No epidural


Well-Known Member
Jun 22, 2016
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Hey ladies,

Is anyone trying for a birth with no epidural? I would really prefer it, but any woman I talk to just laughs and says I'll change my mind. :(
Where are you based:) Its definitely manageable without! Dont let other peoples stories put you off
I'm in South Carolina! :) Thank you. I'm a FTM so obviously I can't fully know what to expect, but I do feel like our bodies were made for this.
My first two babies were without an epidural but I got one on my 3rd. Its obviously much more painful and intense without, but its completely doable :haha:
My first daughter was 9lbs 12oz born in water with just gas and air.

My second was 9lbs 13oz born at home in water no pain relief what so ever! I loved natural births meant I was ready to be hp and about nice and fast afterbirth etc
I had both my kiddos without it!

And honestly both times, I was right back up on my feet! Sure, it hurts during, but I also enjoyed the freedom of movement, I gave birth on all 4 like a cat for both, haha. And once they were out, it was done. Pain was gone!

There's also a lot of techniques to help manage the pain (music, massage, etc) theres a method called bonaparte.

Do whatever feels right for you, and don't mind others! I was told the saaaaame thing and yet I didnt take it!
Hi. I'm in the UK and its offered here but it's definitely not standard. There are so many other options, I know a lot of people do hypno birthing, or maybe have a one off morphine injection to help them through. Right at the end of my labour I needed a spinal as Ds was stuck and need helped out, until that last 15 minutes I used a tens machine very effectively, in fact I think it really helped intensify my pushing. Not having an epidural also meant I wasn't stuck on my back in a bed, I could get up onto a birthing ball, squat, kneel, move around (I was going to say 'let gravity help, but he was stuck, lol). I'm not going to sit here and tell you that it wasn't painful at times, but I knew it would be and I knew it wouldn't go on forever and I remember feeling the changes as I went through the different stages and being absolutely amazed that my body was doing all of this without me needing to make it happen - and then Ds arrived and everything I'd felt had been for that<3
It is definitely possible. I couldn't manage it myself, but I know loads of people who did! Good luck :)
I had 1 with and 1 without. My preference is no epidural.

Biggest benefit to no epidural is you can birth in whatever position you like. With an epidural I wasn't allowed out of the bed.

Also with no epidural you're up on your feet straight afterwards and in for a shower! With an epidural its a sponge bath unfortunately.

Biggest pro to epidural is, you don't feel a thing \\:D/
I have 3 babies and only had an epidural with my 1st. I wasn't prepared with any techniques to deal with the pain and was scared because I was in preterm labor. My recovery was much harder than it was with my non epidural births.

My 2nd baby I took a class (was supposed to take one with my 1st but she was born before the class). The midwives taught us some techniques to help distract and manage the pain. My 2nd was born so fast that I didn't have time for the epidural but managed well with breathing exercises (not lamaze).

With my 3rd, I didn't retake the class but just discussed with the midwife at a prenatal appt. I had time for an epidural, it was actually my longest labor. I knew I could do it without it, so I just stayed focus.

Gas and air isn't an option and I didn't take any sort of pain relief medicine during my labors. Just focused, deep breathing, and some movement. My recoveries were so quick and little to no pain postpartum. I didn't tear with my 2nd and 3rd baby though so that was a huge help.

It's doable, you should be prepared by taking a class and having a good support partner and/or dollar. My DH was my support and just encouraged me that I was doing amazing when I needed it and was quiet qt other times which is better than incessant "are you okay? What can I do?". Although I think it's very subjective with how you want your birth partner to be.
All 4 of mine I had without any pain relief, I plan on doing the same this time x
I've had 5 babies with just gas and air and plan on just using gas and air with this one x
I got one. I intended not to, but long story short I didn’t have a room until I was 7cm. So I got frustrated. But I wanted to say that the majority of my friends went natural. In fact, I’m often shamed for getting the epidural! But end of day I loved my birth experience and I did what’s best for me. So whether you go through with your natural plan or end up in the heat of the moment needing or wanting an epidural, it’s nobody’s choice but yours. There are so many great pain management techniques and things to do if you want to have a comfortable natural birth. Don’t let people scare you out if it <3
I had all my babies with no pain relief so It’s definitely possible! I can attest to the amazing recovery part- with my first I was home 4 hours after she was born and felt amazing. This time has been the only truly rough recovery as I lost an astounding amount of blood as she had shoulder dystocia and got stuck on the way out. But we are both fine.
I've never managed myself.
I tried with my first and just had gas and air but things got very intense and I had the epidural.

I did have 2 occasions where I had the epidural but one was done and it didn't get time to work fully b4 I was pushing. That was with my second so I felt everything.

With my last pregnancy I did really well with just the gas and air and really got into the zone but t epidural was already part of my plan and I think by the time I had it I was thankful.
I had been up for 2 nights in a row and was absolutely knackered so having that epidural, I was able to fall asleep just for a few hours b4 8 felt the need to push.
But if I had rested and slept I think I cud of just managed with just the gas and air.
I was just exhausted and I don't think I wud of had the energy to push.

I'm being induced again this time and I've opted to start on the gas and air again and to get as far as possible on that then have the epidural.

U just have to do what u feel is best for you.
If u feel u need it at any point then please don't feel bad.

It's a natural birth epidural or no epidural.

The womon that do it with nothing are so inspiring and are supper stars.
Some womon breeze through labour and others don't and need a little extra help.

Don't ever feel under pressure and don't worry about what others say.
Just do what u want and see how u go.
Both of mine were induced and I tend to have back labour (where all the pain is in your back) but i had both just on Gas & Air so totally doable - you got this :thumbup:
I labored naturally with my first to 9cm and then got an epidural (had been awake over 24 hours, active labor for over 16 and was exhausted). My second was an unexpected precipitous labor and we only made it by minutes to the hospital - so literally no time to get one. It is DEFINITELY possible to get through without...and it's also totally okay to change your mind part way through and get it. Going in with an open mind to whatever experience your labor leads you really helps get you though. I'm going to try for another natural because my recovery was a lot easier than with the epidural...but also know that if labor is long, there's nothing wrong at all with getting some relief
Thank you ladies!! You make me feel much better.

I don't believe gas and air is an option in the US, but I believe some other IV meds are. I will have to check.
Hey ladies,

Is anyone trying for a birth with no epidural? I would really prefer it, but any woman I talk to just laughs and says I'll change my mind. :(
Honestly I wouldn't be sharing my birth plans with anyone, they are only critical based on *their* personal experience.

I've had all 3 of mine without an epidural. The first I was asking for it but my LD nurse kept insisting I could do it without (which is like, not at all patient centred care but whatever, I did end up doing it without). It's totally do-able. It's a huge mental game and at some point, you may end up asking for pain relief so I wouldn't be dead set against it, but it's no reason to be laughed at to hope you can go without.

IMO no shame in the epidural game though either! My SIL sat and played cards throughout her labour until it was time to push! However she swelled up like a balloon afterwards from the fluid IV! Puffy for days!

Good luck, you can do it, trust your body and have confidence... lack of confidence and worry will end up being a huge pitfall!!
Thank you ladies!! You make me feel much better.

I don't believe gas and air is an option in the US, but I believe some other IV meds are. I will have to check.
I'm sure they have the gas in the states. It's called Nitrous Oxide... we have it in Canada... It's lovely stuff lol!! Same laughing gas they use at the dentist.

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