New Forum: Pregnancy After A Loss

Hi all, I am new here, just joined today. I am 20 weeks tomorrow and starting to feel quite anxious about the arrival of number 3 after losing my second daughter during labour.

I hope you are all feeling strong.
Love Amanda
Hey Tallulasmummy, I ve never been there as i lost mine at 11w1d but i just wanted to tell you to keep positive and when times comes we'll be sending all positive thoughts to you. You did have your number 1 all right after all right? Baby dust to you girl
Can't wait to be in the safe zone just a week or two, I've had so many scares with this little one. I had a m/c@ 6 weeks. I can't imagine being farther along or worse after birth.
Tallulasmummy, welcome to BnB and your in my thoughts and prayers :)
I lost my baby girl at 26w4d. Having to go through labor knowing that what's on the other side is not a living child is the hardest thing I've ever gone through in my life and I've been through a lot. She was already gone for 4-7 days before I realized there was a problem. It was Sunday, July 3rd and the on call obgyn said we'd better come for an ultrasound just to be safe. We got there and they came to hook up the fetal monitor and the nurse couldn't find the heart beat. My heart dropped and I knew. I started crying and my boyfriend said don't cry be positive wait for the ultrasound. I couldn't watch the ultrasound so I watched his face. When it came up and he couldn't see her heartbeat his eyes filled with tears and I lost it.
I was high risk from the start because I have hypothyroidism. It's autoimmune hypothyroidism and I have huge issues with my antibodies. The perinatologist told my obgyn that i was to have monthly ultrasounds to verify that there was no IUGR. It was never done. I had 2 ultrasounds my entire pregnancy. He even ignored my high blood pressure and lack of weight gain. I was actually loosing weight when I hadn't even had vomitting or anything to cause it. I also developed ITP. I saw my hematologist who was ready and willing to do an emergency IVIG treatment since he had it in stock because I took it before my pregnancy for my autoimmune condition. He called the obgyn who told him no don't do the treatment but rather to wait. WTF!!! He reluctantly said alright but wasn't much he could do since she wasn't his resposibility. He also repeatedly called the obgyn to report my high blood pressure and again was of no concern.
Luckily, I had to be taken to a hospital with a perinatologist to deliver because our small community medical center wasn't set up for someone who potentially could code due to some issues with my heart caused by my autoimmune condition. My parents were there with us as well as his mother and two sisters. His father wasn't able to make it as he is ill himself.
We got to hold her and take pictures and we have her feet prints. It's almost 2 months now. I want to try again, but he doesn't know if he ever wants to. Neither of us have living kids, she was our first. Our miracle baby really because I wasn't sure I'd be able to ever have children. I was on the progesterone only birth control plus I was on steroids as part of my IVIG regiment and the combo is how I actually became pregnant. It was not planned or expected, but we couldn't have been happier...until that fateful moment when we heard Intra Uterine Fetal Demise. I hope we will try again.

Good luck to everyone :hugs:

Kinza Opal Lee~July 4th, 2011
Hi All,

Even through my losses I have never reached out to any community. Hope, even from afar was simply too painful to endure. Things are a little different now, and I'm trying to treat this pregnancy as something different. It's the first time I've made it into the second trimester, which I know isn't a guarantee.

I'm at 15.5 weeks and I'm finding this time so difficult. Those pesky symptoms of the first trimester at least let me know I was still pregnant. I have a doppler, but my husband and I agreed to only use it once a week, as he's scared I'll have it permanently attached otherwise.

Anyone have any subtle symptoms I could look out for? Words of advice?
I would use the Doppler when ever your worried, it doesn't do any harm, I lost my first at 14 weeks and my second earlier at 6.5, and the Doppler is the only thing that kept me sane throughout this pregnancy, I used it all the time until I was feeling movement every day. It's not easy to go through a pregnancy after a loss, so if listening to your baby for a minute when you get nervous helps, do it!!!
Welcome JD2!

I hope you get comfort, support in this forum, all the girls are lovely and have been a support to me. Its great to share makes you feel less on your own and 'one of the team'

I know its hard but I think the most important thing is to just try and stay positive. I am sure the docs are keeping a good eye on you. You will be feeling movement soon, thats the most re-assuring thing that can happen, but as others have said a doppler gives good re-assurance esp on baby lazy days.

Wishing you a happy and healthy pregnancy!
Thank you both, cacahuete and APSMum. We did end up using the doppler because me freaking out was getting us nowhere. Next appt with the dr is in a week, and I just hope that everything is still OK. It's day by day over here, as I'm sure it is with so many of you.

We just have to wait and see how this is all going to turn out.
just what i need to stay sane, so thanks for creating it. am due 20 may 2012. had 2ww which lasted about 20 years feels like, and got bfp a week ago:thumbup: had missed miscarriage earlier this year at 7 weeks, so scared til at least then :sad1: anyone know how to think positive and not always wait for worst to happen please?
p.s have 3 kids from previous marriage 14,13 and 11 so also feel like starting over in a strange world lol :haha:
Hi all, im new to this. I am onto pregnancy number 9, i am 7+4, i have 2 girls 5 and 4 and the rest ended in m/c, the last one being 12 wks ago. some early from 4 weeks and others upto 12 weeks... I am so nervous about this pregnancy. i went for a scan exactly at 6wks and everything looked fine but no heartbeat visable, go back in 3 days for another 1. I have APS (sticky blood) so im on asprin and high dose folic acid. I am feeling fine, had pains for a couple of weeks but have eased off now, have sore chest and feel nausious ofter through the day. Would love to talk to someone for reasurance. xx
Question ladies about LH and ovulation. I'm on CD 16 and no LH increase. I didn't start checking until a few days after bleeding stopped. Is it possible I could have ovulated that soon after? I've been having some pinching type pains, frequent urination, and back pain so I wonder if I did already ovulate and maybe pregnant. I'm also super thirsty and really tired. I think tonight when he gets home I'll tell him we need to get some tests. The sooner we know the better so we can start seeing the doctor. I plan on going once a week or every two weeks.
Hello all~ I'm just about 8 weeks pregnant (by my calculations) after a mmc and a D&C in summer 2008. This wasn't a planned pregnancy but I'm still excited and of course very nervous about having a healthy pregnancy.

I don't have my first OB appointment until next week, but after my miscarriage last time I found out that my mom has two different MTHFR mutations and my dad has super high homocysteine levels, so chances are good that I'm either a homozygote or a compound heterozygote. Because of this I've been taking 81mg baby aspirin as well as extra folic acid every day since my BFP, which will hopefully help this bean stick...
I just want to say that this sight is wonderful! I am the mother of three beautiful children and when we decided that we wanted to have one more I never dreamed it would be so hard. We experienced two losses, one is Sep. of last year at 13 weeks, and one in April of this year at 13 weeks 2 days. I felt so lost and unsure of what was happening with me. I have always been a Christian however I couldn't just let go and let God. I kept trying to take it into my own hands and searched for answers only to find none. We spoke with a genetics specialists who advised us that given no family history we should try again and see what happened. That brings me to today. I am so proud to say that we are currently 20 weeks 2 days pregnant with a healthy baby boy!! I finally let go and let God. Before we even conceived I gave up trying to do it on my own and the feeling of peace and contentment of unbelievable! I just wanted to share my testimony with you and hope that it speaks to even just one of you during these scary days of trying to conceive and the even scarier days after. God is awesome and powerful and prayer is great. I am not trying to be one of those people who shove religion down peoples throats and just know what all God has done for me and I want to give others the same opportunity to know that feeling. Keep believing and praying girls and you will receive your miracles!:happydance:
First of all hello everyone! May i join you? I have a wonderful 17 month old baby boy with a text book pregnancy. Unfortunately i ve experience 2 miscarriages in the last year due to bicornuate uterus. I am now 5 week pregnant and sooooo very scared!! I m not sure i can handle another loss or how to cope with the stress of this pregnancy. Anyway, just wanted to introduce myself and say hi and good luck to everyone!

DMH- My last mc was on the 23rd of august with a d&c on the 26th. i didnt bleed a lot but followed my hcg down to a negative hpt. I ov exactly 6 days after my hcg dropped to 0 (they usually say this is around the time bleeding stops) and got pregnant straight away. I hope this is it for you too! Sorry for your loss.
Hi girls sorry to hear about ur loss i lost mine at 13 weeks 3 yrs ago it was one of the most hardest things i have had to deal with but i know my lost baby is a found angel xxxx i since have went on to have a fab little boy who is now 2 and have a girl of 5 xxx hope all goes well 4 u all that are pregnant xxx a lose gets easier after time but you will never replace are forget that baby xxx
:dust:hi all... am am currently 6w5d pregnant, with my 6th pregnancy. i have had 4 miscarriages but have given birth to a wonderful little boy Joshua who has just turned 3. I do however have 2 children. Joshua and Kayla my darling step daughter who is 13.

i am finding it very hard to accept that i am pregnant at the moment, until i know i am far out of the danger zone, and only then can i start enjoying my pregnancy. My dr has put me on progestrone tabs to help sustain this pregnancy, but it is giving me such cramps (one of the few side effects) that everytime i have a camp or my back hurts, i go into a flat spin.

my last miscarriage was the 18 March 2011, i was 6 weeks. i am so scared and nervous at the moment, its not even funny. i go for my scan on the 10 november, i had one last week, when my dr saw me to give me my meds, but couldnt see anything as i was only 5w6d, all he could see wat just the sac, which was not very comforting to me at the time.

please tell me im not the only one that is nervous right now. i so badly want this to be a healthy FULL TERM pregnancy. i cant go thru another loss again.

Sorry to hear about your losses pikachew - just try and stay positive and take it a day at a time, each one of us angel mummies have our own hurdles or dates to get past. You just have to take it a stage at a time! My time is coming up fast as I had a full term still birth so getting close to my d-day so I am nervous too! Try to rest and not to worry -try to focus on positives x
Picachew- i am so so sorry to hear of your losses hun and i can totally feel what you re feeling...i too am 7w2d and have had 2 mc in the last 7 months. Bleeding started at week 6 both times so i should be more relaxed now but i cant. I dont believe i ll be able to enjoy this pregnancy before the end of the first trimester or even after than. It is sad really, i really enjoyed my first pg but i ll take it as long as we make it to a healthy full term baby. Lots of hugs hun your way and pm me anytime, we are very close in our pregnancies, we can share this nerve wrecking trip!

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