PND Support Thread


spammy sexington
Sep 2, 2008
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you can either av pnd, depression or for somewhere to turn for advice

this is some where you can talk to others that are going throu the same as you then you no your not ALONE
Iv set it up as i DONT ever want ppl going thro the same as me and leaving it thinking it il pass
so if you ever think your suffering PLEASE see a doctor :hugs:

1 Feeling tearfull
2 Panic Attacks
3 Not enjoying Anything
4 Poor Concentation
5 Disturbed Sleep
6 Feeling Guilty
7 Poor Apprtite
8 Reduced energy
9 Reduced Sex Drive

1 Dont bottle things up
2 Dont despair most people with depression recover
3 Dont drink too much alchol
4 Do eat regularly
5 Dont make any major decisions
6 Do tell your dotor if you feel worse

Cognitive Therapy
Cognitivie Behaviour Therapy
Interpersonal Therapy
Solving Therapy
Psychodynamic Psychotherapy
Support and undrestanding
Some of you may no that over the last couple of days have been really hard for me :hissy:
I went to the docs earlier this week and he said i have PND he as given me some tablets and said i need some counciling he also said id been suffering from it for a bit and that if id have gone to see him sooner i wouldnt feel this bad :hissy:

This is not the first time i have suffered from it as i had it with robyn even before she was born that was 3 years ago

But it is the first time iv been this bad and hope its the last

If anyone want to talk then am sure there is a lot of ppl on here who will help

BUT please dont leave it like i did
This thread is such a good idea, thanks Aly!!
I hope people can read this and realise that PND is nothing to be ashamed of and the sooner you get help the better.

A little introduction about me..

I have suffered from depression and more lately suffered PND. I have been on anti- depressants for about 3 months and i feel i am recovered, although i do have the odd bad few days :(

My Symptoms included :

Constantly feeling down
Couldnt Sleep
Couldnt Eat
Anxious and nervousness
Didnt like being left alone
Feeling Numb
No interest in going out with friends and Socialising
Erational thoughts
Self Diagnosing myself with random illnesses

PND is a horrible illness and i urge anybody who thinks they may be suffering to seek medical help, its the best thing i ever did!!
I hope we can all help eachother through this thread x x
This is my second bout of depression. I have been on medication for bout 18 months this time round. Luckily I don't seem to have gone much worse since LO has been born so don't think I suffer from PND. I used to self harm a bit too. I think this thread could really help us all. Maybe Wobbles could make it a sticky? x
I felt so bad most the time, it got so bad for me that I ended up wanting to end my life, I still get those thoughts but main thing is that i'm getting help for it now
Ohh i didnt think to put up the syptoms :dohh:
nessajane you have all the feeling i had apart from one and that one is
I kept thinking my kids would be better off without me :cry:
i do agree about not be ashamed of it cos that is one of the main things that kept going over in my mind as i thou if i went to the docs he would just tell me to get a grip and pull myself together:blush:

so please go to the doc as soon as you think its any kind of depression as the earlier they catch it the easier it is to treat x
The worst thing anybody can tell you is 'to pull yourself together' I think thats were people who havnt had depression or know alot about it think you can just pick yourself up, My OH would tell me to snap out of it but anybody who has or had depression will now thats it just not possible :( x
Jazzy i no how you feel about wanting to end your own life iv sat endless nights thinking about the best way to do it :blush:
I think this thread is a great idea. Im too suffering from PND although i believe i was depressed along while before baby came along but didnt want to admit it and it just got alot worse after he was born.

If anyone else thinks they are depressed please speak to somebody or your doctor, Speaking to my doctor and getting help was the best thing i could of done!
I was depressed hun before robyn came along it started wen i was 5 months preg
Iwent to the docs about it and he said you cant get depressed before baby is born :hissy: so then it was 9 months before i went back and he told me to get some rest and not to worry x needless to say i changed docs and got the help i needed :happydance:
The worst thing anybody can tell you is 'to pull yourself together' I think thats were people who havnt had depression or know alot about it think you can just pick yourself up, My OH would tell me to snap out of it but anybody who has or had depression will now thats it just not possible :( x

Couldn't have said it better nessa x
How are we all feeling today x
i Have been out of the house today and suffered a panic attack :hissy: it took me 10 mins to calm myself down and it made it worse as sam ws with me :cry:
i didnt really no how to calm myself down so if anyone suffers from them can you PLEASE tell me how you get over it :hugs:
I wasn't too good this morning to be honest. Think I am going to see how it goes and maybe go back to the drs cos i'm due a review on my medication anyway.

Aww Aly, I used to have panic attacks, not had one for ages though. I used to get away from everyone if I was in public and try and think calming thoughts and breathe into a paper bag. I never had one while I was on my own luckily. Hope you're feeling a little better now. x
Ohhh if i av another 1 il have to try the paper bag iv had some before and had to call karl out of work :blush:
Awww hun i hope your feeling a bit better this morning and if you do go to the docs good luck :hugs:
I was depressed hun before robyn came along it started wen i was 5 months preg
Iwent to the docs about it and he said you cant get depressed before baby is born :hissy:


My god, where did that moron get his medical training?! Antenatal depression is very common but shockingly under treated. I have a history of depression and had both ante and post natal depression. With me it always triggered by life events, I have trouble coping when things go "wrong".

I've had Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT) for it, which has always really worked for me, but talking therapy (counselling) is really useful too.

I know that for some people, medication is the best option, but I think doctors can be too quick to dish out pills. Talking things through and realising that your feelings are not uncommon can be a powerful recovery tool.

I had a few moments since Jack was born where I thought about ending my life. They were very dark times that made me feel deeply ashamed. But I am recovering now and realise where those thoughts were coming from and that they were a common response.

:hugs: to all.
I was depressed hun before robyn came along it started wen i was 5 months preg
Iwent to the docs about it and he said you cant get depressed before baby is born :hissy:


My god, where did that moron get his medical training?! Antenatal depression is very common but shockingly under treated. I have a history of depression and had both ante and post natal depression. With me it always triggered by life events, I have trouble coping when things go "wrong".

I've had Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT) for it, which has always really worked for me, but talking therapy (counselling) is really useful too.

I know that for some people, medication is the best option, but I think doctors can be too quick to dish out pills. Talking things through and realising that your feelings are not uncommon can be a powerful recovery tool.

I had a few moments since Jack was born where I thought about ending my life. They were very dark times that made me feel deeply ashamed. But I am recovering now and realise where those thoughts were coming from and that they were a common response.

:hugs: to all.

awww am glad your recovering hun :hugs:
does CBT work for you hun am thinking of asking my doc about it wen i go back n the 28th of this month
wat do you do is it just like talking to some one :blush:
can i ask wat they do :blush:
Hi. CBT isn't a talking therapy, although you do, by default talk about some aspects of how you're feeling. It's basically a re-training process. You learn to identify certain kinds of thoughts and how those thoughts make you feel. Then you learn to balance those thoughts, see things more objectively and that changes how those thoughts make you feel and consequently how you behave.

It takes a lot of patience and practice but I think it's well worth the effort because the tools then stay with you for life and help you in future, rather than plain talking therapy which you would need to repeat if you were to become depressed again later in life.

It can be used to combat depression, anxiety, addiction, to change bad habits etc.

I'll give you an example. Last summer my paternal grandmother passed away. I had never been close to her, and when she passed away I had some quite negative feelings towards her. I felt that I had never made her proud, that she wasn't interested in my life and favoured my cousins over me. Those thoughts really upset me and filled me with regret about our relationship and that it was too late to put it right.

With the help of my therapist I was able to identify why I thought those things: there were no photos of me in her house, but there were lots of my aunts and cousins. She never seemed to take an interest in what I was doing, didn't ask me about my degree or job when I went to visit her, but would always boast about my cousins' achievements.

Again, with my therapist, I balanced those thoughts: perhaps she didn't have any photos because me nor my parents had never given her any. Neither her or my granddad were keen on photography themselves. Perhaps all the pictures of my cousins were given to her as gifts. Perhaps she only talked about my cousins because they went out of their way to tell her about what they were doing with their lives, whereas I assumed she wouldn't understand the things I was doing so didn't try to explain.

I was able to take responsibility for the flaws in our relationship, but in a rational way that I could handle, rather than blaming myself and becoming emotional about it. I realised that my dad wasn't close to her and had his own issues with her, so that had probably influenced my relationship with her too.

While much of this would be explored in talking therapy, in CBT you use worksheets and keep records of your trigger thoughts and how they make you feel. It's about learning to identify them and deal with them before they spiral into depressive feelings and behaviour.

Anyway, sorry for the essay! Hope this helps.
Great thread.

Ive battled depression for over 7 years now. It briefly went around the time i concieved Jack, and then came back when i was about 6-7months pregnant. I did have a large element of PND at the time, though it isnt really PND now, just depression and anxiety.
The past 2 yrs have been really tough for us. We went bankrupt and lost our house, i had to give up my nursing career due to my ill health, i didnt speak to any of my family for nearly a year. In january, things came to a head, and i was at crisis point. I was close to ending it all many times, and without the support of my fab hubby, i would not be here now. I rang the mental health crisis team, and they have taken over my care since then. And they still come out to my house once a week now. I started CBT on wednesday, after a year of waiting for it, so hoping this will help me. I take antidepressants, and probably will for a long time to come.

I can understand and empathsise with all of you girls, and if ever anyone needs a shoulder to cry on, im always around, anyone is welcome to PM me.

I hope all of ur recoveries are quick xxxx :hugs:
Thanks shifter
im def going to try CBT it sounds better than i thou it would in fact i thou it was were you all sit in a room and talk to ppk about your problems :blush: and im not good at that :blush:

Fed up sorry i dont no your name :blush: if you ever need to get out of the house im always in park gate so we can meet up and just av a chat :hugs:

That also goes for a anyone else
deffinatly agree with nessajane people kept saying that to me n i was like i cant, its so easy 4 people to say that but hthey arnt the ones going through it. i have just got over PD just trying to sort out the little bit of anxiety now, so starting to enjoy my little1 now :D

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