, sorry I haven't posted a reply in awhile! By the way you don't sound preachy at all.

I'm sure my scale hasn't gone mental LOL, I weigh the same at home as I do at the doctor's office every week. I have to get weighed every week before I get my shot in the arm. The weekend hasn't been as dramatic as it was in the beginning. I think I've gained maybe 40 lb so far. It's still better than what it was with my son. I honestly think hormones just have a huge part to play in it for me and for some reason I also seem to retain a lot of amniotic fluid. I remember after giving birth to my son I lost 25 lb. People told me I wouldn't lose that much, maybe 10 lb at the most, but I ended up losing a lot more than that in fluid. I've relented, I'm semi conscious about what I'm eating and I'm making sure that I don't eat too much but I'm relaxing a little bit on the weight gain. Now that I have my recumbent exercise bike all set up, it makes me feel a little bit better about starting the weight loss after the baby is born. My goal is to get back to my old size of 115 lb. I'll probably end up having around 80 lbs after birth to lose. I've done it in the past after I had my second baby, so I should be able to do it again and pretty quickly too. I've tried exercising after getting the bike setup recently, it doesn't work too well LOL. I can barely go 30 minutes.

As for the heartburn, still pretty bad. Even if I just take a bite of something that could cause heartburn :(. I've had an upset stomach and some nausea from it.

I ended up failing my 1-hour DD test, I go back on Thursday for the 3-hour test. I usually do fail the 1 hour test through every pregnancy, so I'm not really that surprised.

I can't believe our babies will be here in a couple months, I hope you've been doing well.
How did you do on the 3 hour test?

Hope you are well :)

My sweet baby girl Kloe Grace arrived Sunday, June 27th at 1:28 am. She weighed 10 lb 5 oz and 22.5 in long. Her original estimated wait was 8 lb 5 oz. To put it lightly labor and delivery was traumatic for both of us.

Everything started on Saturday when I was getting consistent contractions. I thought maybe it was prodromal labor and that I was wasting my time by going in. It's a good thing I decided to though because by the time I got there around 11:00 a.m. I was already 4 cm dilated. The original nurse who checked me when I was registered said I was only 1 cm dilated but that's because she actually couldn't reach my cervix. After they checked my cervix they checked my blood pressure and it turned out to be really high, which was unusual for me because my blood pressure normally was really really good. After checking about three times and getting the same result, they drew my blood and it came back that I had preeclampsia. My doctor decided to break my water and induce labor to get my little peanut out as quick as possible. After they broke my water I waited a couple hours for the anesthesiologist to come and give me the epidural before receiving pitocin. Around 7pm I reach 7 cm dilated and things started to slow down. When I finally reached 10 cm dilated baby girl started to get stressed, she was face up and not moving down. We had to try a bunch of different positions to get her to turn. On top of that my epidural was wearing off and I was in a lot of pain. After about an hour maybe a little more the doctor reached in and tried to turn her a little bit. Once that was done I had no choice but to push. I didn't expect to be pushing for two and a half hours. It was the most excruciating pain I've ever experienced. I was exhausted and worried that I wouldn't be able to make it through. They did suggest a C-section but because I don't have any help to take care of my babies I had to push through it. I couldn't allow myself to get a C-section unless it was an emergency. I was finally able to get her head through and almost passed out twice from the pain. Just when I thought it would be over and she would be here her shoulder got stuck in my pelvic bone because she was too big to fit & turned face up. The doctor ended up having to break her arm to get her out. When she was finally out she was pale with purple lips and not breathing. I waited for over a minute and a half which felt like eternity to hear my baby cry. She was in shock from the delivery. I was able to kiss her before they took her to make sure she was alright. As for me, other than being traumatized I didn't tear or hemorrhage, thank goodness, especially since my DR basically had her arms up there trying to help me get her out. The only thing we could do for my baby girl's arm is wrap it up with an Ace bandage to stabilize it. She is in pain, the Tylenol seems to help a little so she can sleep though. She is breastfeeding well, which I am very thankful for. It's been a couple days now since her birth and a tough recovery for the both of us but we are both doing well. She is beautiful and healthy. Although the experience was traumatizing, I'm so happy that she's here. I have my postpartum appointment tomorrow to check my blood pressure and I'm going to make sure to tell my doctor how thankful I am for everything that she did for us.

I am still in shock that I made it through, the pain what is excruciating especially since I had to push for so long. I was so exhausted. The nursing staff that were there to help me through it were absolutely amazing. I couldn't have asked for a better medical team.

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Shes beautiful kiwi!

Well done for soldiering on I bet you're proud of yourself. You should be. Sounds like rough going :flower:

Will read more tomorrow, had my baby today and can barely keep my eyes open. Hes feeding though so distracting myself from passing out by catching up on here :)

Sending lots of love xxx
Shes beautiful kiwi!

Well done for soldiering on I bet you're proud of yourself. You should be. Sounds like rough going :flower:

Will read more tomorrow, had my baby today and can barely keep my eyes open. Hes feeding though so distracting myself from passing out by catching up on here :)

Sending lots of love xxx
Can't wait to hear how his birth went & see some cute pictures <3. Rest well mama.

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