Introduce Your Babies..

Your Name: Krystal
Your Babys Name: Jaxon
Age: 3 months 1 week 5 days
Favourite Foods: Formula & Apple Puree
Recent Milestones: Sitting up for longer periods, giggling & thinking about rolling!
Likes: Sleeping on his tummy, playing with toys & his Bumbo
Dislikes: Runny noses & being alone
Your name: niki
Baby name: Annabel
Age: 4 days
Likes: cuddles.lots of
Dislikes: being dressed



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Your Name: Jess
Your Babys Name: Emily
Age: 6 days
Favourite Foods: Boobies
Recent Milestones: Slept for 3 hours between feeds
Likes: Snuggles on the chest
Dislikes: Getting undressed


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My name: Georgia
His name: Leonidas
His age: 1st picture- Day of birth
2nd picture- 1 week old
Likes: Boobies, cuddles, nappy off time (or "free balling" as his Daddy calls it) and drives in the car
Dislikes: Bath time and being unable to have his hands by his face


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Your Name: Anna
Your Baby's Name: Finn
Age: 13.5 weeks
Favourite Foods: Breastmilk... that's all he gets! :winkwink:
Recent Milestones: Rolled from tummy to back at 8 weeks, now reaches for toys and stuffs everything into his mouth! Also discovered the 'gggg' sound
Likes: Binky, itsy bitsy spider, bath time, and snuggles
Not many at this point, beyond sleeping any reasonable length of time!


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My name: Georgia
His name: Leonidas
His age: 1st picture- Day of birth
2nd picture- 1 week old
Likes: Boobies, cuddles, nappy off time (or "free balling" as his Daddy calls it) and drives in the car
Dislikes: Bath time and being unable to have his hands by his face

Lol so we aren't the only family that incorporates 'free balling' into our daily routine! :haha:
Your Name: Victoria
Your Babys Name: Leonidas
Age: 6 weeks
Favourite Foods: breastmilk
Recent Milestones: making sustained eye contact, took his first bottle
Likes: cuddles, bedsharing, walks in the stroller, being worn, baths, bouncing on stability ball
Dislikes: being alone, diaper changes

My name: Caitlyn
Baby's name: Conner Edward
Favorite food: breastmilk
Likes: nursing and cuddles with Mommy or Daddy
Dislikes: anything that involves being undressed
Your Name: Kat
Your Babys Name: Leo
Age: 7 months
Favourite Foods: breastmilk, apple sauce, yogurt & fruit
Recent Milestones: has mastered sitting up and is now showing signs of crawling soon :)
Likes: cuddling, feeding, going for walks, the swing at the park, his grandparents
Dislikes: me walking out of the room, baths and naptime
Your Name: Charlotte
Your Baby's Name: Isla Sophia
Age: 14.5 weeks (should be 11 weeks)
Favourite Foods: Breastmilk
Recent Milestones: Batting at toys, mini-push-ups, chuckling
Likes: Eating (!!), cuddles, sleeping next to mummy, her big brother, looking at herself in the mirror, people smiling at her.
Dislikes: Sleeping on her own, being in the car, napping


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Your Name: Melissa
Your Baby's Name: Lila Claire
Age: 4 weeks
Favourite Foods: Breastmilk
Recent Milestones: Getting on a good sleep schedule. One wakeup during the night.
Likes: A warm bath, going for walks in the stroller, getting bounced to sleep, boob!
Dislikes: getting OUT of the bath and being cold, not much else this girl doesn't like!

First pic is 2 days old
Second is a week old
Third is 3 weeks


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Your Name: Hollay
Your Baby's Name: Soroor (Roo) Helen
Age: 5 months
Favourite Foods: Breastmilk
Recent Milestones: Sort of sits up, had some of her first solids
Likes: Mommy (i.e. Mommy's boobs), her big brother and sister, talking, being read to, our cats.
Dislikes: When Mommy leaves the room, being 'over-loved' by her sister.


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Your Name: Marie
Your Baby's Name: Oscar
Age: Almost 1!
Favourite Foods: apples, cake, spaghetti, porridge.
Recent Milestones: Starting to walk! He's nearly there.
Likes: Cuddles, baby group, going to the park, going for walks, going to the beach, his big brother, his 'blankie', music.
Dislikes: Being ignored, loud noises, being hungry, having his face wiped, staying still for too long.

This pics a bit old but it's all I have on this computer as DH has taken mine to work with him as his broke :dohh:


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Your Name: tara
Your Babys Name: rohan
Age: 9 weeks (should be 6)
Favourite Foods: formula
Recent Milestones: one or two smiles.
Likes: lots of cuddles, watching his brothers
Dislikes: sleep, bum changes, giving wind!
Your name: Meep
Your baby's name: See signature (rhymes with Isla)
Age: 8 months
Favourite foods: Breast milk, all kinds of fruit
Recent milestones: Points at everything, holds things out to show you, has just about mastered crawling
Likes: Baths, wires, TV remotes, 'Boo!' games, being jiggled
Dislikes: Not being able to do something, having her teeth brushed, her cot :dohh:, teething, having her nose wiped.


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Your name: Lizzie
Age: 9 months
Favourite foods: Milk, toast, watermelon
Recent milestones: Starting to crawl finally!
Likes: Eating, making loud noises, cuddles, baths
Dislikes: Being changed, wearing a hat, finishing her dinner (lol), getting out of the bath, being left alone


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Your Name: Ashley
Your Babys Name: Lou
Age: 3.5 months
Favourite Foods: formula
Recent Milestones: able to grasp objects (puts them directly into his mouth), holds up his head, smiles like crazy, just starting to giggle, found his hands, in the process of finding his feet
Likes: eating, playing, sleeping, baths, car rides, stroller walks, baby wearing
Dislikes: the first 1/2 hour of bedtime, getting into the car seat, hats

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