Introduce Your Toddler

My Toddler is Phoebe. She's 19 months old and a rainbow baby. Loves fruit, chicken, carrots and beans. Loves Peppa and Frozen. Loves to run outside and play ball. Loves cats and dogs. Recent milestones being able to walk up & downstairs holding the bannister. 4 word sentences, brushing her hair, washing her face and putting on her shoes. Dislikes it when her shoe shoe comes off, sprouts, eggs and being hungry.
Your name: Laura
Your toddlers name: Isaac
Age: 17 months today
Favourite foods: Potato, pasta, banana, yoghurt.
Recent Milestones: He learned to walk today!
Likes: Animals, Thomas the tank engine, dancing, having a bath, making cat noises.
Dislikes: having his nappy changed or his face wiped.


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Your name: Kassie
Your toddlers name: Haylee
Age: Almost 17 months
Favourite foods: Fruit (Banana, Grapes, Plum & Watermelon), Cheese toasties. She also loves nuggets & chips (oops :/)
Recent Milestones: Attempting to jump, can point to her nose & ears.
Likes: Animals, Cartoons, Mummy's phone & keys.
Dislikes: The vacuum cleaner.
Your name: Sophie
Your toddlers name: Daniel
Age: 2 Years
Favourite foods: Banana, Apple, Spag Bol
Recent Milestones: Went On His 1st 4 Day Holiday With His Granny, & Starts Pre-School!
Likes: Fireman Sam, Cars, Making Lots nose lol
Dislikes: Santa, Not getting his own way.

Picture taken on his holidays with his granny :) such a cheeky boy <3 love him with all my heart x
Your name: Chelsey
Your toddlers name: Evangeline-Rose
Age: 3
Favourite foods: Chicken nuggets, Peas and chocolate
Recent Milestones: Started Nursery
Likes: TV and playing games on my phone
Dislikes: Taking meds, sleeping and having her hair washed

Info: She is a bit behide on everting as she had open heart surgery in Jan.


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My Luke! 19 months, pure boy :)
Well i guess we belong in here now since hes no longer a baby :cry:

Your name: Tara
Your toddlers name: Rohan Thomas (Silent H in Rohan)
Age: 12 months
Favourite foods: spaghetti hoops :s
Recent Milestones: walking
Likes: almost everything
Dislikes: having his inhaler, having his nose cleared, not being allowed his brothers chocolate

Info: Rohan was born at 36+5 (spontaneous labour) via emcs weighing 6lb 8oz. spent a couple days in NICU under the billi lights and on iv antibiotics for strep B. we went home at 3 days old and he was doing grand apart from loosing weight and went down to 6lb 1oz. at 12 days old he stopped breathing and had to be blue lighted to hospital where he was ventilated and sent to a bigger hospital. We spent 3 weeks in intensive care and a further 4 days back in our local hospital before going back home. he had RSV, Bronchiolitis, Pneumonia, collapsed lung, air in his chest cavity and a bacterial infection. He came home at 5 weeks old weighing 6lb 1oz.

a couple months later he had hypothermic temp drops while sleeping which are still unexplained. Then sepsis of the kidney and a severe uti where they found he had a duplux kidney and collection system with grade 5 hydronephrosis, also a large ureterocele in his bladder. He had another indepth kidney scan and then an operation the next month to burst the ureterocele which worked and his hydronephrosis is now much milder (after having another ultrasound). We just last month had his nuclear scan (DMSA) to see how much of his kidneys work and whether the duplex needs removed or if it can be left to see how it goes.
Shortly after that he got a bad viral infection and was admitted to hospital again and put on a drip.

We've had a phew cases on bronchiolitis since which he is prone to and is on an inhaler for Asthmatic tendancies. he also has CMPI

There is a much more indepth story on my journal for anyone interested. Rohan was featured on a BBC ALBA programme called Cobhair Chloinne (scottish channel. Paediatric retrievals, which can still be watched online. hes in episode 1)
pictures from the first hospital journey
his christmas photo
Your name: Maria
Your toddlers name: Mateo
Age: 5 (so not a toddler but I can pretend, right?)
Favourite foods: Pizza, cheese, strawberries, chips
Recent Milestones: Reading and writing skills are improving so much everyday. Had his first skateboarding lesson. Tidied his room all by himself without being asked
Likes: Animals, dinosaurs, skateboarding, music, school, playing with his brother, going on his scooter
Dislikes: being woken up, coming home from school, his older brother being away, not getting his way, the rain ruining our plans!

Your toddlers name: Cruz
Age: 3.5 (also not really a toddler anymore...)
Favourite foods: also pizza, blueberries, carrots, cereal, sandwiches
Recent Milestones: doesnt need a diaper at night anymore (finally!), can write his full name perfectly(first, middle, last), isn't scared of putting his head underwater anymore, doesn't ask for the stroller every time we go outside of the house anymore(!!)
Likes: animals, playing with his brother, preschool, riding his bike, riding on the back of my bike, going to the park, going to the beach, going on walks, getting messy!
Dislikes: baths, being told no, things not working the first time, not being able to buy everything in a store that he wants.
Your name: Felina
Your toddlers name: Hunter
Age: He turned one year today! And I am 27.
Favourite foods: Literally the only thing he refuses are green beans. This is hard to answer. He devours anything with tomato sauce!
Recent Milestones: Standing unsupported, stacking objects, putting objects in other things (he recently put the circle in the correct hole in his shape-sorter), and using some words.
Likes: Going outside, being chased and tickled, cell phones, playing with objects that aren't toys, climbing stairs, pretending to cough and mimicking other people's coughs, and fiddling with buckles.
Dislikes: Diaper changes, when people hide their phones, grass, and the sound of blenders.


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Your name: Audra
Your toddlers name: Timothy
Age: 12 months
Favourite foods: strawberries, eggs
Recent Milestones: cruising
Likes: Dancing, Bubble Guppies, All animals, going for stroller rides, peek-a-boo!
Dislikes: long Car rides, diaper changes, olives
Hi everyone,

I'm so excited to be here on a parenting forum.

Your name: Ann
Your toddlers name: Amu
Age: 35 months
Favourite foods: Cheese, apples, milk, juice, beans, cream biscuits...
Recent Milestones: using potty on her own!!
Likes: going to the park, playing with her figurines and enacting her rhymes
Dislikes: vegetables, taking temperature...
Your name: Becca
Your toddlers name: Carson
Age: 2
Favourite foods: Grilled Cheese, Blueberry Waffles
Recent Milestones: Learned to identify his chin and arms, and learned to say his name.
Likes: Cars, trucks, tractors, trains, Paw Patrol, Mickey Mouse Clubhouse, Goldie & Bear, animals
Dislikes: Being sticky, timeouts, mushrooms, pork


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16.5 months
Fave foods: rice, bolognese, yoghurt, cucumber, berries, banana
Recent milestones: Runs very fast now. Moved to 18-24 clothing. Has begun pretend play (using sticks as vacuum nozzles while I vacuum and feeding his stuffed mouse) uses a spoon independently.
Likes: Birds, going for walks, playing in the garden, the ladies at his nursery, soft play, funny noises, cuddles, our cats, dogs in the street
Dislikes: Food that he thinks might be hot, balloons, getting dressed, staying indoors, not being understood, not being able to climb on to high things by himself.
Your name: Demi

Your toddlers name: Daisy Fay

Age: 16 months

Favourite foods: Cheese Omelette, Pasta, Houmous, Bananas and Blueberries

Recent Milestones: Peeing on the toilet; learning plenty of new words all the time (amongst her favourites are 'cat', 'eyes' and 'no').

Likes: Pictures of cats, Row-Row-Row-Your-Boat, her baby doll "be-be", soft play, swimming and dinosaurs ("rawr")

Dislikes: Avocado, Mummy saying no, cats in real life and her own bed


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Your name: MelH
Your toddlers name: Liam Luke
Age: 4 going on forty
Favourite foods: spaghetti bolognese
Recent Milestones: learning something new everyday
Likes: sports and motor cycles
Hi, i was a member when i was pregnant but decided to rejoin now that my little boy is 20 months.

My name: Laura
Child's name: Ryan
Age: 20 months

likes: he loves anything car or vehicle related, if he can push it he's happy lol
first word was car - hes trying to talk in sentences, so you get go car, mama car etc which is so cute
loves being outside playing
Fav foods - he loves chicken curry, toast, yoghurt and melon
he is almost running - cross between a walk and a slow jog at the minute
has just recently grown tall enough now to be able to open the door

dislikes: the hoover

info: Ryan was born at 41+1 after an induction, 2 hour active labour, born at 3:24 after a 14 minute second stage. he was a chilled baby and slept through from 8 weeks, still loves his sleep thank god.
started baby led weaning with him from 6 months and he now eats everything in sight which is amazing, is on one bottle of milk at night, which im going to slowly wean him off before he is 2.
I always have trouble thinking of my Bugaboo as a toddler, but I guess she technically is. Where has time gone???

Your name: Bee
Your toddlers name: Raven
Age: 13 months
Favourite foods: eggs, potatoes, peaches, plums, spaghetti
Recent Milestones: She can officially stand for half a minute, and is trying to take her first step
Likes: Music, Moana, the Secret Life of Pets, books, banging toys together until I have a headache, her train, the Fisher Price puppy, dogs, cats, everyone she meets basically
Dislikes: when I leave the room, having a poopy diaper... and that's pretty much it? lol
My name: Alliah
Child's name: Charlotte
Age: 2 years 1 month

Likes: dori, my little pony
wearing shoes and hats.
first word was: hi
Fav foods - yogurt, rice, anything if it's in a squeeze pouch

dislikes: carrots.

info: long term ttc Charlotte was a clomid baby after 3 years ntnp, 4 years ttc. Easy pregnancy, fun and quick birth she's been a joy. Dad is stay at home I work half time away, half time at home.
Your name:Treanna
Your toddlers name: Zane
Age: 2.5

Favourite foods: Pizza, any fruit, and Reeses.

Recent Milestones: Full sentences! Finally got his tonsils out! Working on potty training. Attachment phase. =[

Likes: Motorcylces! Cars! Kids Youtube. Sharks, Fish (actual fishing, eating fish, youtube videos of fish.) And puppies! LOVES his Nana, Grandma, and Papa.

Dislikes: Zane hates when his older siblings visit, because he misses them so much when they leave. Zane recently started hating daycare dropoff, or even being dropped off at Papa's, Nana's and Grandmas. Zane hates leaving his mama and dada. Zane does not like vegetables, so mommy makes veggie fruit smoothies.
I don't think I ever posted here. Apologies if I have.

Your name: username is what I go by online usually
Your toddlers name: Raven
Age: 2
Favourite foods: Mac n cheese, pizza, Popsicle
Recent Milestones: Can climb her high chair now, saying sentences, can count to ten
Likes: Dogs, cats, giraffes, cars, monsters, Moana, Dora, Umizoomie (I probably spelled that wrong), music
Dislikes: Being sleepy, being hungry, being misunderstood


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