How many weeks will you be or were you when you stopped working?


Well-Known Member
Jun 14, 2011
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I was just wondering how many weeks others will be when they stop working? Or were they when they stopped?

I work in a sales call centre & I'm now 26 weeks, still suffering with HG and finding sitting for long periods of time & repeating the script 20 times a day very exhausting, so I am considering leaving work earlier than planned.

I have already pulled my maternity & annual leave forward as much as possible because of the sickness & I'm due to leave in 10 working days time, I've asked at work for off the phone work to get me through til then (there are 2 other pregnant people at work already off the phone, one is 30wkks & the is only 18wks) but my employer does not want me to come off the phone, which means I am expected to struggle on, so I am considering just going off sick for the last 10 days.

I didn't want to let the business down but I have hit all my targets despite being so ill & have been in hospital twice on iv fluids, I feel i've bent over backwards for them & they are giving nothing in return.

sorry for the rant , just fed up now :cry:
i was a sahm before this pregnancy but with my last i also worked in a call centre i was about 26 weeks when i gave up because like you say was having problems being able to sit for so long also not been able to go to toilet when i was stuck on calls killed me :)
Hi there :)

I'm sorry you're having such a tough pregnancy :( I work in HR and to be honest we sort of expect that pregnant ladies will go out on sick leave maybe 2-3 weeks before the start of their mat leave, it's just the way it goes with ladies getting very tired/uncomfortable towards the end so I don't think it would look bad if you had 2 weeks of sick leave :)
I know exactly how you feel, I am 27 weeks now and my manager takes sick/vacation days all the time and leaves me here by myself for long periods of time. I get 8 weeks for maternity leave IF I work until my due date, If I am to be put on bed rest or anything before that time I will only have 6 weeks. Working and being pregnant is definetly a difficult thing and I'll stand up for anyone who puts forth the effort to work while carrying a child. It's not easy at all. I have severe back pain from sitting all the time even though I stretch and take plenty of breaks if I need to. You need to do what you feel is best for you and your baby. The only issue that I could see arising with you leaving early is if you don't get paid for you leave and you're the sole provider for you and your little one. I don't and it's going to be a fiasco! Good luck with your decison and just know you're a strong woman for working until this point because trust me I know it's hard!
I worked 4 days past my due date with my first because she just didn't want to come This time around I work and go to college online so I will work up till the birth.
I left work at 17 weeks, but it was a long time coming and I was SO ready to be out of there. Really stressful work environment.. not physically, but it stressed me out to the point of raising my BP and anxiety levels. Lucky for me, DH was supportive and told me I could quit "anytime," so I did. :)
I work in a reception class and worked until 38 weeks in my last pregnancy. I was on the go all the time and she was still 2 weeks late. I Plan to do the same again this time round. Though am very lucky as the 6 weeks summer holiday falls just before I want to take my maternity. So will only have to go back 2 weeks before I can leave again!
I have 10 weeks left so I'll be leaving when I'm 36 weeks.

If you're that uncomfortable and struggling, ask them to carry out a maternity risk assessment (this should already have been done, if it has, ask for a revision) - it should include the fact that you're sitting, you need regular breaks and you're too emotional/hormonal/stressed/etc to be taking that amount of calls - they are obliged to adapt your work load accordingly.

Plus, the only thing they can do if you go off sick before your mat leave is due to start is force you to take it early - in your case, that's only 10 days so at most, that's the worst that can happen :flower:
I'm taking full advantage and leaving at 29 weeks :) going to enjoy some 'me' time before little one makes an appearance!!

Enjoy your time off :) zx
I'll be leaving at 29 weeks so 13 weeks left if I've worked that out right. I did originally want to work as late as possible but I'm just getting fed up now. Erratic work hours, stress, a bitchy environment with blatant favouritism going on, being told to "be quick" when I need to go to the toilet, being moaned at for nit picky things and the fact that another pregnant lady on my dept has it a lot easier than I do and never has to work late shifts only to name a few lol. I just don't feel I can work much later than I have to.

I'm also not returning to that place, another reason why I'm leaving so early.
I will be 37.5 weeks when I finish I am a teacher and am shattered now but would rather have my time when lo is here x
Thank you for all the replies, you've all made me feel much better & your right i need to do what is best for me, I'll see what my boss says tomorrow as I've brought to their attention the other pregnant ladies who are getting special treatment & I've said it's not fair if i don't get the same especially as I am really ill & one of the others is not ill & is only 18 wks along, if they still won't give me time off the phone, sick it will be xxxx
I'll be leaving work at 32 weeks but as I have so much holiday to take I am working half days from 28 weeks, I have two weeks off from 25-27 weeks and until then I am working two days as half days.

My shifts are 9 hrs and I stand all day but providing we have enough staff I can have pee/food/sit down breaks if I need them.
I was planning to leave at 36 weeks but fed up already.

No extra breaks for me and still no risk assessment done. Getting fed up now.
This thread has made me feel so much better about going on mat leave early.

My original plan was to go at 38 weeks but after suffering horrendously with SPD and getting absolutely no support from my manager or colleagues I've just decided to bugger it and go at 29 weeks. I have three weeks annual leave to take first though.
I worked until the day I went into labor with DD, but I didn't have any complications. I had pretty bad ms in the beginning, but I just threw up at work. This time I'm a sahm, but I had hg and could not have worked between hospitalizations, managing my pump/side affects & fatigue.
I'll be working up to the day I go into labour - I only have two months maternity leave and want to spend it all with my baby xxx
I'm lucky that I'm due end of September and I work in a school. So I'll have 6 weeks off when I'm 30-36 weeks, then I plan (if I'm well enough) to go back for 2 weeks and leave at 38 weeks. I'm hoping that after 6 weeks taking it easy I'll be able to manage work again short term.
39+1 (we have to leave the Friday before our due date at my work, you can't work until your DD exactly). With DD I was planning to work until 39+2 (the Friday before my due date) but went into labour early that morning so missed my last day of work! But I had felt perfectly fine at 39+1 whilst working, just went into labour a bit early.
I work for a well known DIY store behind the service desk (customer complaints and various tasks beyond the normal sales) most of the work involves standing, although through my risk assessment they provide a chair, which is all well and good if you get the chance to get near it and aren't busy, yesterday one of my colleagues was off sick, so for the first hour and a half i was on my own and responsible for the entire front end solo, last night when i came home and had agonising ligament pain, i originally was going to finish at 36 weeks and after having a larger bump than ever i had brought it forward to 33 weeks plus i have 2 weeks annual leave before that and after last night i am soooooo thankful that i did, i think it depends on lots of various factors regarding your health and your working enviroment, i don't think there is a definite 'right' time to finish :)

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