~Mark of Love~ c-section mom/mum support group


Mummy to two girls
Sep 8, 2008
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WELCOME! :wave:

quote by Ananada Lowe....
"Whatever way birth happens, it is your rite of passage into motherhood, and
that passage is to be celebrated. Natural childbirth is a passage, cesarean
birth is a passage, and birth with an epidural is a passage to be celebrated.
That passage cannot be taken away from you. Every mother's birth experience is
valid, and an act of courage."

I thought it would be nice to have a C-section Support/FAQ group.

You may want to ask about:

*having a [h2]VBAC[/h2]/HBAC or [h2]elective section[/h2]'s
*TTC/pregnancy after a Section
*Healing/emotional recovery from a [h2]c-section[/h2]

and lots lots more that goes with it!

This is the place to ask :)
So come and tell us about you and your story


I will start by telling you a bit about me

Children/s name/s & birthdate/s:Millie 10/05/10
EDD: 01/05/10
Number of elective Caesareans: 0
Number of emergency Caesareans: 1
Number of vaginal births: 0

I'm Alanna and I had my DD by emergency C-section on 10th May 2010 due to 'Failure to progress' here is my birth story Millie's Arrival

I am WTT for #2 at the moment and hope to TTC the end of May this year, with this i've have lots of questions pop up in my head about how my scar will cope the worry of rupture etc so its definitely very different to when we TTC the 1st time!:wacko:
At the moment I would like to try for a VBAC, but i have also prepared myself for having a possible C-section again (and i'm not even pregnant yet :laugh2:)

If you have had a C-section or due to have one please join us!!!!

Hello :wave:

I'm a C-section mummy too and here's a bit about me:

Children/s name/s & birthdate/s: Eloïse 08/05/10
EDD: 24/04/10
Number of elective Caesareans: 0
Number of emergency Caesareans: 1
Number of vaginal births: 0

I'm Rachel. I delivered Eloïse by emergency Caesarean section at 40+14 after 38 hours of latent, but very painful (!), induced labour. Here's my birth story: https://www.babyandbump.com/birth-stories-announcements/328397-announcing-birth-eloise.html

We're currently TTC/NTNP for #2 - hubby's idea really as I was content to wait a while. I'm concerned about rupture of the scar as this happened to my Dad's wife in her second pregnancy. Mostly I'm still debating whether to VBAC or opt for an elective c-section.

I love all the pro's for a VBAC, especially with breastfeeding as I failed to do it with Ellie (poor latch, bad positioning) and gave up and I really want to do it next time. But I had such horrendous pain with Ellie's labour (even though I didn't progress past 3cm), so much so that I actually asked them to kill me... :shock: that I'm very scared of going through that again and C-section seems like the easier option...
Its a really hard decision to make isn't it? I have complete respect for those ladies trying for a HBAC!
Mrsraggle do you also worry about the age gap effecting your chances of a VBAC? this is always on my mind, but i know there are a few mums on her who have had 17-21 months between!
hiya :) A little about mine....

Children/s name/s & birthdate/s: Cody finley ray 08/02/11
EDD: 28/01/11
Number of elective Caesareans: 0
Number of emergency Caesareans: 1
Number of vaginal births: 0

I had an emergency c section after a complicated labour.
my c-section ripped open in places about 2 weeks after birth due to an infection i had in my stomach that docs thought was water retention. (i had this infection before i went into labour). so the infection tried toget out through my c section cut. *usually* how long does it take for a c section to heal? i am still really sore but mine that is to be expected. people who had a normal healing process... when could you bend over etc and be pain free?
hiya :) A little about mine....

Children/s name/s & birthdate/s: Cody finley ray 08/02/11
EDD: 28/01/11
Number of elective Caesareans: 0
Number of emergency Caesareans: 1
Number of vaginal births: 0

I had an emergency c section after a complicated labour.
my c-section ripped open in places about 2 weeks after birth due to an infection i had in my stomach that docs thought was water retention. (i had this infection before i went into labour). so the infection tried toget out through my c section cut. *usually* how long does it take for a c section to heal? i am still really sore but mine that is to be expected. people who had a normal healing process... when could you bend over etc and be pain free?

Hello! :wave:

I was really lucky as my scar healed very well. I'd say after the first week I was pain free, although I took my pain meds for the whole course. Definitely by day 14 I felt very normal. It got a bit smelly at week 5 but a short dose of anti-biotics sorted that out.
Its a really hard decision to make isn't it? I have complete respect for those ladies trying for a HBAC!
Mrsraggle do you also worry about the age gap effecting your chances of a VBAC? this is always on my mind, but i know there are a few mums on her who have had 17-21 months between!

I'm most worried about scar rupture. Are there other concerns, regarding a small age gap? Just found this which has scared me a little. Basically says that a VBAC is safer for mom, but a C-section is safer for baby.

This was our old consent form when we used to do VBAC's

1. I understand that I have had one prior cesarean(s)

2. I understand that I have the option of undergoing an elective repeat cesarean, or attempting a vaginal birth after a cesarean (VBAC).

3. I understand that approximately 70% of women who undergo a VBAC will successfully deliver vaginally.

4. I understand that the risk of a uterine rupture during a VBAC is someone such as myself, who has had a prior incision in the noncontracting part of my uterus is around 1%.

5. I understand that VBAC is associated with a higher risk of harm to my baby than to me.

6. I understand that if my uterus ruptures during my VBAC, there may not be sufficient time to operate and to prevent the death of, or permanent brain injury to my baby.

7. I understand that the decision to have a VBAC is entirely my own, and option of an elective repeat cesarean has been discussed with me.

8. I understand that VBAC carries a lower risk to me than does a cesarean delivery. I understand that if I deliver vaginally, I most likely will have fewer problems after delivery and a shorter hospital stay than if I have a cesarean delivery.

9. I understand that during my VBAC, the use of oxytocin (Pitocin) hormone to make my uterus contract my be necessary to assist my in my vaginal delivery, and the "risk" of this drug have been thoroughly explained to me.

10. I understand that if I choose a VBAC and end up having a cesarean during labor, I have a greater risk of problems than if I had had an elective repeat cesarean.

11. I have read or have had read to me the above information and I understand it.
This link is full of VBAC stats: https://www.rcog.org.uk/womens-heal...irth-after-previous-caesarean-information-you

Very good!
*usually* how long does it take for a c section to heal? i am still really sore but mine that is to be expected. people who had a normal healing process... when could you bend over etc and be pain free?

Hi :wave: congrats on your little one :flower:
I think around 3 weeks i felt more comfortable to move about and bend down, i always took my med's even if i wasn't in any pain, i was to scared to risk that :laugh2: But i didnt exactly rest like i should have after my section because i was due to get married 12 days later!!:wacko:


I'm most worried about scar rupture. Are there other concerns, regarding a small age gap?

I'm not sure about other risk, i mainly mean about giving your body longer time to recover after the 1st c-section. Would this help chances of having a VBAC? Or if they are close together would it cause more complications??

My midwife will love me when i'm pregnant again with my gazillion questions! :haha:

Any VBAC mummys about, i would love to hear your stories! :thumbup:
This was posted in the Natural birthing section about a VBAC blog, i thought it was a good read!


I'm most worried about scar rupture. Are there other concerns, regarding a small age gap?

I'm not sure about other risk, i mainly mean about giving your body longer time to recover after the 1st c-section. Would this help chances of having a VBAC? Or if they are close together would it cause more complications??

My midwife will love me when i'm pregnant again with my gazillion questions! :haha:

Any VBAC mummys about, i would love to hear your stories! :thumbup:

Just found this:
How long after a caesarean should I wait before having another baby?

The gap that you should have between your last pregnancy and the next is your decision, although there is evidence that the uterine scar does become stronger over time. Research has looked at different gaps between pregnancies from those grouped as "less than 6 months" up to those grouped as "longer than 2 years". The risk of uterine rupture or of the scar separating remains small even with small intervals, but gaps of less than 6 months had the highest risk.

However, the risks are tiny in all cases and most mothers who go on to have a small gap between pregnancies do not encounter problems. Despite research showing slightly higher scar separation rates when inter-pregnancy gap is shorter, it can still be argued that a VBAC is the safer choice.

Child spacing is a very personal decision, which is far more complex than consideration of caesarean scar rupture statistics. It is your decision to make and factors such as your age, how easily you are likely to conceive, your general level of health, and how ready you feel to start another pregnancy, are all likely to be important to you in making that decision.

There are plenty of women who have had perfectly straightforward vaginal deliveries when the gap between pregnancies has been very short.

This is a good link actually: https://www.caesarean.org.uk/FAQ.html#preGap
Well of course, you can add me to the group too!

Children/s name/s & birthdate/s: Max Joseph Hatton 28/03/2010
EDD: 15/04/2010
Number of elective Caesareans: 0
Number of emergency Caesareans: 1
Number of vaginal births: 0

I was induced at 37+1 due to mild pre-eclampsia and raising uric acid levels, and was already 1cm dilated. 24 hours later the insert had made no difference but they could pop my waters due to my dilation. 8 hours after they were popped it was decided I had to have an emergency section due to Max's heart rate dropping with each contraction and only 3-4cm dilated.
I believe Max's heartrate dropped because of a certain MW who took mine off her break and everything suddenly turned into a panic because of her, and that's when Max's heartrate started to alter. Cowbag.

Currently pregnant with #2 and if he arrives on time (november 16th) there will be 19.5 months difference between the two. My mum had a successful VBAC with a 24 month gap so am hoping I'll be as lucky. Goes to say therefore I will be attempting VBAC, but have a sneaky suspicion-
a) I'll get PET again and need a section or
b) I'll have a breech baby that won't turn and need a section
All seems so long ago that we had our Sections!!

How are your scars looking? I've never had any problems with mine but i still find its quite red, it is white at the edges but the middle bit is still very visible. I've known a few people on here to say you can barely see theirs :wacko:

I'm still a bit funny about touching my scar especially when i comes to doing my bikini line
Mine is more pink than red. I forgot to add above that mine took 13 weeks to heal. Kind of a lie really, it was just one small part of it which just kept bleeding and it eventually formed a skin tag. I had the tag cauterised and then there was no problem at all with it.

I got up after 12 hours and had a shower and had no pain at all from my scar. I too kept up the meds for a while as I was scared I'd get pain if I stopped them. The worst bit was the iron tablets making me constipated tbh.
Oh and I'm still very numb above my scar, more in the central section. I never expected the feeling to return. My mums hasn't and that was nearly 31 years ago
My scar looks almost skin coloured now. DH accidentally scratched it the other night and it hurt so I've regained most of the feeling too. Was quite strange feeling the bottom of my belly and getting no sensation.

I leaked clear fluid from my wound after a few days of my c-section and had no idea what it was. First happened at night time when I was really stressing about Ellie not having weed in 24 hours and I figured I'd wet myself with the anxiety. It happened again though a few days later and I was worried. But it turns out it's a healing fluid. My midwife recommended putting a sanitary towel in my knickers across my wound until it stopped. Just something I was never told about on leaving hospital etc, so it freaked me out when it happened!
I have all feeling again now too but didn't for a long time it was so weird!
I wish i was brave enough to take a photo of mine :laugh2:
If I feel brave later, I'll try and post a photo of mine.
Can I join aswell

Children/s name/s & birthdate/s: Olivia Rose 03/09/2010
EDD: 09/09/2010
Number of elective Caesareans: 0
Number of emergency Caesareans: 1
Number of vaginal births: 0

Due to a lack of movement over a 10 day period I was booked in for an induction on the 2nd Sept. All tablets failed and at 16:45pm on 03/09 the 'orrible Dr broke my waters that were Meconium Grade 3. I was rushed down to theatre and my daughter arrived at 17:45pm. I was stapled instead of stitched and my wound burst open the whole length across 2 days later. I then spent 8 weeks having to have an open wound packed daily with seaweed :cry: and my scar is awful. BUT I do not care - It took me 8 years to get my daughter and they could of cut me from top to bottom and I wouldnt of minded as long as I had her !!! Despite my horrific after experience I think that I will opt for a csec again. Being on the plus size I would hate to try and give birth naturally, fail and then end up with a csec anyway. I took pics the whole way through my recovery as wanted to complain at the time but I dont care now. I still get major pain in my scar if I lean on it and it hurts when its cold !!

:hi: to everybody here !!

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