October/November Conkers 2021***

Thanks ladies

cd11 now but only just as it’s early hours of the morning.
The waiting for ovulation is killing me and I’ve been having struggles sleeping because of worrying if I will even ovulate again.
I guess if I don’t this cycle either then my ttc days will be over.
I’m praying I do ovulate soon so at least I can be in with a chance.
I’ve been so upset over it all it’s been so so hard.

and seeing all the BFPs and how far some of the ladies are now in there pregnancies (that started ttc same time or a bit later than I did. A few have even given birth so yeah that’s hard.

feeling so down about it all.

On a brighter note Harley has his 2 bottom teen and he’s just cut 4 teeth at the top.
I didn’t even realise because he hasn’t been fussy.
He’s such a good little boy and he just makes my heart melt.
He’s crawling supper fast and it makes me giggle but he gets up to so much mischief lol.
He and Tommy play together which is just the cutest.
Tommy is 3 now tho and does keep taking toys away from Harley so we’re trying to handle that at the moment.
Normally tho they play nice together.

Harley is a double of my husband.
I can not believe he will be 15 months on December 5th.
I fell with Harley when Tommy was 15 months old.


haha I would actually love it if I did fall in Jan.
Probably be more a end of September baby if I do with a October due date.
So be just over 2 years between Harley and that babe.
Oh I hope it happens. But really need to be ovulating otherwise it will never happen and that’s what is really worrying me so much.
I did end up ovulating on cd18. Sadly was another BFN cycle tho so that’s 7 months since I last fell pregnant now.
I’m now on another new cycle and cycle 11 ttc. I was on cycle 11 when we fell with Harley but already have a feeling I’m going to be out again this cycle too.
Im cd8 but only just as it’s the early hours. will start opks today sometime.
im also now officially 43 as my birthday was yesterday Saturday 17th Dec.
It wasn’t the best as I was so sad to be turning 43 and still be stuck ttc my rainbow,
I feel now I’m 43 I don’t stand much chance.

we all had a horrible stomach flu and poor Harley still has the watery diarrhoea bless him.
I really hope it passes soon.
He has 6 teeth now and is pulling himself up and walking along holding holding on. Can’t believe how fast he is growing up.

how are you all doing?
@Suggerhoney firstly happy birthday! I know you feel sadness about turning 43 but don’t be so hard on yourself! I hope that you managed to enjoy your day with your babies and hubby. I’m sorry about moving onto the next cycle but hopefully a cycle closer to your rainbow. Maybe like we said January could be your lucky month. I think you will get your rainbow lovely you just gotta hang in there.

Hudson still only has 6 teeth! It’s been months since the last one came through so maybe he will get another bunch of teeth in one go when the next one decides to show?! He is a little monkey! Starting to say words and understand things! Walking, running and trying to jump! He is the seeetest.

hope everyone is ok and ready for the big day!

merry Christmas ladies and babies xx
Hi ladies
How is everyone?
Harley will be 18 months old on 5th March.

sadly still not pregnant with my rainbow.
Im 9 dpo now so when AF starts which I’m sure she will because Im getting BFNs.
It will be cycle and month 13 ttc. This is the longest I’ve ever had to try.
We did catch again last cycle but sadly it was a chemical.
My 3rd loss.
I’m beyond devastated. It was also my due date on Feb 22nd and that was extremely hard. I spent all day crying. And on that day my neighbour gets a 3+ on a digital test.
Doesn’t look like I’ll be getting my rainbow ever.
I literally feel totally hopeless :cry:
Hey babe, how is he nearly 18 months! How is he getting on? Well I mean Hudson’s not far behind either! He now has 8 teeth! Well they are half out. He is the cheekiest of monkeys! Copying lots of words not which is really lush. Defo not a baby anymore! Still on our bed too! Haha! I know he won’t be in our bed forever and knowing he is the last I’m in no rush to get him out.

I’m so sorry you’re struggling hun (I do stalk the testing threads to see how you are) it can’t be easy. I’ve not fully come to terms with Hudson being our last but I’m certainly dealing with better than I was. So I can only imagine how your feeling right now. The heart wants what the heart wants right? I’ve every faith that you’ll get there. You are getting pregnant and you’ve been pregnant only a few years ago so surely these things are positive? I’ve got all crossed for this cycle xx
Hi hon

thank you I feel so emotional today. Like just so sad. It just feels it’s never ever going to happen.

Harley is so cheeky too and funny, he’s still my baby. It’s just horrible how fast they grow.

he’s not walking yet but he walks around on his knees and will walk if we’re holding his hand. He has lots of teeth now.
He’s also very vocal and dances when ever there are songs on. His favourite is your happy and you know it. He claps his hands and dances to it.
He’s just so so funny,
Hello lovely!

so good to hear from you! How are you? How’s Ace? The girls?
Hi ladies,

was just thinking about you all and wondering how all the babies are doing.

So good to see you posting here again.
How have you been?
And how’s little Ace doing?

Harley is now 19 months old. His little character is just adorable. He is so funny and cheeky.
He absolutely loves playing with toy cars.
His favourite word seems to be look and wow. He goes ooooh wow lol.
Love him to bits.

I’m still trying for our last baby.
But not having any joy.
Fallen 3 times and lost.
I’m now on month 14 trying.
Not gonna lie it’s extremely hard.
I’m now 14dpo and another stinking BFN. So now the wait for the delightful AF to rear her head. My head is a mess with all this long term ttc. Feel like giving up. But my heart just longs so much for a miracle take home rainbow baby.
I pray it still happens but I feel like I’m too old.

hope your all well and babies too.
I can’t believe in just 5 months Harley will be 2 years old. I can’t believe how fast it’s gone.
Still doesn’t seem like too long ago we joined this group and posting our BFPs and bump pics.
How are they almost 2 already.
It’s crazy.
Hello ladies!

So lovely seeing some of you ladies still on here. How is everyone?

Callie is whirlwind through and through haha. She’s keeping us on our toes. Boss of the house. We’ve had a hell of week, my husband grandad passed away very suddenly.. he was very ill but the death has come as a shock and couple days later I find out I’m pregnant. We weren’t trying as such but not massively stopping things so I am in a bit of shock at the moment happy and anxious. Mixed week of emotions.

suggerhoney aww lovely I really am keeping everything crossed that you’ll get your rainbow baby very soon. Keep going lovely :hug:
So sorry about your dh grandad. I remember when we lost mine and that was tough.
Wow congratulations on your pregnancy. Hope it all goes well.

and thanks.
Tbh I just feel like giving up. Sick of constant BFNs or losses. I’m 44 in December so I know my chances are very very slim now.
I pray I do get my rainbow still but all hope is lost now.
Hi ladies

So Harley is 20 months old today. I can not get over how fast its all gone.
He is so so funny and has such a funny character.

Hope al you ladies and toddlers are doing good.

Regarding ttc. Im 17dpo and waiting for for AF. She should be here today latest but no sign and bfn on tests.
We are now in the 15th month of trying.
I can honestly long term ttc is absolutely horrible.
I wouldn't wish it on anyone.

Ive had all my hormone levels checked including progesterone and all normol.
So we will keep trying and just pray a decent healthy egg drops and will end up being our rainbow baby.
This has been so physically and mentally exhausting.
I never ever want to put my self through this ever ever again. So if we do get blessed with our much wanted rainbow, that babe will definitely be my last.
Praying in the next few week i will get my sticky healthy BFP.

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