Dealing with azoospermia?


Totally smitten!
Dec 27, 2009
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Hi ladies,

A little of over 3 months ago hubby was diagnosed with azoospermia - I'd never heard of it. I'd also never heard of ICSI which we are now heading for. All I can say is 'thank God' for forums like this! I have found several others on here who are at various stages of going through the same process as we are and thought it would be good to have a place where we can all share our experiences and feelings.

So a little about me ...

My name's Deb and I'm 36. Hubby is 44. We've been TTC since we got married 2 years ago. After the first few months I always felt something was not quite right, but everyone told me to 'relax' and stop stressing.

In Dec 2009 we went to our GP and got referred to the fertility clinic who did some basic tests and diagnosed hubby with azoospermia (after initially telling us that hubby's first SA was 'normal' ... but that's a whole other story!)

He is now waiting for his SSR in October. It was our choice to delay until then as I wanted to get hubby on the supplements to make sure that if they do find sperm, they're the best quality they can be.

Whilst I wouldn't wish this situation on anyone, I hope that those of you who are dealing with it will drop by and introduce yourselves and if you want to let me know dates of SSR's, ICSI treatments etc, I will add them to the front page.

It would also be nice to hear any azoospermia / SSR success stories!

Deb xx

Thought it would be a good idea to add a list of some of the things we've come up with that it might be useful to ask urologist / medical professionals. I'll add it as a spoiler so that those who want to can access it without it taking up loads of room.
Urologist will check for presence of the vas deferens and may also do an ultrasound scan

Was the sperm sample centrifuged? This can sometimes locate an occasional sperm that may otherwise be missed

Make sure the folllowing blood tests are done - FSH, LH, estradiol, prolactin, testosterone, thyroid, test for cystic fibrosis carrier, test for Y chromosome microdeletion, karyotype test

Also ask if they will freeze any sperm if found in future SA's

They may plan to do a surgical sperm retrieval - ask if this will be:
- PESA (Percutaneous Epididymal Sperm Aspiration)
This procedure may be performed under GA or local anaesthetic with sedation. A fine needle is passed into the epididymis to extract fluid. This is then checked in the laboratory by the embryologist for sperm.
- TESE (Testicular Sperm Extraction)
This procedure may be performed under GA or local anaesthetic with sedation. A small sample of testicular tissue is extracted from the testes. This can be achieved by either a fine needle being inserted into the testes or a small incision being made.
- MESA (Micro-epididymal Sperm Aspiration)
MESA is a procedure to retrieve sperm from the epididymis in men who have a diagnosed blocked vas deferens It is normally carried out under general anaesthetic. The sperm that is taken from the epididymis usually has poor motility so doctors usually proceed to ICSI on the same day.

Also VERY important to ask if they find any sperm, no matter how few, will they freeze for future treatment? With my hubby, they found 3 perfectly healthy, well developed sperm, but our clinic got rid of them because they said that they have a minimum requirement of 100 for freezing! We were NOT told this prior to the surgery)
If your dh's want to chat about azoospermia with other men going through it, I've set up a thread on another forum

REPOSTED VIDEO AS THE PREVIOUS LINK DIDN'T WORK ANYMORE. I know I've posted this in the thread somewhere, but I can never find it. You might like to have a look at a video journal I've put together of some of the emotions and feelings we've been going through, and are going through. It was something that I initially just did for myself and to share with close family and friends, but I hope by posting it here, others might realise they're not going through these feelings alone.

deafgal01 - My tests all came back clear but not as lucky for DH- 0 count in SA 3 times so far by urologist. Biopsy done July 2012 which revealed no blockage issues. DH tried on Clomiphene Citrate along with Anastrozole, but it didn't do the trick. Tried two IUI in 2013, one natural and one with injections before IUI process, both didn't work. Now on break awaiting for 2015 to try again but with home insemination.

rdleela - obstructive azoos; Vasoepididymostomy (VE) surgery was successful in Sept.2012, natural pregnancy 14 months later resulted in healthy baby girl born Aug.2014

Rainbow123 - BFP after failed mTESE and went to option B of IUI with donor sperm. Baby due 3rd Feb 2015

arzoo - synchonised cycle at the Lister in March 2014 and we were exteremely luck to find sperm - :bfp: It's twins!:baby: :baby:

loobylou_01 - Owen Leslie (8lb 8oz) born 1st May 2011 :baby::blue: and a little sister for Owen; Imogen :pink:

Flake-y - Xander Blair Robert (8lb 15oz) born 11th November 2011 :baby::blue: and a little brother for Xander; Caleb :blue:

Deb111 - successful microTESE, 1 falied ICSI, :bfp: 23rd Feb 2012 from FET Aimee Meghan born 26th Oct 2012 (8lb 13.5oz) :baby::pink: Soon to be starting 2nd round of ICSI to see if we can get a little brother or sister for Aimee

Pink Lolly - Second DIUI - :bfp: April 2012 :dance:

Raelynn - Daughter born May 2013 from DIUI, doing DIUI again for baby 2

Bubumachi - 6th ICSI cycle (using frozen sperm - thanks to tamoxifen) :bfp: :blue: due Nov 3rd 2014

Mikihob - currently on the road to IVF. Fourth failed IUI and am now moving onto IVF.

silverbell - mTESE - 0 sperm. Currently TTC with donor sperm IUI.

Bookworm - first ICSI cycle December 2011; OTD 23rd December 2011 :bfp: :dance:

Sar187 - 2nd IVF/ICSI cycle - :bfp: 23rd December 2011 :dance:

wibble wobble - waiting for donor matching

KB38 - trying to decide what to do next .....

Tigerlily - DH to have TESE 23rd March 2012 (keeping everything crossed!)

SND - Waiting for 1st IUI w/ Donor in May/June, 2012

CanadianMaple -We have ruled out mTESE and am on BCP, preparing for a dIUI with clomid and a trigger shot. IUI planned for the end of July or very first week of August 2012

MissAma - LTTTC since 2006, NOA diagnosed April 2008 - successful SSR and iCSI in Spain 2008 - chemical no frosties- new SSR and ICSI in Sweden 2010 - Dara Tea Maria our miracle azoo baby born 11th of Dec 2010 :pink: - 3rd SSR on the 17th of January 2012

mumanddad - Corbyn Matthew born 28th January 2012 (4lb 15oz) :baby::blue:

Stinas - ER - Aug. 6 - 12 Eggs - 10 Mature - 3 Embryos, possibly couple more late fertilization - ET 8/11

Cosita - Appointment with ICSi consultant - 7th May 2012

MJ - one grade A frostie on board - OTD 21st June 2012 :bfp: :dance:

SunUp - May 2012 - doing IUI with clomid

Wanbmum - 20th Jan 2011 - waiting to find out if they will operate on dh

Wrightywales - ET July 2010 :angel: :hugs:

Step Mummy - SSR 1st September 2010

Waitingginger - Hubby's ultrasound scan - 3rd September 2010

April4jdg - HSG - 14th September 2010 - all clear - testicular biopsy 6th Jan 2011 - D-IUI 18th May 2011

Hulahoops04 - Urology appointment 14th September 2010 - Infertility Clinic appointment - 1st October 2010

laura25 - Appointment 4th October 2010

Nayla82 - 12th March 2011 EC :bfn: :hugs:

Dancergirl - IUI 26th Feb 2011 :bfp: :happydance:

ArmyWifey - Dr's appt - 22nd April 2011

Wifeyw - DH awaiting TESE biopsy appointment

Luckdragon - First urology appintment - 27th July 2011

Hello Deb, it's me, sorry your first thread post isn't going to be a success story!! So far, anyway.

You know it all anyway, but I'll tell my story...

I'm Jo, 31, hubby has just turned 41. We've been together for 5 years, married for 18 months. Azoospermia was diagnosed in March after properly trying for nearly a year, and NTNP for probably about 2 years or more. Like Deb, I jus knew something was wrong, although I was convinced it was me!

Anyway, we've been attending the GCRM in Glasgow for our treatment, it's unfortunately a private clinic, the NHS waiting times here are over 2 years! Ridiculous.

SSR was on 13th July, and very sadly, no sperm was found. So my poor habby has been hobbling around with swollen, bruised & stirched balls since then. And all for nothing.

We've decided to go ahead with treatment using donor sperm, we're going back to the clinic on 4th August to find out whether we'll still need the IVF or whatever.

All in all, we've had a really shitty year, but are over the latest shock & hoping nothing else bad will happen! Please?
Thanks for popping by Jo. I've added your appt to the list.

Will pop over to your journal and see how you're doing xx
Hi Deb & Jo,

Only me, again you know our story too but here goes:

I'm 24, DH 25, married for almost 2 years and ttc same amount of time. Again i knew something was wrong but everyone says 'relax!' and i also thought it was me.

Saw GP last November, SA came back showing azoospermia, 2nd SA confirmed the same. DH seen by urology and then we were referred to FS. Discussed and agreed to have SSR coinciding with IVF cycle with donor sperm back up.

Currently been D/R for 13 days, D/R scan booked for Tuesday, hoping to start stimms next week. DH's SSR and my EC scheduled for sometime during wc 9th Aug. This is our one and only NHS go.

Fingers crossed for some good news before the year is out, it started very badly with the azoospermia diagnosis on new years eve :(

Fingers crossed for us all, would be fab to hear some success stories xx
Nice to see you hun :flower:

Have added you too. Good luck for Tuesday!
hello ladies

hope your all well

so heres a little bit of background
im anita im 29 and hubby is 43 with been together 12 yrs married for nearly 10.
NTNP for first 7 yrs but started taking it more serious in 2005.
hubby was diagnosed with azoospermia in november 06 caused by a genetic disorder we didnt even know he had so was told that ICSI with a donor was our only choice. was very hard to hear so took a little time out to make sure we were ready and it was what we wanted.
My Treatments
May/June 09 IVF ended with a BFN
Sept 09 FET BFP ending in early miscarrige
July 10 FET BFP

only had my BFP yesterday after waiting 8 days after AF was late to do a second test :dohh::dohh::dohh::dohh::dohh: so wish i had done one sooner. i know its only early days just hoping this little beans sticks. have my first scan on 10th of august.

wanna wish all you ladies the very best in treatment hope you get your BFPs very soon :dust::dust::dust: :hug::hugs:
It's so nice to hear a success story :happydance:

Am I right in thinking you froze embryos from your first IVF for your second and third? I'm not up on all the IVF / ICSI process yet :dohh:

Can I ask how hubby dealt with the whole donor thing?

H&H 9 months to you

Deb xx
hello ladies

hope your all well

so heres a little bit of background
im anita im 29 and hubby is 43 with been together 12 yrs married for nearly 10.
NTNP for first 7 yrs but started taking it more serious in 2005.
hubby was diagnosed with azoospermia in november 06 caused by a genetic disorder we didnt even know he had so was told that ICSI with a donor was our only choice. was very hard to hear so took a little time out to make sure we were ready and it was what we wanted.
My Treatments
May/June 09 IVF ended with a BFN
Sept 09 FET BFP ending in early miscarrige
July 10 FET BFP

only had my BFP yesterday after waiting 8 days after AF was late to do a second test :dohh::dohh::dohh::dohh::dohh: so wish i had done one sooner. i know its only early days just hoping this little beans sticks. have my first scan on 10th of august.

wanna wish all you ladies the very best in treatment hope you get your BFPs very soon :dust::dust::dust: :hug::hugs:

We're dealing with azoospermia as well. Our story is much the same - although DH had bilateral undescended testicles which weren't corrected until much later in life - at the age of 28. He decided to get them fixed to enable himself to check them as the chances of testicular cancer are higher.

We got a SA which showed azoospermia on 2 separate occasions and we're not attempting SSR as we've been advised that it's basically clutching at straws - no biological child has ever been born to anyone with correction this late in life and the quality of any sperm found would be very questionable.

Our choices are basically adoption or donor sperm - which is probably the route we're most likely to take. I must admit I am rather frustrated by the fact that his undescended testicles weren't corrected much earlier in life - his mother now denies knowing (?!) despite telling us his own father had one undescended testicle corrected as a child!!!
Hi Hopeful

It must be so frustrating for you dealing with this in such circumstances :hugs:

I'm really glad you've joined us though to share your story and the ups and downs of your journey. Hopefully you will have a baby in your arms before too long.

Deb xx
Thank you - it's difficult but we have to move on and look at our options. It's nice to know we're not alone :)
hello ladies

hope your all well

so heres a little bit of background
im anita im 29 and hubby is 43 with been together 12 yrs married for nearly 10.
NTNP for first 7 yrs but started taking it more serious in 2005.
hubby was diagnosed with azoospermia in november 06 caused by a genetic disorder we didnt even know he had so was told that ICSI with a donor was our only choice. was very hard to hear so took a little time out to make sure we were ready and it was what we wanted.
My Treatments
May/June 09 IVF ended with a BFN
Sept 09 FET BFP ending in early miscarrige
July 10 FET BFP

only had my BFP yesterday after waiting 8 days after AF was late to do a second test :dohh::dohh::dohh::dohh::dohh: so wish i had done one sooner. i know its only early days just hoping this little beans sticks. have my first scan on 10th of august.

wanna wish all you ladies the very best in treatment hope you get your BFPs very soon :dust::dust::dust: :hug::hugs:

Congratulations! Great to hear a success story! Good luck x
Currently been D/R for 13 days, D/R scan booked for Tuesday, hoping to start stimms next week.

Hope the scan goes well tomorrow and that you can move onto the next stage. Let us know how you get on hun xx
hello ladies

my good news was short lived started bleeding this morning and hasnt stopped so thats the end for now. i hope to have a fresh ICSI cycle in a few months

good luck to you all and i will be back xxxxxx
Hi Wrightywales,
I am so sorry, you must be so upset, what a tough journey and horrible roller coaster ride!

My thoughts are with you, and fingers crossed for next time,
Hi Ladies

Thank you for setting up this thread, this is my story: (Sorry its a long one - I get carried away!!!)

I am 32, DH is 48, he has 18 yr old son. We have been together 10 1/2yrs, married since last June, I came off pill in the Jan previous so that we were ready to try the morning after the wedding (well I had been waiting to get married and have babies for at least 6 years! so I was in a hurry to get it all going, DH was scarred by his first wife and took a long time to feel confident enough to do it all again!)

I was confident and never imagined I would be here a yr later with no baby, especially as DH has a child. Anyway I got on quickly with the OPK's and temp kits, so after 10 months went to doctors. We were horrified when DH was told there was NO sperm whatsoever! Completely shocked and upset.

We have since had our first referral to hospital, he has been checked by specialist, and his scan is booked for 13th Aug. We are praying that the scan shows something up, like a blockage, as it is either a blockage or he has stopped producing them altogether. After the scan it is likely he will have the "cutting him open" op (sorry don't know technical term yet!). Although if the scan shows the blockage then we will go for the corrective op, so we can go away and try ourselves before doing ICSI. I hope we get to do this, although I am not sure at this stage, because no-one is around to ask questions. Its like you wait 6 weeks for the appointment, then after that one you get booked for the next one with anothr 6 week wait, and no-one is around in between to ask questions.

After the op this is far as NHS will go, as because he has a son, we don't qualify for ICSI through NHS. So we have to go private.

I am mostly worried about DH's age, as he is going to heading towards retirement soon, although he does not share this concern (I think he should) so I want to get things moving quickly!

Prior to deciding to go with this, we did strongly consider adoption, but after chatting to friends we agreed that we should at least find out if the swimmers are there - otherwise we would always regret not trying.

What vitamins etc should DH be taking to help his swimmers (if they are there)?

I look forward to going through the tough journey with you all, best of luck everyone
Hi Angela and welcome

Whilst I wouldn't wish this on anyone, we're glad you've joined us :flower:

We have no explanation for hubby's azoospermia at the moment. We are just keeping everything crossed for his SSR (Surgical Sperm Retrieval)

As for supplements and diet advice; I asked hubby's urologist exactly the same question and I did point out that we knew nothing would help if there weren't any sperm found, but wanted to know what he could do to make sure that if any were found, they would be the best quality possible. He was very dismissive and said there was nothing we could or should do!!! I wonder if he misunderstood :shrug: but I would have thought he should have been offering this advice even if we hadn't have asked.

Now I know there is a lot of advice out there and some of it is dubious as to whether it helps or not, but for example, it is a well know fact that zinc is crucial in the production of sperm, so I was shocked that he didn't even mention that for a start.

Anyway, when we had our info session with the nurse about the SSR in June, she was going to book us in for August, but we delayed it til October because we wanted to give the supplements a chance and she thought it was a sensible idea. We have delayed the op until end of October as sperm take 3 months to form and the supplements wont do anything for the ones that had hopefully already started to form.

Hubby takes wellman conception, which has a load of stuff in including maca that a lot of people talk about on here and then he is also taking omega 3 fish oil. From what I read at the time, omega 3 hasn't been proven to change things, but there is some suggestion that it can help, plus there was an experiment done with infertile mice and the omega 3 sorted it! Now I'm aware that this is early research, but I figured that it wont do him any harm at all and may actually help. There's some interesting reading if you google it.

Anyway, we all know what's it like to be waiting ages for appts and we're all at different stages so feel free to ask away if we can help.

Sorry for the essay :blush:

Deb xx

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