Finally success after 5 years unexplained infertility

Mo - there are many times when I wonder if we're going to survive 3 kids but I wouldn't change it for the world. I'm really looking forward to giving L and O a brother, and even though they're young it really seems like they understand (at least on a level they're able to). L is always asking to feel the baby, she'll come up to me and lift my shirt to touch or kiss my belly, O does the same things just not as often. We have an at home doppler and they always ask if we can hear the baby. It's just so adorable! I hope when he actually gets here they're as loving and caring as they are now! :haha: One can hope!

How old are you boys now? 3.5/4 and 2? I think having twins for my first kids is going to help because I've been told by a handful of twin parents that has twins first and then one baby that one baby although it was still hard because lets face it, it's a newborn that needs you all of the time, it was so much easier than having 2 newborns. I'm excited to see the difference. Are your boys in daycare or anything? I just started L and O in a very very part time school. They go Mon and Wed for 3 hours at a time. They started yesterday and I'm a total nervous wreck about it. If I could physically and emotionally handle it, I would still keep them home for me but I feel like my body isn't coping very well with this pregnancy. I don't know if it's because I never really got back into shape after L and O and before I got pregnant again or if it's because I'm chasing toddlers around all day but I am so sore, almost all the time. It's really starting to take it's toll.
4.5 and 2 so you we’re close! The second pregnancy was fed harder than the first. And yes you are chasing around 2 toddlers which makes it super hard!! Starting them in school is very good idea!! Gives you a break and lets them socialize and learn to be around others!
Well Tuesday is d-day. My baby is measuring large for gestational age, I have gestational diabetes again which wasn't showing up in my numbers until 33 weeks, and since I'm trying for a VBAC the high risk doctors really want me induced at 38 weeks. I've thought about this a lot, almost until I was sick to my stomach and I'm going to follow the doctors advice. I've been doing acupuncture every single day to soften my cervix, I've been walking a lot, taking care of my toddlers which is forcing me to be active. I had an appointment with my doctor and she checked my cervix and it is soft (yay!), moving to anterior position, but I'm not dilated much, she said maybe a fingertip which really isn't anything. I'm very nervous about this since my induction is Tuesday evening but we have another appointment on Tuesday and we'll know more then. Wish me luck! An induction is definitely not ideal for a VBAC but the doctors are still giving me a good chance of success so I'm just hoping so much that this induction works and/or I go into labor on my own before Tuesday.
Hey! Came for updates and see fly probably have a baby now! Congrats! Can’t wait to hear how things went.
Well, I didn't get my VBAC but I did get to have a trial of labor and I ended up with a non-emergent c section because of failure to progress over a 24 hour period. After the c-section my doctor came in and told me that he hadn't descended at all and his head was actually lying sideways in my pelvis so she believes I made the right call by deciding to have the c-section. It wasn't ultimately what I wanted but my baby is safe and so am I, that's all I could really ask for.

I'm also really glad I had the opportunity to experience labor. It is so painful but I feel really happy that I was able to labor without an epidural for 24 hours having pitocin contractions. I received an epidural RIGHT before I chose to have the c-section.

His name is Watson and he was born on 11/6/2018 at 9:52am. We're succeeding at breastfeeding and we're all adjusting to our new family member.
Hi ash, don't know if you remember me from the old October 2016 due date group?

I've been a silent lurker (although was on a break from this forum for a few months) and am glad that everything went well and you and your son are safe and healthy. It definitely does sounds like you made the right call. Congrats!
Congrats, and all the best to all your family

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