*Please Read* Obstetric Cholestasis

I had a test for this yesterday as I have not been able to sleep the itching is so bad. My stomach was the first place, now my hands are sooo itchy and my feet started up. I just want an answer. I got a cream from my doc but it only helps for a few minutes and then it is back to extreme itchiness - like a hundred bug bites really close together....
I was diagnosed with this at 34 weeks and I was induced at 37 weeks and had my beautiful daughter Emma. I'd say to anyone who thinks they have it - tell your MW/doctor and get them to do a liver function and bile acid test - and remember even if your levels come back within normal range, it can take 2 weeks for them to come back raised, so if the itching continues, ask for another.

Also - there's alot on the net concerning OC and stillbirth. I'd just like to point out if OC is managed (ie regular blood tests, fetal heartbeat traces and scans), the risk is no higher than with a normal pregnancy.
im really glad someone commented on this. i saw my midwife 3 weeks ago with itchyness and she sent me straight for test which came bk normal but the hospital are still keeping tabs on me. have to go back on wed and the itching hasnt stoppped it did die down for a while but has now came back. im hoping on wed they will say everything is ok but its hard to sleep when it is in your head.
I got tested for this last week but results came back normal, they gave me cream to soothe itching that works for all of 10 minutes! I am scratching so badly im making myself bleed :( I have MW again today so might see if she has anymore advice to help me stop scratching.
I found the best thing for stopping itching was the magicool sprays you can get from Boots etc...
Hope it eases soon girls x
My mw suggested some aqueous cream with calamine lotion in it from boots, i have found this helps better than what they gave me at the hospital. Since my first test ive had another two tests as the itching still hasnt gone away, the 2nd result was higher than the 1st and my consultant seemed bothered by this so did a test last wednesday - they only do the actual testing in the lab on a friday apparently so hopefully i should get results when i go mw on tuesday again.
Just out of interest does anyone know what the normal bile acids level should be? Ive looked online but cant seem to find it.
i had this, the itching was AWFUL. it was so bad i resorted to scratching myself with a knife!
Ive had cronic itching for the past couple of weeks not on my hands and feet but literally everywhere else. The MW did the test for OC today and i get the results tomorrow. I was wondering if nausea is also a symptom, sometimes after i eat it feels like hours later it is supposed to be digested but its still in my stomach and i have to be sick because its sets of the acid reflux even tho ive been put on meds for it and live of gaviscon!
I'm not sure whether nausea is a sympton as I was sick 24/7 with Jack

Good luck with your results xx
Jo I just wanted to thank you for this thread as I would never have mentioned the itching to MW otherwise. I was told I have OC yesterday and am now waiting to hear about induction.
Can't thank you enough.
Jac x
I'm so glad you found it useful and mentioned it.
Looks like baby will be here very soon :D
I'm really worried about this now too as I have been itching like crazy this week but it stopped for a couple of days then last night it was insanely sore my belly back, neck arms and soles of my feet. I felt like I could rip off the skin and I just wanted a bucket of ice to put my feet in. I have no rash. I've been feeling extremely hot (my GP said that's just pregnancy for you) and it seems to be much worse at night in bed. I'm leaving my skin all red from the scratching so hard. MY GP did liver function blood test today but not the bile acid one you are talking about unless they routinely check that at same time? I will have results by Wed but I am so worried about this as I am almost 37 weeks now and I'm scared that if it can take a couple of weeks to show up in blood tests that it may harm my baby if this is what it is.
If you are itching that badly it will show up so don't worry about it but do keep pushing
Good luck xx
If you are itching that badly it will show up so don't worry about it but do keep pushing
Good luck xx
Thanks, I will do my GP tends to be useless but I have app at maternity unit on Friday too so I'll say to them too.
I had a test for this on Saturday - results were 6, and then had another test today - results were 12. MW said not to worry unless they were over 14, but to mention to doc.

Am now REALLY worried - they have DOUBLED in two days.

Would anyone else be worried? They are still in 'normal' levels, but have doubled!

Not felt baby as much...still had my movements, but not as active as normal? I see doc tomo...but wondering if I should go in now. Any advice??
I had a test for this on Saturday - results were 6, and then had another test today - results were 12. MW said not to worry unless they were over 14, but to mention to doc.

Am now REALLY worried - they have DOUBLED in two days.

Would anyone else be worried? They are still in 'normal' levels, but have doubled!

Not felt baby as much...still had my movements, but not as active as normal? I see doc tomo...but wondering if I should go in now. Any advice??
YOu should ring and ask for advice even if it's just for peace of mind, I don't really know a lot about it all I'm waiting on my results too :hugs:
I called them back...they didn't think it was anything to worry about, but it's hard not to stress isn't it? I'll ask the doc tomorrow.

Let me know how your results go - hope all is well :hug:
Thanks, I hope it all goes well for you too. It is sooooo hard not to worry x
got my LFT results today and they said normal, hospital ran bile salts test too as my GP hadn't done these and they came back at 10, they siad this was ok but as I'm still itching I have to have them repeated next week. aaah
have mentioned this to my midwife today, and they were really shocked and took blood straight away, sent it off by 1:00pm and i get the results at about half 6 this evening... hoping everything is ok, because as said above, i'm 37 weeks on friday, so a bit concerned that it may harm baby xx

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