Anyone pregnant and studying with Open University or similar


Well-Known Member
Jun 2, 2011
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Guessing I'm not the only one. Just had my 2nd year classics exam yesterday. I was due a six week scan today - which was brill and I saw babies heart beat. I have no idea what I wrote on the exam paper though probably more yolk sacs than ancient Greece!
I have another course starting in October, and will give birth slap in the middle of the course - that'll be fun!
I was doing two 30 point level 2 OU courses which started last october (been studying for about 2 years now), but sadly I ended up having to quit both of them as I just couldn't get everything done with both working full time, and the full on exhaustion and sickness I suffered in the first tri. Additionally, I would have been sitting an exam about now, and at 37 weeks I really don't think my hormone-addled baby brain would have handled it!! It was the right choice for me, but I have to admit I was gutted to stop, as I love studying. I'm looking forward to the time when I can continue!

Best of luck with your studies and your pregnancy :)
it's funny you should post this today, I just did an OU exam this morning. Was a bit tough going with the morning sickness but I got through it.

Haven't done as well this year as I wanted to - a lot of work pressure and other commitments (I have a full time and a part time job, and do some voluntary work). And now I am wondering whether I will get through next year's study at all! I've done two 60 point courses this year and the same last year, luckily I just need one more 60 point course for my degree so I am sure I will struggle through it. And then it's over! Hooray!

good luck with your results.
Hi JeeWiz, I too gave up my studies several years ago, I know the horrible pressures of jobs and studying. I had a little one 2 years ago, and my husband and I tightened everything so I could stay at home. My studying has been brill as I would have been bored witless when my little one was napping as it is I have studied during this time. The best thing with the ou is you can pick it back up anytime.
Good Luck with your imminent baby I hope all goes brilliantly :flower:
it's funny you should post this today, I just did an OU exam this morning. Was a bit tough going with the morning sickness but I got through it.

Haven't done as well this year as I wanted to - a lot of work pressure and other commitments (I have a full time and a part time job, and do some voluntary work). And now I am wondering whether I will get through next year's study at all! I've done two 60 point courses this year and the same last year, luckily I just need one more 60 point course for my degree so I am sure I will struggle through it. And then it's over! Hooray!

good luck with your results.

Wow, you've done amazing!! When I sat on Monday I drank nothing for 3 hours before in case I spent the whole exam on the loo! What degree are you doing? I tried to do 2 courses this year, an october start which is the one I've just had the exam for and a feb start, but I dropped out of the feb one as it became a bit too much. When does your next course start?
Thanks Alwilan.

I'm just doing a plain old English degree, then hopefully retraining as a teacher. My next course starts in October so I have a bit of a rest in between. This is baby number 1 for us, I'm sure if we already had kids at home it wouldn't be possible.

I like to be busy! I am going to have to learn to slow down, some how.
I was in final year of uni but just finished a few weeks ago! Final exams were tough and I worked soooo hard.

Two of my exams went brilliant and one i was quite sick through. Sore heads, vomitting and the worst back pain I've ever had :(. I had to leave the exam and was so upset outside the exam hall. The poor were lady invigilating the exam was so worried about me!

Studying when pregnant/having a small baby is difficult but it's strangely also good for getting you in a routine and motivating you to work your ass off, as you're not only doing it for you but for your LO too! Good luck!! :thumbup:
I'm currently studying with OU (Doing intro to bookkeeping atm working towards professions cert. in accounting) My next module (Financial accounting) starts in November-6 months long and I'm due to give birth half way through. I will have a newborn and a 2 yr old...I'm going to give it a go...and just hope I don't regret it!!
I sat an exam at 33 weeks pregnant and got my best results of all my courses so far! Got 3 more to do for my degree, not sure how I'm going to fit them around the 10 month old I'll have by October!

Good luck with all your pregnancies :)
I'm 13+weeks and currently doing B292 Management Accounting with the OU, I have an exam on the 10th of October and I'm dreding it, ....
I've been finding it really hard to concentrate and retain any information, does anyone have any tips? I'm hoping these are first trimester symptoms and as I have now reached the second trimester that my energy and concentration will come back.... did anyone find that it depended how pregnant they where or is it just will power and drive that gets you through?
Jem xx
I still have atleast a year until I earn my degree. I take online courses, so it makes life a little easier. Each course is 8 weeks long, and they are YEAR round. We have a two week break at winter time, and two week break in the summer time. I feel I have worked harder at the course I am taking now because I am on the deans list and I want to stay there so one day I can tell my son or daughter that I did this. I did this while I was pregnant, and while they were young, and as long as you really want something you can make it happen. No matter what. No matter who you marry, how much money you make, where you live, or anything else. So good luck to all of us earning our education!!!!
I'm starting a course in October too! I'm not sure how it's gonna go though. xx
My last course starts in October! I can't wait to get it over and done with. Going to really get my head down and try to get ahead while I can because when baby comes it's going to be a lot harder. Good luck everyone.
I'm thinking of doing an OD when LO is here.. Think I'll keep checking for advice on this post ;)
good luck with the baby x
My last course starts in October! I can't wait to get it over and done with. Going to really get my head down and try to get ahead while I can because when baby comes it's going to be a lot harder. Good luck everyone.
Me too! I've just signed up for my last 60 point level 3 course with the OU to complete my honours degree, and baby is due 5 months in. I think the last 4 months of the course will be a write off, so I'm hoping to work twice as fast and submit everything before my due date. Could be wishful thinking, but I didn't have much choice. My first course expires next year, so if I don't do this one now then I'll be chasing my tail trying to finish courses as old ones drop off! :dohh:
Does anyone understand how the new pricing stuff for the OU works? I'm due to sign up for my next course, but I've got no idea how much it's going to cost. We were away this last weekend, when it was the big open day thing, or I'd have gone along and asked them.
I think most of the courses have the prices up on the website. My 60 point undergrad course just cost me seven hundred pounds, but they are all different.
Yeah, but they say if you're a current student, you pay the price you thought you were going to pay when you started. So I'm not sure if the price on the website is valid for people who want to continue towards a qualification rather than start a new one. The first course I did was about £500, second and third £600, now the course I was set on doing says £800, so I don't know where I stand. I wasn't expecting to pay £300 more per course when I started doing it!
I was doing a Part time taught Masters while I was heavily pregnant and had to complete with a 6 week old. I did an exam at 36 weeks and was going into uni until I was 40 weeks. I took three weeks off, (and Easter), and went back to complete (as I only had 4 weeks left). It was tough and studying with a newborn is very difficult, but I used to get the OH to take him out the house at weekends. Its doable...
Yeah, but they say if you're a current student, you pay the price you thought you were going to pay when you started. So I'm not sure if the price on the website is valid for people who want to continue towards a qualification rather than start a new one. The first course I did was about £500, second and third £600, now the course I was set on doing says £800, so I don't know where I stand. I wasn't expecting to pay £300 more per course when I started doing it!

I don't know then sorry! You will have to ring up and ask. I have always been charged the price on the website which has gone up slightly each years (though only by about a hundred pounds in total over the four years).

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