Being induced?

I was induced with Erin as she was two weeks over due. The first gel pessary worked for me and she was born almost exactly 12 hours after it went in.

I got to use the birthing pool but it got too much for at about six cm so had an epidural, bloody brilliant things! The mw put me on the drip to keep the contractions coming, took about another hour to get to ten cm, she gave me another hour to rest and then I pushed her out in half an hour... no external tearing, just a few grazes and a couple of internal stitches as madam came out with her hand on her face.

As she is my first I don't have anything else to compare it to but I was pleased with how it went and wouldn't worry if I had to be induced again.

I would recommend to eat a good meal beforehand as it's pretty intense and I got tired very quickly... mind you for some reason my hospital induce in the evening - can't work that one out!

Hope yours goes well xxx
I was induced with my LO. Had the gel inserted at 6PM, started having contractions about 9PM, waters broke about 1AM and he was born at 3.50AM so very quick considering he was my first. I was out of hospital that evening.
I was induced due to GD and it all went rather well, really!

My birth story is here:
I had the gel once then 6 hours later i had my waters broken and the drip. 4 hours later Alfie was here. 3 wks early but as there were no problems we were both home the very next day x
I had the pessary 3 times (waters had already broken). Labour didnt start so I was hooked up to the drip, which really did get things going! After being in hospital for 4 days it was a blessed relief to be honest. Once the epidural was given it was fine. Unfortunately I had further complications which meant a very long labour and eventual emergency c-sec, but even that wasnt THAT bad in the end. You will be great, good luck with it all :) xx
I was induced with both mine via gel, and in both cases labour started really quickly afterward.

With my DS i was induced at 6pm, waters went at 10pm and he was born at 1.45pm the following day. Needed an epidural and pethedine but he was back to back hence the long labour and need for pain relief.

My DD was a much easier experience, induced at 8.30pm, established labour by 11pm, born at 4.35am. Only needed gas and air and was pretty quick but my waters did need to be broken.

I feel really sad about the fact I've never experienced the excitement of a sponateous labour, but I've had natural births and 2 gorgeous kids so I can't really complain!

Good Luck hun :flower:
With EJ i was induced 10 days overdue,
went in at 9ishpm ( having regular braxton hicks ) and got my bed ( on the post natal ward caus they were busy ) about 9.30, got ready and she checked me and monitored me for 15 mins then came back and gave me the gel pessary then left me for a bit, about 30 min later they hooked me up and monitored me again and DH went home caus cervix was high posterier and not opening, labour kicked off after about 1 hr 15 min of the gel pessary and i got in my zone and breathed through the contractions got the MW to put my TENS on me and they left me to it, had a bath ( had to take the TENS off ) and asked if it was possible for the birthpool to be prepared as they had said if i only needed one lot of gel i could use it, she told me she wanted to monitor me again and examine me so got me hooked up and examined me with contractions every 2 min by this point ( had my TENs back on ) i was 6cm with streach left and bulging waters she was scared she was gonna pop them,Called DH to come back, i got moved to the delivery suite ( midwife led ) and sat on the edge of the bed through several contractions and the new MW doing some paperwork,DH arrived and i needed to pee so went to the toilet and my waters went, put my hand down and could feel hair so waddled with DH's and the MW's help back to the bed trying not to push and the MW screaming at me to hold on while she got her gloves, colapsed on the bed and the student MW rushed in and asked if it was ok if she helped i nodded at her pushed 7 times and he was here lol, got introduced to the MW after and introduced my DH to people lol, EJ was a bit shocked at his sudden arrival but screaming for food so fed him for 3 hours straight then he fell asleep
had a 2/3rd degree tear that needed alot of stiches and recorded labour time was 3 1/2 hours but i was it was just under 8 hours from the gel to the birth.
after that id happily be induced again was so much eaiser than my first 56 hour natural labour
i had a pessary (12 hour thing) inserted at midday on the monday. by lunchtime on the tues my contractions started - they were painful but bearable... 6pm asked the midwife to examine me as i was feeling very uncomfortable. she said time to go to labour ward!!! went from 3cm to 10cm dilated in half an hour!! asked for an epidural but it was too late, i was ready to push! so just had gas and air but found it didn't do anything other than help me breath deeply when contracting. baby was born after 1 1/2 hours of pushing. it all seemed to happen very quickly but wasn't as bad as expected. recovering from my stitches after the birth was worse.

as previous posters have said, really try to concentrate on your breathing when you feel the contractions coming. walk about even though it will be painful.

i had baby at 8pm on the tues night and left hospital at 5pm the next day
I was induced with Jayden, it went really well! They induced me on a monday 12 noon, had contractions from 3am(ish) on tues morning, contractions were painful around 9am whilst watching Jeremy Kyle (no wonder haha) tried the g&a but didn't like it, got took to delivery suite at 3pm, was put on the drip cause i wasn't progressing, had an epidural at 4pm ish. Jayden was born 3:45am weds morning.
Sorry that was quite a long labour, but it felt really quick at the time! When you hear about people in labour for ages you wonder what you will do in all that time, but you don't think about it xx

Oh and they let me out thurs morning, had to stay in 24 hours because i had GD so they had to check his blood sugar levels etc x
I was due to be induced on the waters broke on the monday morning, went in and had 2 lots of prostin gel and had lily at 9.55pm on the tuesday....mine isnt a good birth story to read as they wernt sure my waters had broken and lily was trying to come out face first so mine was a bit complicated!! But all in all the induction process wasnt that bad!!
I had gel for 12 hrs and then pitocin drip after that (which is the norm here- no one has just gel). I was dilated to 1 when they started gel - still 1cm 12 hrs later when they started the drip. THey upped the drip every 15 min all morning after checking my bp each time. I was 4cm after lunch & then they broke my water. Thats when my contractions really started getting to me - I ended up choosing and epi and got that around 4pm. Checked at 4:30 and was still 4cm. Wasnt checked til 6pm and that was a fluke - by a new nurse introducing herself. I was fully dilated and ready to push - 3 contractions and 8 pushes & Megan was born. Only a slight tear (1 stitch I think?) and I was up going to the bathroom 1 hr 15 min? later after Megans' nurse tests, etc & my dh cleaned her off right beside my bed. Overall very good labor. I think the epi helped me relax and helped me dilate quicker.
Mine's in my journal love - link in my sig. Most hospitals don't use the gel now in the UK. Instead it's a longer lasting pessary... though it's a gradual change over so might be different where you are xx
This is my induction/birth story. I warn you it isn't pretty!
i was out the next day after i got my cathater out :) and peed on my own lol x

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