Introduce Your Toddler


♥ Brookes Mummy ♥
Dec 22, 2007
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Well we had this thread going once upon a time but it seemed to disappear and since we have lots of new faces both in this section and on the forum i thought it'd be nice to do it again :flower:

So ....

Your name:
Your toddlers name:
Favourite foods:
Recent Milestones:

And finally post a picture of them (optional)
Your name: Lauren
Your toddlers name: Ben
Age: 13 months
Favourite foods: Lasagne, marmite and cheese
Recent Milestones: today he said his first sentance "Hiya Baba!"
Likes: In the night garden, playing outside, lots of attention!
Dislikes: coming inside (major tantrums!) not getting his own way and when daddy goes to sea
Your name: Sabrina

Your toddlers name: Declan Joseph

Age: 2 1/2 (30 months)

Favourite foods: Pastas, Roast dinners and Spag. Bol. His fave. snacks are Raisins, Quavers and Jelly.

Recent Milestones: He has reached all his major milestones, but most recent milestone would be learning to ride a proper bike (if you class that as a milestone lol )

Likes: Playing with matchbox cars, climbing, Fireman Sam, Peppa Pig, riding his bike and scooter and helping to bake.

Dislikes: Being told what to do, sharing food, going in his pram and bumble bees.
Your name: Kirsten
Your toddlers name: Freya
Age: 11 months
Favourite foods: Olives, Tomatoes, Ratatouille
Recent Milestones: Climbing down small flight of steps (3 lol) and walking whilst holding onto one of my hands instead of two.
Likes: Moving as fast as she can, jumping, laughing, dancing.
Dislikes: Sitting still, being in the car, sand!
Your name: Hayley
Your toddlers name: Easton James Adair Miller
Age: 17 months
Favourite foods: Spaghetti, macaroni and cheese
Recent Milestones: Sorting shapes in his shape sorter (5 times fast, anyone?)
Likes: Bath time, slides, and music!
Dislikes: Medicine, other crying babies :haha:, and going to the babysitter.
YOUR NAME alison

YOUR TODDLERS NAME samuel alexander nixon (samsam)

AGE 2 1\2

FAVE FOOD anything he gets his hands on :dohh:

RECENT MIELSTONES getting dressed well bottom half hasnt quite got the hand of the top half yet :thumbup:

LIKES been naughty,bathtime and playing with our dog

DISLIKES anyone telling him what to do and anyone taking his shoes off :wacko:

Your name: Anna
Your toddlers name: Alyssa
Age: 14 months
Favourite foods: Lasagna, fish pie, raspberries, cheese.
Recent Milestones: Learning where her toes, head, belly, legs and nose are.
Likes: Getting into anything and everything, her rubber duckies, wearing Mommy's shoes, In the Night Garden.
Dislikes: Sitting still, face washing, not getting her own way, avocados.
Your name: Anna
Your toddlers name: Alyssa
Age: 14 months
Favourite foods: Lasagna, fish pie, raspberries, cheese.
Recent Milestones: Learning where her toes, head, belly, legs and nose are.
Likes: Getting into anything and everything, her rubber duckies, wearing Mommy's shoes, In the Night Garden.
Dislikes: Sitting still, face washing, not getting her own way, avocados.

I love this pic :cloud9:
Awww thanks Sabby! It's one of my favourites of her. I need to take more though - that was back on her first birthday :cloud9:
Your name: Hayley

Your toddlers name: Morgan

Age: 18 Months

Favourite foods: Nannys roast dinner, Lasagne , Fish Fingers & Toast.

Recent Milestones: He's hit all his major targets for his age group, we are now working on his vocabulary :)

Likes: Playing outdoors, Animals, & Barney.

Dislikes: The Hoover, Screaming babies, & Not being able to get his own way :rofl:
Great thread!

Your name: Nuala (pronounced Nula)
Your toddlers name: Aisling (pronounced Ashling)
Age: 12 months
Favourite foods: Anything with fish, sweet potato wedges, Thai curries!
Recent Milestones: She started pulling to standing a week ago :dance:
Likes: Crawling everywhere, being pushed on her tricycle, books, saying hello to trees when we're walking the dogs! :haha:
Dislikes: Having her nappy changed, she keeps throwing a strop and crawling off! :dohh:

Your name: Kelly
Your toddlers name: Seren
Age: 16.5 Months
Favourite foods: Cottage Pie, Blueberries, Fish Pie, raisins.
Recent Milestones: Recently she's coming out with lots of animal noises, she baa's and moo's like a pro!
Likes: Timmy Time, playing on her swing, animals and other kiddies!
Dislikes: Having her teeth brushed, cheese, having things taken off her.
Your name: Caroline
Your toddlers name: Alex
Age: 11 months (12 months in 5 days!)
Favourite foods: Avocado, Melon, Pita bread
Recent Milestones: Starting to point at things and starting to stand unaided
Likes: Balls! and terrorising the cat.
Dislikes: Being laid on his back and anything that is or sounds like a hairdryer.
Your name: Vickie
Your toddlers name: Hannah
Age: 20 (almost 21) months :D
Favourite foods: spaghetti/lasagna pasta of any kind really
Recent Milestones: most have been with her speech, learning new words daily it seems!
Likes: playing outside in the sand, sliding, swimming, painting
Dislikes: blowing leaves & plastic bags, pine cones :rofl:


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Your name: Terah
Your toddlers name: Aiden
Age: 2 years
Favourite foods: Fruits and veggies (I'm completely serious!)
Recent Milestones: He's hit all of his developmental milestones for his age, but we're working on teaching his how to count now. :)
Likes: Hot Wheels cars, getting his way, spending time with his grandparents, and Scooby Doo (we've watched this pretty much non-stop for two weeks)
Dislikes: Not getting his way, having to share anything with his sister, going to bed

Sorry the pictures sideways...


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Your name: Kimberly (kim)
Your toddlers name: Ciaran
Age: 2 very soon :D
Favourite foods: Pasta , Bananas , Yoghurts
Recent Milestones: Umm mostly speech :)
Likes: Painting , Messing the house up , Emptying the toy boxes , dancing
Dislikes: Sitting in his chair, being told off
Your name: Lily
Your toddlers name: Kathryn
Age: 19 months
Favorite foods: tofu, cheese, bananas, goldfish crackers
Recent Milestones: tons of new words (at least one a day now) better pronunciation of words (baby instead of baba, etc) and a few new sentences.
Likes: playing outside, coloring, playing with things that she's not allowed to, making a mess, not listening :lol:
Dislikes: not getting her way, going to bed, and daddy going out without her (even if its just grabbing something from the car)


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I didnt even do me :dohh:

Your name: Holly
Your toddlers name: Brooke
Age: 16 months
Favorite foods: Fish, Peas, Cabbage, Jam and Crumpets (bits and sauce :lol:)
Recent Milestones: Stringing words together, her first sentece/phrase is "Buh bye see you later" its a little rough around the edges but you can tell what she's saying :lol:
Likes: playing outside, playing in the bath, washing up and just generally making a mess
Dislikes: Sleeping in her own bed :hissy:, Jelly, getting her pj's on
Your name: Carolyn
Your toddlers name: Abby
Age: 17months
Favourite foods: melon, bananas and grapes
Recent Milestones: learning new words and pointing at things and saying what they are
Likes: playtime, helping me bake, walks and swings :)
Dislikes: having her face washed!!
Your name: Lisa
Your toddlers name: Gracie
Age: 16 months
Favourite foods: Roast dinners, mummys fish pie, fruit, yoggie raisens.
Recent Milestones: learning names for body parts!
Likes: Daddy tickle time, mummy chasing, the OUTDOORS, animals, and her 'noo noo'.
Dislikes: Coming back indoors from outdoors! cats that scratch, being bored.


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