Femara success?


I saw your post and wanted to share my Femara story :flower: I have PCOS and was prescribed Clomid but only ovulated a few times without getting pregnant. I had a lap and dye to check my tubes and Ovarian Drilling done in December 2011 and then I was given Femara to try as Clomid hadn't worked for me.
I got pregnant the first month of trying with Femara (plus Metformin). Whether it was the Femara alone, Metformin and Femara or the fact I'd had ovarian drilling done which helped me respond or the whole combination, I don't know but I wanted to wish you good luck. There are lots of tales of Femara success after Clomid failure on here and I hope you get more replies.
On my Femara cycle, I had a CD21 blood test and I was so upset that my progesterone levels were really low and I thought I hadn't ovulated. I had ovulated, and I ovulated on CD19 - hence the negative CD21, and I've read Femara sometimes causes late ovulation. I took mine on CD2-6.
Also, I highly recommend using a sperm friendly lube. I used PreSeed, and I think that contributed too because although I was ovulating, I didn't get much ewcm.
My Femara baby is now 4 months old. Sending you lots of special dust

Thanks :hugs: A bit more of my story :coffee:

I have PCOS since my teens. I have a son who is 7, I conceived him pretty easily after losing weight which restored my periods - I was like you and only maybe getting 2/3 periods a year. DH and I started ttc after I came off the pill, and because of my PCOS I referred for a fertility specialist after 6 months of trying.
my FS prescribed Clomid and I too had the disappointment of it not working. I wasn't monitored on Clomid, just had CD21 blood tests. I did 8 Clomid cycles, going up to 100mg and I was ovulating sometimes, not others. I didn't always get a period either and I never got a true positive ic OPK. They wouldn't up the dose of Clomid from 100mg because they said it had worked but they would offer me lap and dye to check my tubes and an ovarian drilling operation. The op has an amazing success rate and I was really hopeful. I have a high BMI (37 at my worst) due to PCOS and after my operation I finally saw a FS who understood PCOS and that my weight was hormonal imbalance, not lack of control in food. I started on Metformin after the operation and built up to 1500mg. I was advised though to keep trying to lose weight as a weight loss of just 5% can trigger ovulation in women who are having annovulatory cycles. I found it so hard, I was doing Zumba, AquaFit and going to the gym 5 times a week and I barely lost a few pounds :dohh:
I had CD21 blood tests on my cycles after the op and because I wasn't ovulating, my FS offered me a choice to retry Clomid or to go onto Femara. I did my research...as you may know Clomid blocks estrogen receptors in the hypothamalus whereas Femara acts on the body as an aromatase inhibitor and works in a different way and has better results in women where Clomid has failed. Femara reduces the production of estrogen temporarily causing the brain to secrete FSH and LH which stimulate follicle development. I felt I had to give Femara a go as I didn't know if Clomid was causing my lining to thin which was preventing pregnancy on the months I did ovulate.
I was given 5mg to start with which very, very loosely translates as 100mg of Clomid - the level that worked to get me ovulate. I wasn't monitored other than the blood tests. I had hardly any ewcm hence the use of PreSeed. Side effects weren't too bad, but I did have sweats and headaches. I also didn't get a true positive OPK even on the day I ovulated, it was a pale line, but a bit less pale than I had previously got in past cycles. I really thought I was out that month because of my negative CD21 so be prepared for later ovulation.
How is your BMI? Are you being monitored on your cycle and would Ovarian Drilling be an option for you?
Hi ladies! This is my first Femara cycle as well! I have tried Clomid in the past (years ago before my son was born and responded overly well. I had anywhere from 10-14 eggs, but my lining was way way too thin) My doc now said he likes Femara better and I shouldn't create so many follicles and it shouldn't thin out my lining. I was diagnosed with diminished ovarian reserve and I have the MTHFR factor. I am 35 and have a son who is 4. I am dying to give him a sibling and am really hopeful this will work. My cycle is monitored...I go this Sunday for a CD10 ultrasound to count the follicles and they will tell me when I need to do the HCG shot and schedule the IUI. I also use preseed.

Ibelieveitwil where are you in your cycle?

Kyla - congrats on your baby! :)
Hi Sib, thank you and good luck to you too. Keep us posted on your Sunday ultrasound.

Ibelieveitwil - Isn't it frustrating when you do all you can to lose weight and just a tiny amount drops off. :dohh: My FS said ladies with PCOS like me have to work 5 times as hard in the gym to get the same result as someone without hormonal imbalance.
My BMI when I conceived was 36, so higher than you're current BMI and I had a healthy pregnancy. I totally can sympathise with your situation, it's so frustrating. We were ttc for 2 years, during that time one friend got pregnant with twins and my best friend also had a baby and it took all my strength to be happy for them when I was fighting envy, self pity and despair.
2.5mg of Femara may do the trick yet :thumbup: I know your gynae's attitude is annoying (believe me I have been in the same position here) but I have learned that very often they are relaxed about things because they're looking at your situation from a scientific point of view and it looks positive. There seems to be no medical reason why you can't get pregnant - provided you ovulate - and Femara is a fab step in the right direction to get ovulation going.
Re weight loss, have you ever tried the South Beach diet? I find it works wonders for me to kick start weight loss, I got pregnant with my first son when I lost weight and I did it using the South Beach Diet. I think it helped a lot with my insulin levels as they'd been knocked about with the hormone imbalance.
Anyway, keep us posted and good luck

Ibelieveitwil - I understand your frustration. Kyla is right, the docs are not emotionally involved so they are able to be more relaxed. Sometimes it's good because they can see things clearly, but if it goes on too long and your not comfortable with your progress, then I would get a 2nd opinion or find an RE. Good luck and let us know what your ultrasound on Monday shows. It's cool that we are at the same spot in our cycles and taking Femara. I'm looking forward to hearing about your progress :)

Kyla, thanks and I will keep you all posted! I love your success story, it really gives us all something to hold onto while we are going through the motions.
Hi ibelieve,

Yes, you can exercise on the South Beach Diet. :thumbup: Please you're going to give it a go, I really think it's a great diet.
Not sure about PreSeed and boys, as I know a few ladies with baby girls who used it. but in my case I have a boy and I used it. Good luck, keep us posted. :hugs:
Ibelieve, I'm so sorry about your scan. At least you have a plan now and your gynae is on board. Having a plan is key to feeling like you are moving forward. Keep us posted on your procedures. I'll be thinking about you!

My scan went well. I had 1 follicle on the right that measured 18 and one on the left that measured 19. My lining was almost 9. Doc said she couldn't have asked for a better response. We are set for IUI on Wednesday afternoon. I have to wake up at 12:45 in the morning tonight to give myself the HCG shot! Crazy! My doc says they know I will ovulate 39 hours after the shot so they make my appointment and then calculate back to tell me when to do the shot. Fingers crossed!

What are your thoughts on this...DH and I BD'd Saturday. He has to give a "specimen" Wednesday. I was planning to BD tonight and then not again until after Wednesday. I was thinking Saturday to Wednesday is too long for him and we wouldn't get the best result, but I also don't want to "short change" us either if do it tonight. What do you think?
Ibelieve, I am SO SO sorry! Is there another doc that you could go see? I would think they would at least want to meet with you to discuss your chart and come up with a plan.
:hi: ladies

Ibelieve - So sorry...but you've got every chance of losing 20lbs quickly on the SBD. It's such a pain when they tell people who have hormonal driven weight issues to "lose weight" because it's just not as simple as cutting the calories and exercising more. Do you have PCOS or just a hormone imbalance as I wondering if Ovarian Drilling might suit you? I've got loads of confidence and faith that you can lose weight well once you're on the SBD and I'm going to be cheering you on. You can go 3 weeks on Phase 1 if you can cope with it and that'll give you an extra boost, especially with your exercise regime

Sib - Sorry logged in late for advice on bd and the SA. Good luck with the SA. Is your DH on any vitamins? My DH took Wellman Conception for Him. Let us know how it goes.
Ibelieve, I'm glad you're feeling better! You can do this and we are here to cheer you on!

Kyla, thanks for being here!

We are actually have an IUI this afternoon, not an SA. I'm a little nervous because I am not feeling any fullness or pressure in my ovaries. I hope I didn't ovulate yesterday! Anyway fingers crossed!
When TTC #2, I did not ovulate on 3 rounds of Clomid (doses 50, 100, 150.) So we moved on the Femara 2.5mg. I was also on Metformin. My dr did not do an US mid cycle, so I don't know if I had any follie grow or not, but I did not O at all. My dr was a OBGYN and only prescribed the low dose of Femara. She said that sometimes (unlike Clomid) that it can take a couple rounds to get you ovulating. So I did round 2 of Femara 2.5mg and got the Ovidrel (spelling??) shot on cd 12. She did an US this round and I had an 18mm follie.

Got my BFP at 3 weeks 3 days. :) So don't give up! I would consider going back to the dr you ahve been using and see if you can do another round of Femara, while you are trying to lose that 20 pounds.

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