Home Birthers & Hopefuls!

Both times I ended up with a c-section due to the babies being malpositioned and not descending into the pelvis (we now think there may be some unseen issue with my pelvis and I'll be having an elective next time). As I said, I got to the pushing stage with both of mine. With Kaya I was pushing for a good 45 mins before we decided to transfer (we live 20-30 mins from hospital) and it was all arranged in full consultation with me. The MW's called the ambulance and I walked (slowly!) to it. Then we drove to the hospital, they put on the blue light when we hit traffic. When we got there, I was assessed by the duty MW and the consultant and we went to theatre (about 20 mins after our arrival) for a trial of forceps. There was no panic and it was a good hour or so between transferring and Kaya's birth. The CMW stayed with us until we went to the theatre. I was sectioned for failure to progress

With Blythe, it was mostly the same. I asked to transfer before my waters went as I felt I needed more pain relief (was quite a quick labour), but my waters went before the ambulance arrived and I started pushing. We did get blue lights all the way this time, but as I was an HBAC I was being monitored every 10-15 mins so we knew baby was fine. After I arrived with OH and CMW it was much the same as last time, but Blythe's heartbeat started to dip and I had to go on my left. The doc decided to just go straight for the section, but there was no real sense of it being an emergency and the staff were joking with me (both times the anaesthetist was really nice lol).
Thanks Marley - I'm going to get OH to read this :)
DH was a little bit anxious at first about my wish for a home birth - mainly as he presumed it would be very messy!

He is now fully supportive and cant wait to meet our little one!

We've had a good look around the homebirth.org website and have started to put together our birth box - basically one of those plastic storage boxes that will keep all our birthing stuff together in one place for when its needed.

Items for our home birth box are:

2 plastic sheets
large flat sheet to go over the top (just for comfort really, was £2 in the sale in primark so dont care if it gets thrown away)
Old towels
Maternity bed mats
microwaveable beanbag style hotwater bottle
towel for wrapping baby in
the big comfy t-shirt ive stole from DH that i want to wear in labour
bucket - cos I know i'll be sick at one point
TENS machine
birth plan

Stuff for me for after i.e maternity towels, big spare pants LOL

Stuff for baby - vest, nappy, babygrow, blanket

Also using a birth ball

Getting very excited :happydance:
I've been so excited this evening after seeing the midwife. I think it's tiring me out! haha

Rach, I've a box that I was going to do the same thing with, so that's a good reminder. I think I'm going to look at those dust sheets at B&Q but will otherwise just get a couple of cheap shower curtains. DH's nan said she'd post us some old sheets and towels down once I got the go ahead, so I need to let her know. I think I have everything else.

Oooh, you also reminded me that I need to edit my birth plan now. I'd done it with a view to going to the birth centre at the hospital. Would you (or anyone else reading the thread) mind posting your home birth plan for tips, etc.?
My birth plan is a birth centre one for the moment....I darent change it because I know my hubby is still wobbly and I might be tempting fate......
My original birth plan for Kaya:-

Home Birth Plan

In General:
Ideally, if all goes smoothly, I would like for the midwives to generally remain in the background and not get involved in my labour unless I ask them to.

The labour:
I would like to remain active and use whatever position I find comfortable.
Please encourage me to stay off my back – particularly for the second stage!
I would like to minimise internal examinations and, if possible, have them done in a position other than lying on my back.
I do not want my waters broken.
Monitoring of the baby’s heartbeat should be done as unobtrusively as possible and in whatever position I am in at the time.
If the baby appears to be poorly positioned or labour is not progressing well for some reason, I would like to try different positions and movements that might help.
I would like to have music playing during the labour, and I want to be in charge of the iPod.
I would like for the clocks in the house to be covered or removed as I do not want to be clock watching.

Birth Companions
Only my mother, Laurie and my partner, Barry may be present during labour and birth. I do not want to be contacted by friends and family asking ‘is it out yet’. Mum or Barry can tell these people to ‘bugger off’.

Pain relief:
I would like Entonox and Pethadine to be available. However I do not want them to offered unless I specifically ask for them.
I intend to use baths and a TENS Machine to aid me in pain management.

The birth:
Please keep the room as quiet as possible during the second stage.
I do not want to be coached through the birth unless it seems as if I need some help, and if anyone calls me ‘mum’ instead of using my name I may hit them over the head with the gas and air!
I would like to give birth in my bedroom
I would like to give birth in an upright, kneeling, supported squatting or all-fours position to give the baby maximum space to descend through my pelvis. I do not want to be on my back or semi-reclining unless that position seems right for me on the day, having tried alternatives. If I am too tired to maintain an upright position then please encourage me to lie on my side instead of my back, to allow maximum mobility in my pelvis.
When my baby is born, please pass him or her straight to me.
Please only administer an episiotomy if the baby needs to be born quickly.
I would like the lights dimmed when my baby is born, and for the minimum amount of noise to be made.
I would not like mucus suctioned from the baby’s mouth and nose unless necessary.
Please do not announce the baby's sex as we would like to find out for ourselves.

Third Stage:
I would like a physiological third stage with the cord clamped and cut when it stops pulsating. I wish no drugs to be used unless specifically indicated. It is important to me that you do not clamp the cord until it has stopped pulsating, unless you need to take emergency steps which preclude this. **Please do not pull on the cord or use fundal pressure unless there is a specific indication to do so, as I have read that this is contra-indicated in drug-free third stages**.
I would like my midwife to set up her resuscitation equipment as close as possible to the place where I give birth, so that if my baby needs resuscitation, this can be done with the cord still attached - thus giving her the benefit of all the oxygenated blood which is transfused from the placenta to the baby when the cord pulsates.
Please offer my partner the opportunity to cut the cord if possible.
We do not wish to keep the placenta

Care of the baby:
I would like to breastfeed my baby as soon as possible after the birth
I would like to keep the baby unclothed and close to my skin immediately after birth, to maximise skin-to-skin contact
I would prefer that my baby is not given an injection of Vitamin K, but would like him/her to have oral Vitamin K instead.

In case of transfer to hospital:
I do not wish to be transferred to hospital unless my or the baby’s health are at risk.
If transfer by ambulance becomes necessary, please do not strap me in on my back - I would prefer to be on my side, to make contractions easier to deal with.
I agree to student doctors being present during my treatment
I am very keen to avoid a caesarean section if it is at all possible, as I do not want to enter future labours with a scarred uterus. I particularly would like to avoid a caesarean just for slow progress. If labour is simply taking a long time but my baby is not in immediate danger, please would you encourage me to keep going and perhaps to try changes of position or movements which might help. Please do not offer a caesarean unless my baby is in danger.
If a caesarean section becomes necessary, I would prefer to remain awake with epidural or spinal block anaesthesia. I would like my partner to stay with me at all times, and would like to breastfeed the baby as soon after birth as possible.
If there are problems after the birth:
If I suffer a severe post-partum haemorrhage, please do not perform a hysterectomy unless it is the only available course of action.
Please do not admit my baby to Special Care simply for observation, but only if there is a specific reason for concern.

Baby Feeding
Please do not give my baby supplements of glucose water or formula milk without my permission. I would expressly like to avoid having any formula supplements unless it is unavoidable, and certainly not in the first two days in any event.
Under no circumstances is my baby to be bottle-fed as this could lead to nipple confusion and hinder breastfeeding. If supplements are necessary, please give them by spoon or other method, not by bottle.
If I have trouble breastfeeding, I would greatly appreciate the help of a midwife who is fully supportive of breastfeeding, and would also like to be given contact details for local breastfeeding counsellors.

Going Home
I would like to go home as soon after the birth as I am able to move, unless I or the baby have health problems which require hospital treatment.
Well I thought he was coming round to the home birth.....:(

If I'm honest a huge part of me has set my heart on this. Hubby has a few reservations but has agreed that we should explore it further. We see the mw to discuss it at my next check up.

I've been sending him links to info and videos on you tube. I've been careful to select positive stuff but tried to make sure its objective too. I've probably got a bit carried away as I do with most things I'm a kind of all or nothing type of girl.... :blush:

He seemed to be really coming round to the idea....

Then we got talking about it again last night and he started getting het up about the girls being there and the dogs! Basically it all then comes spilling out that the more he learns the more nervous he becomes.

I want his support but not reluctantly. He's now said he doesnt want to discuss it with the MW and ultimately its me that has to give birth so he will do what ever makes me happy and support me......why is that a bad thing you ask.....because I feel like its not truly what he wants.

So do I just go ahead and think sod it and get planning.....do I say forget it and go with the perfectly acceptable alternative of the birth centre.....or what?! He's basically saying 'you're gonna get your own way so there's no point me putting up any resistance'.....I hate that.....it's not like us and we usually either agree or have a compromise on everything :|
Have you shown him the stuff written by fathers that have attended home births? Personally, I agree with him that it's you that has to give birth and that you need to do what makes you happy. I think that you'll find that he'll support you no matter what and that he'll wonder what all the fuss was about once he experiences a home birth.
I think that's what I need to do. I honestly thought, because of the way he is, that he'd want a fully objective and 'factual' type view. I've inadvertently made him more anxious. He is so not an ignorance is bliss type of man so I gave him the homebirth.org website and let him read the lot. He's now talking about prolapsed cords and all sorts that he was unaware of a week ago!

We see the MW a week on weds and ATM he's saying he doesnt need to discuss it with her and I should just plan it. I'll leave it for a few days and then a bit closer to the appointment I'll maybe dig out some good accounts from fathers. I'm know he'll come to the appointment if I ask him to.
MM, I think I'd probably still go ahead with it, although I'd feel just as upset about it as you. My DH still thinks the hospital's the best (and I had a lovely text from a friend who asked me if the baby was here yet [urgh, already started!] remind me that home birth is a good idea if all goes to plan but there could be a delay if something goes wrong. Really?! Because I'm an idiot and hadn't considered all possibilities and thoroughly researched it before I made this decision. So glad someone told me! *obvious sarcasm*), but I'm convinced my stress would be through the roof at hospital, even in the birth centre. I need to be able to at least plan this and at least try. Is it possible for you to hire a doula (I would but can't afford any extras) or have another birth partner present that fully supports your plans?

For what it's worth, DH didn't want to go to my midwife appointment yesterday, when we discussed the home birth. But he did put me under instructions to remember everything to relay to him, which I did. Not my next visit, but the following ones, will all be here at home - so he can always discuss it with her then if he likes.
MM thank you for the heads up on this thread So glad you thought of me its great:thumbup:

Marley2580 Thank you x10000 for sharing your birth plan I was her almost wetting myself at some parts:laugh2::laugh2: especialy the part about telling the "is it here yet brigade" to sod off and bashing people with the gas and air. But its really good lots of bits I would'nt have thought to include even after going through it 4 times. Good luck and don't do too much damage with heavy objects.:wacko:

MM I hope you get your home birth preferably with full suport of OH. I have to say if you really feel it's right for you it probably is. My first 3 children (from 1st marrage) were born in hospital... ok easy births with no complications but it all felt so clinical. I was in more pain because of being stuck in one place and bored because of being limited to one room and because they were all born in the middle of the night, it was more or less insisted that I stay till morning.... then you have to wait to be given the "all clear" b4 you can leave and wheres dad in all this...... AT HOME ALONE (ok looking back best place for my x !!), fending of the calls and well wishers and and waiting around for the call to come get you.
Im sorry but i'm just of the opinion that at such a special time mum, dad, new baby and other children (and if its your wish other close reletives) should be with you ..especialy mum and dad together. Dads seem to get a little pushed out all too easlily as it is, all the focus is on mum and baby so for dad to be shipped off home is just out of the question for me, even the possibility of it happening.
My Oh (2nd hubby And brilliant) supported me fully when I wanted our DS to be born at home, 1st because he knows how much I hate hospitals and second because he trusted in my instincs but also because he weighed every thing up.... Pregnancy had been complication free, we were a 10 minute ambulance ride from hopspital should it be needed, full support of midwifes ( who at the end of the day knew what they were doing and talking about) And lastly because this was our time we wanted to be together and share those special precious moments that you can never have back if you loose them. And it was wonderful I had a dry birth last time but he was with me every step of the way. It was almost as if it was just us, the midwife stepped in if and when she was needed and after the three of us just snuggled up in bed and I have to say it's made us closer.
This time we've brought a pool, I'm not sure yet if I will actually have her in the pool or if we will use it but OH knows whatever happens we will be relaxed and in our home and if anything happens the midwifes are there with their wealth of knowledge and experience. They have seen things b4 and know where they do or don't lead and can make decisions way in advance of emergencys. At the end of the day if there is a problem they already know of b4 hand they are already prepaired for it, if the problem is too great they will not allow/support a homebirth in the 1st place and if a problem arrises that they or anyone else did not know of its just the same as being in hospital.. If your in the delivery suite and a problem appears they have to prep theatre get the extra staff called, assembled and scrubbed up and you knocked out or whetever. If this happens at a home birth the ambulance is already on call ( midwife notifies ambulance station etc for homebirths as routine just in case they're needed, so they are already ready) the hospital are doing all the theatre and staff prep while you are on the way and you go straight to theatre (worst case) as you would from the delivery suite at hospital.
If you are the sort of person (and this is NOT a knock to anyone) that feels more secure and comfortable in a hospital then being worried or stressed won't make it a good experience for you.
BUT if you are comfortable with a fully quailfied midwife who at the end of the day delivers babys (not doctors so is the specialist in that field at the end of the day. You wouldn't go to a heart specialist for a brain op!!) and are comforable you can manage your pain (another factor for most) but which I have to say from experience was much easier at home??? Then this will be a good and enjoyable experience for you which you may regret if you don't try it.
You can always ask at any stage to be transfered to the hospital if you get worried or can't manage the pain or just want to go. It seems to be an unspoked thing that if you choose a homebirth you only go to the hospital if something goes wrong and then it gets all scary. But thats just not the case you can ask to go in at anytime for any reason:winkwink:

Sorry I've waffled on enough. I don't want to sway or pressure anyone, but I hope that anyone wanting to do it but just don't know if they can will get something from this. If everything has been ok through pregnancy give it a try arrange everything and transfer to hospital if need be.... But you may just be surprised at how relaxing and calm evrything is and be there a lot longer than you thought you would. After all they are now making birthing centers away from hospitals and as homley as they can:winkwink:
I have had 2 amazing home births, dylan was born on my bathroom floor after me labouring in my dimly lit bath and harry was born on the lounge floor and the other two kids were there to watch it.
Each one was different and each was beautiful.
With Dylan i started getting contractions at 7pm, anais went to stay at the neighbours and we went for a walk around our estate for an hour so i could keep the labour going.
By 10pm it was getting painful and i used the tens machine i had hired.
The midwife came out at 11pm and i was 7cm dilated.
We were drinking tea and watching tv and i was walking around the house to ease the pain.
At about midnight the midwife ran me a hot bath to help with the pain. We had it dimly lit and very peaceful, the contractions were very strong but weirdly i was relaxed enough that i dozed off in the bath.
At about 2am it was getting REALLY painful and i was writhing around the bath like an injured seal!!!!! We called the midwife upstairs as she had left us to it and she checked me.
I was 10cm dilated and feeling ready to push.
I got out of the bath, knelt down holding onto the bath and pushed out my beautiful 7lb 8oz Dylan, natural birth, no pain relief and totally amazing.
The midwife showered me while steve dressed dylan and we went and got into bed while the midwives mopped the bathroom floor and made us a cup of tea and toast.
Within an hour of dylan being born the midwives were gone and we were tucked up in bed sleeping xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx :cloud9:
This is my birth story with Harry

Where the mess is concerned with both of my home births i set up a ''birth area'' in the lounge - this was basically layers on the floor -
old double quilt, covered by cheap shower curtain, covered by old blanket and towels.
Both times the midwives cleared up all the mess while i was getting cleaned up and getting into bed.

If anyone has any questions feel free to ask anything xxxxxxxx
i had a homebirth with Robyn last year and it was the best thing i have ever done.
I felt more in control of things, the midwife was helpful but kept her distance.. i never noticed any mess at all they cleared it up instantly... where as with Ewans hospital birth i was left sat in blood etc for over an hour! and had to request that they clear it up!!
i just used an old duvet to kneel on.

Midwives stayed after the birth for a couple of hours to ensure that i wasn't bleeding heavily. We had tea and toast and a chat after the birth.

Oh was very set FOR a home birth, he was very supportive especially after Ewans rather negative hospital birth.
I'm planning a home water birth. Hypnobirthing sounds like something I'd like to go for too, does it cost a fortune? Having the lights off and nice music on sounds like a good idea RosieandAlan. I must admit, I haven't put much thought into the actual birth yet. But my OH being abroad at the moment makes it a bit tricky to discuss with him...
I'm really hoping for a home birth, It's so much more relaxing and I might be moving house so I have more room for the pool and everything. : )
I'm planning a home water birth. Hypnobirthing sounds like something I'd like to go for too, does it cost a fortune? Having the lights off and nice music on sounds like a good idea RosieandAlan. I must admit, I haven't put much thought into the actual birth yet. But my OH being abroad at the moment makes it a bit tricky to discuss with him...

I suppose it depends on what you think is a fortune! :lol: We have paid £180 for 12 hours of sessions. I think that's good and my HIP grant covered it with a tenner to spare :)
Thanks for all the home birth stories!

When we first started TTC I did not think about a home birth, but after lots of reading and research I know it is the right thing for me. It is where I am the most comfortable and happy! The only tricky part is my 3 dogs (all small) but I figure if they get too barky with the midwife & doula they'll just be locked away in a different room.

I am really excited to have a home birth. I mentioned it to my midwife, who is definitely pro home birth, and as long as all is good come that time we will go for it. My doula also has home birth experiance, so I know between midwife, doula and DH I will have all the support I need!

Has anyone taken a Birthing from Within class? That is what we are planning on taking.

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