Mission Impossible! 2 New Arrivals and 8 Little Ones x

Miranda your princess is gorgeous!! Your babies look so cute together.

CONGRATS DREAM! Gosh the birth was quite something huh!

All these babies makes me want another one to squish!
Miranda, that pic collage is so amazing. Shows the pure love of James for his little sister :cloud9:<3<3

Natasha, how are you and the baby doing hun ?

Rebecca, I loved the Easter photos of you and Xavier on FB. You two are so adorable and he is 100% mini you. :) How are things between you and OH ?

Kristi, DD, Kerry, Jessie hope you all are doing good as wells as the kiddos. :kiss:

AFM: We tried again actively this cycle but the end result was the same. AF arrived early giving me a 27day cycle. We have to come to a realization that it is not at all going to happen naturally. So no point in TTC. So not much hope TTC/BFP wise till last quarter of this year. I get so nervous whenever I think about IVF in November (what if it ends in BFN). IVF is the last step in order to have our biological child. So the thought of getting a BFN out of it makes me so anxious and nervous as hell. :nope:
Big :hugs: Pal!

There are so many woman with unexplained fertility that are successful with IVF, I'm hoping you're one of them. Always sending good thoughts your way and hoping for a bfp for you!

Alexis is 1 month old! How'd that happen already?
Fairyy, IVF was our only option, we weren't given a choice of anything else and that was terrifying. We were scared that we would never have children but decided to just jump in feet first, get on with it and if it failed there would always be another chance to try another cycle at some point, even if it meant saving up for years. We were lucky.. but when we try ivf again, I will be just as nervous about it failing. It's horrible not knowing. Just try to relax and keep your head up. I wish you didn't have to wait so long. :hugs:
:hugs: I pray that ivf works for you pal or better still that u conceive naturally before ivf. Good luck hun, I will continue to pray for you x
Hi ladies :flower:. How is everyone? Hope k? Afm I am fine and baby is fine. He is getting bigger by the minute lol. I can't believe he is 1 month already and it kinda makes me sad cos I am not having any more :cry:. So i want to enjoy every stage a little bit more iykwim :cry:.

Oh well hope everyone is good x
1 month already? Wow, time is flying.

Alexis will be 2 months next week, and James will be 3 in 3 months!!! :(

I'm back at work now, Alexis is able to come with me, so it helps tons. She's such a happy content baby...really only fussed when I take too long to feed her or she has trapped gas. I think she may have a dairy intolerance, her poops have been so mucousy for the last 4ish weeks or so...I'm cutting diary out of my diet, but will be bringing it up next week for her 2 month checkup. I also go next week to have an iud put in

How is everyone else?
2 months :shock: 3 years :shock: omgosh :shock:. Where is the time going?

I can't believe that you have gone back to work already. I am going back feb 2018 :blush:. It's good that you can take her with u at least u still get to spend time with her x
As much as I say I'd enjoy staying home, I'd go nuts. I feel like my days run together and I don't really enjoy it like I want to. The first few weeks after birth I did a lot of napping with the baby haha
I totally understand cos I am extremely bored already. Oh well I will just look for things to occupy myself x
I feel like I'm finally adjusting properly to having two kids, some days are harder then others but I'm finally seeing a light at the end of the tunnel so to speak.

Alexis is doing well, after noticing mucus in her poops and her continously bad gas/stomach girgles I've decided to cut diary out of my diet...and I have to say it's been really hard. I've basically cut out milk, cheese, icecream and any sort of spreads that are obvious dairy, like sour cream, etc. Breads are harder and I havnt looked much into cutting that out yet...and chocolate. Because I crave reeses...but trying not to eat too many of those.

I had an iud put in, wasn't as painful as I'd imagined, so far pretty pleased. I'm liking the idea of not having to worry about birth control for the next few years.

How are you dream? How's it been with your three babies?

How's everyone else?
Sorry to be MIA again, its been busy around here trying to work from home and do the mom thing LOL
All is well here, Willow turned 3 two days ago....time flies...she isnt much of a talker but we will address that at her 3 year check up. Her brother is non verbal so she's probably taking a lot of queues from him since she sees he doesnt have to talk to get what he wants from me.
But she is a wild little girl who keeps her mommy on her toes!!

Great to see this group is still active, so thank you to guys for keeping it alive!


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Happy 3rd birthday to Willow! She's such a beauty!

James will be 3 in 2.5 months!

Today was my first day dropping Alexis off with my sister while I'm at work. I've been able to take her with me, but it's so distracting and as much as I'll miss her (James was crying for his baby sister when I got back in the car from dropping her off and made me cry) I'm looking forward to being able to work without her there. I'll feel so much more productive.

Alexis is 3 months old now! She's such a happy girl, and really brightens my day. I swear her smile just makes everyone feel better, it's almost therapeutic
Hello everyone

It's been ages. What is everyone up to?
Afm, it's been kinda crazy with 3 kids and school run but I wouldn't have it any other way. Lil man is going to be 4 months in 2 weeks :shock::shock:. I am k , just couldn't get on here for a long time. How is everyone else?

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