funny/ embarrasing labour stories

The only embarassing thing to happen to me was during labour I was so nauseous. I think it was the shot of morphine they gave me. I told the nurse I was gonna be sick and she held up one of those kidney shaped bowls. I warned her that it might not be big enough but she said it was ok. I projectile vomited all over her :blush: felt so bad! They had to call the cleaners in to change the bed and clean the floor.

Oh and as the anesthesiologist was leaving I said 'thanks man, you are awesome!' since I had been screaming for an epidural for hours (really intense and long back labour, I wussed out).
You're definitely not a wuss for having an epidural. Ive only had gas and air for my labours but my back labour i was begging for the epi. Only i couldn't have one because my labour, fortunately, was very quick.
When i had my 3rd bub in 2014 i was very constipated. With my 1st two i had a big clear put for 2/3 days prior. So no poop left by the time i was in labour.
So to my shock and horror my labour wasn't progressing because i was so back up. Midwife asked me to go for a wee to see if my bladder might have been full. When i got on the toilet i realized i needed to poop, so she walks in mid poop and intense contraction and was like whoa i see babies head and ran and put her gloves on. It was agony without my gas and air lol i tried so hard to finish but bub was sat right there. So sure enough i finished the rest of my poo on the bed as baby was being born. I was mortified and im sure DH was too lol
My mw kept telling me i did so well, i was like no you did so well!
Thank you ladies for your posts my sister and I were laughing very hard!!! Especially at the woman who grabbed her husband's balls and said feel the pain!!! I cried!!!!
I have a funny moment from my labour for sure.

It was pretty intense until I got the epidural at about 7-8cm. Since it worked well, I was relaxed, laying in the bed and chatting with my mom. At that time, OH decided to go down the corridor to the coffee shop for a cookie and a coffee.

He came back and I went from being relaxed and chatting to being poised on all fours on the bed with the air machine attached to my face and about 10-15 other docs and nurses rushing around. We laugh about it, remembering how he was just casually walking down the hall back to my room with his little cookie having no idea what was going on.

(All was well-we figure baby had descended at that time, positioning her at a different angle, making it difficult to register the hb).
I have a funny labour story that I keep meaning to post the last few weeks. During my labour I had the tens machine on which was helping me alot to cope with the contractions and after a while it felt like it wasn't helping as much and the OH kept upping the strength of the pulses so I could feel them but I couldn't notice them. Eventually we realised that the batteries were flat and the midwife went to get some more. After she replaced the batteries she turned it back on without checking the control and I got a full voltage charge shooting through my whole body. I was standing next to the bed at the time and let out an involuntary scream as it felt like I was being electrocuted and my legs collapsed to the floor. My poor OH panicked thinking that it must be a really bad contraction as I hadn't done that before but luckily the midwife realised fairly quickly what was happening and turned the tens down to a more comfortable level. Lol at the time I didn't see anything funny about it but later after my little girl was born and I was talking to my mother I remembered the incident and in telling her the story we were all in stitches laughing at what had happened.
My second child was born at home unexpectedly on our bathroom floor in a very quick labour. My dad walked through the door and I remember just screaming and being inconsolable saying ring me and ambulance at the time I think they thought I was over exaggerating. I got in the car with my partner to go to the hospital for 30 seconds down the road and felt his head crowning. turned back round I was banging the door screaming at 4am in the morning so all the neighbours could hear. My dad finally answered and I just screamed I can feel his head coming out (embarrassing because my dad is so not that sort of person...) anyway I went In to the bathroom with my partner and he delivered him, the paramedics on the phone were telling him to get me on my back and I was screaming at them telling I'm not effing getting on my back (major back labour)... After delivering my son the paramedics turned up 5 mins later cut the cord Etc. I got up to go downstairs to the ambulance and the paramedics said to me do you not want to put some pants on as you are about to go out in public? I was completely butt naked and hadn't even thought. I put my pants on and obviously realised I had a huge cord hanging out of me, literally dragging on the floor so I was like what do I do with this? They said whatever you want, so I tucked the umbilical cord in to my pants so embarrassing.

Anyway my partner cleaned the bathroom that night and realised I had pooed all over the floor which was covered in bloody towels. He hadn't even noticed even though he was down there the whole time!

With my first born I remember crying saying I need to poo I need to poo and they were like no the baby's head is crowing. I was like no I need to go to the toilet can you help me get to the toilet. I didn't believe them that no the babies head was actually coming out!
Also remember something about my daughters birth. I kept pushing for hours and she wouldn't come out at all, eventually the midwife said to me do you need to pass urine? And I said no. Anyway after about ten minutes of me saying no definitely not she cathetered me, I filled up a whole bucket thing and it over flowed everywhere and the babies head came out and the wee was still coming out and some went on her head. I had drank 2 jugs of water because the gas and air made me so Thirsty without passing urine once!
Bumping this. I'll be adding my second story in a few weeks if it's funny. Haha
Still love this thread - I read it all the way through when pregnant with my first.
Hi all, with my labour nearly 5 years ago, few funny things, everyone knows the involuntary pushing that starts when your at or nearing 10cm, well that was at its peak as I was mooing all over the room, to which I started to poop with every push I didn't mean or do myself, my midwife was wiping it away like it was nothing my little boys dad and my mum were crying laughing me at the time was not haha, so after that fiasco, that wasn't so funny but everytime I tell this 1 I still giggle, my midwife says I'm going to take a little peak to see what's happening so she lifted the sheet and I was laying on my side put her face pretty much right Infront of my lady bits and I let out a very airy yet loud fart right in her face, not meant but it still happened at the time I was fuzzy from the diamorphone to care but afterwards dear lord I could have died hahaha also my babies dad shouted PULL PULL with panic as I was pushing, that didn't go down well haha xxxxxx
At the time I didn't think anything about my labour was funny, but looking back at it there were some funny moments.

After labouring hard for over 24 hours I was only at 7 cm, so I asked to have some gas and air as I was having a very difficult time coping. After my first puff of it I burst into tears, same thing happened after the second puff, so my hubby took the gas away from me thinking it was making things worse. My next contraction came and it was horrendous so I was screaming at him from the top of my lungs 'get me the gas! Get me the gas!'. poor guy was scrambling frantically trying to get the gas back to me.

Several hours after starting the gas and air I was still at 7 cm so the doctor wanted to start pitocin (I was in the hospital for 13 hours at this point and only progressed from 4 cm to 7 cm in that time). At the start of labour I was dead set against an epidural, but at this point I was completely exhausted and didn't think I could cope if the contractions got worse. My hubby and I discussed it and decided I would get an epidural. As soon as the decision was made I wanted the epidural IMMEDIATELY so I wouldn't have to feel more pain, so I started screaming 'I want the anesthesiologist in here NOW!'. The nurse was trying to explain to me that he was in with another patient but would come as soon as he could but I just kept demanding that he come NOW!

When I pushed the baby out I got a really complicated 2nd degree tear that took over an hour to stitch up. I was so giddy after the baby came out that I was telling the doctor she better not give me a 'frankenvag', and that I didn't want it to look like my vag was wearing a Halloween costume. She assured me it was going to look perfect, almost as good as new. So then I turned and told my hubby that my vag was getting refurbished.
Reading these has me really laugh!! Thankyou everybody for sharing :) (and also for making me realise that I had a REALLY boring labour AND delivery :haha: )
So most of my labor with DS was pretty boring; however, there was one point that was hysterical...

It was time to get my epidural (hallelujah!) and the anesthesiologist came in with her assistant. It was the assistants job to stand in front of me and hold me in a bear hug. He instructed me to sit on the hospital bed with my bum on the far side and then to go into sitting indian style (legs crossed). I'm a pretty big girl naturally and wouldn't be able to properly execute this move even if I hadn't been 9 months pregnant so I informed him that I was not going to get my legs any more crossed than they already were (my feet were still kinda hanging near the edge of the bed.) He kept insisting that I get my legs crossed more and I kept insisting that I could not. This went on for a few times and then he leaned in an in an embarrassed tone said that I was kicking him. That is when I realized I could feel all his bits through his thin scrubs as my feet brushed across them. Needless to say I worked really hard to hike my legs up as far as I could get them after that :haha:
My first child took 2 hours to push out and I suffered quite a few 2nd and 3rd degree tears that required quite a few stitches to patch together. To top it off, peeing was torture and I avoided pooping for about a couple weeks after the birth because when I did, I felt like my butt was going to fall out of me. I suffered from prolapse after that which gradually became worse. So when I fell pregnant with my second while on the pill, I dreaded the day when I would have to deliver that baby. What if he took as long to push out as she did and I had to get a full patch work done on my behind again?

At 37w3d I went to the hospital because I was having very mild contractions and pressure. I went in thinking I had a UTI. My jaws nearly dropped to the floor - if that were even possible - when my midwife checked my cervix during a pap (as routine to make sure it was a UTI and not another vaginal infection) and told me that I was already 7 cm!

"No!" I said, "I can't go into labor TODAY!"

She chuckled. "Yes, you're going to have a baby today. Let's wheel you over to the birth center and have a baby!"

I almost passed out. I kept thinking it couldn't be true. After all, I wasn't in pain from my contractions yet but they apparently were doing something because of how far dilated I was already. I asked my midwife, "I have to get my birth bag (aka suitcase with necessities for my hospital stay) out of the car. Can I just walk over to the birth center?"

"Of course," she told me with a big smile on her face.

I was out of there. I didn't even have my birth bag in the car, or even packed yet. I wasn't prepared for the news. All I kept thinking about was how long my delivery took with my first. I drove to the store where my husband worked. "I'm in labor," I told him. "What the heck are you doing here?!" he nearly shouted at me, "Go to the hospital!"

"I was at the hospital. They're getting a room ready for me but I didn't have my birth bag packed."

"Then go get your bag packed and I'll let work know that I have to leave." (when he arrived at the hospital later he told me that his co-workers said that I should have stayed there and birthed at the store... would have made all the headlines)

On my drive home to get my birth bag, my cell phone started ringing. It was my midwife. I let it go. I packed my birth bag and threw it in the car, then went back to the hospital to meet my DH. When I arrived in the hospital parking lot, I listened to the voicemail that my midwife left. She of course was wondering where I was. "We have the birth center room ready and are running a bath for you." :haha:

As enticing as taking a bath was, it was the last thing on my mind. I was intentionally holding off as long as possible so I wouldn't have to do anything except push once I was in my room. By the time I got up to the room and met my DH in the hallway, my midwife was in a frenzy. "I thought you had the baby and would come wheeled up here with it sitting in your lap!"

"No, I had to run home and get my birth bag," I told her, mustering an angelic smile. I had taken so long, the bathtub was empty because the water turned cold and the real work started. I was jabbed in the arm with an IV, my contractions were measured with that uncomfortable belt and I changed into a gown. My midwife popped my water with my consent and then the contractions were no longer painless. I felt the urge to lay down and bear down. When I began to push, my midwife put her fingers up and painfully pushed away the lips of my cervix so the head could come down into the birth canal.

I relaxed and my midwife told me to wait until she had everything ready. She went out of the room to tell the other hospital nurses that they would need their "table of tools" in my room. I felt the sudden urge to push again and did so, pushing with my body this time instead of fighting it like I did with my first. The nurse sitting on the bed beside me screeched, "Omg! I see a head already!" She sent another nurse out to get my midwife.

Thus I gave my midwife her second heart attack of the day.

"I told you to wait!" she said, running into the room and putting on her gloves. I was fed up by this time. For one thing, I didn't have an epidural and could feel every time I had the urge to push. I yelled back, "I can't wait!" and with another push the baby's head was fully out, his shoulders needed another big push and the rest of his body came out. My midwife barely caught him. I was shocked how easily he came.

Needless to say, I was worried for nothing. Second babies really do come a lot quicker.
I've got a tattoo around the top of my thigh, I never see it so I totally forget about it.

At some point during my labour a new midwife came in to check my progress, I was naked from the waist down with just a sheet over me.
She lifted up the sheet and went "wow, that's beautiful!"
I thoroughly thought she was talking about my vagina and was totally creeped out!
At the time I didn't think anything about my labour was funny, but looking back at it there were some funny moments.

After labouring hard for over 24 hours I was only at 7 cm, so I asked to have some gas and air as I was having a very difficult time coping. After my first puff of it I burst into tears, same thing happened after the second puff, so my hubby took the gas away from me thinking it was making things worse. My next contraction came and it was horrendous so I was screaming at him from the top of my lungs 'get me the gas! Get me the gas!'. poor guy was scrambling frantically trying to get the gas back to me.

Several hours after starting the gas and air I was still at 7 cm so the doctor wanted to start pitocin (I was in the hospital for 13 hours at this point and only progressed from 4 cm to 7 cm in that time). At the start of labour I was dead set against an epidural, but at this point I was completely exhausted and didn't think I could cope if the contractions got worse. My hubby and I discussed it and decided I would get an epidural. As soon as the decision was made I wanted the epidural IMMEDIATELY so I wouldn't have to feel more pain, so I started screaming 'I want the anesthesiologist in here NOW!'. The nurse was trying to explain to me that he was in with another patient but would come as soon as he could but I just kept demanding that he come NOW!

When I pushed the baby out I got a really complicated 2nd degree tear that took over an hour to stitch up. I was so giddy after the baby came out that I was telling the doctor she better not give me a 'frankenvag', and that I didn't want it to look like my vag was wearing a Halloween costume. She assured me it was going to look perfect, almost as good as new. So then I turned and told my hubby that my vag was getting refurbished.

After my epidural, Hubby and I are waiting quietly in the delivery room for our sweet boy to arrive.

I close my eyes to try and get some rest because we had been there all night after my water broke at 9:30 the night before and it was after 6am. But I'm so excited that I can't relax, so I turn on the tv and hubby and I sit back and watch. I start dozing off and eventually I am awoken by the sound of.... a fart.

I look over at dh and say, "was that what I think it was?!"

..........And at that moment I realize how close the sound had been and that Hubby is across the room in a chair.

My eyes go wide. It had been my own fart and I had been completely unaware.

Dh and I make eye contact and I say in a panic "omg. I can't control it! I can't feel my butt! Oh my god!!!! I can't feel my own farts!!! What if it happens when I'm pushing?! I CAN'T CONTROL IT!!!!!" And hubby is just laughing away. And I'm laughing and panicking at the same time because I no longer have control of my own farts. I must leave the rest to fate.

I had three or four more.... incidents... one of which happened to occur just as a nurse was leaving the room and I'm pretty sure she heard it because it wasn't exactly quiet. I could have died in shame. ....others (hubby) thought it was hilarious.

I was spared and it didn't happen during delivery. But I know it's something dh and I will talk about forever.
After my epidural, Hubby and I are waiting quietly in the delivery room for our sweet boy to arrive.

I close my eyes to try and get some rest because we had been there all night after my water broke at 9:30 the night before and it was after 6am. But I'm so excited that I can't relax, so I turn on the tv and hubby and I sit back and watch. I start dozing off and eventually I am awoken by the sound of.... a fart.

I look over at dh and say, "was that what I think it was?!"

..........And at that moment I realize how close the sound had been and that Hubby is across the room in a chair.

My eyes go wide. It had been my own fart and I had been completely unaware.

Dh and I make eye contact and I say in a panic "omg. I can't control it! I can't feel my butt! Oh my god!!!! I can't feel my own farts!!! What if it happens when I'm pushing?! I CAN'T CONTROL IT!!!!!" And hubby is just laughing away. And I'm laughing and panicking at the same time because I no longer have control of my own farts. I must leave the rest to fate.

I had three or four more.... incidents... one of which happened to occur just as a nurse was leaving the room and I'm pretty sure she heard it because it wasn't exactly quiet. I could have died in shame. ....others (hubby) thought it was hilarious.

I was spared and it didn't happen during delivery. But I know it's something dh and I will talk about forever.

Hahah you've just reminded me about the uncontrollable epidural farts 😂

One of mine was while I was being checked. 😐 luckily I was too off my face on gas and air to care much 😂
I told my doctor who was about to give me an epidural that I couldn't have my baby until he sewed my cosy toes footmuff thing for my pram! I also said I needed to go shopping as we needed table salt.

My OH abandoned me and went missing for an hour. Turns out he was having a full breakfast.

The pain relief injection the gave me in my arm slipped out while she was injecting my arm and squirted in my mums face.

I had a drip in my hand and NEEDED to take of my bra. We got in a right tangle hahaha

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