Positive natural birthing stories

I also have numerous positive natural birth stories on my website. Google- Yoga Janda and go to my blog to read them Some of the moms added their own advice at the end of their story. Ina May's Guide to Childbirth also has some really great birth stories to read.
So many great stories. I'm 29weeks now with my first and so scared I will not handle the pain. Will keep reading these stories!
Here's my LONG positive natural home birth story (it's only taken 16 months to get round to writing it...): Linkey
here is mine!

I am 3 months late to post this, but here is my natural birth story!!

I was due November 4th, 2012...but 8 days later....

I gave birth to our gorgeous little girl, Katelyn, on November 12th, 2012 at 3:41 p.m.!

I noticed dull period pains around 11:30 p.m. on the 11th, and they were every 10 minutes. I used a heating pad during the night on my abdomen, because I really didn't know what was going on.

By 5:30 a.m. they were stronger and I knew that this was early labour. I woke up my boyfriend, and because of the intense pressure I was feeling down there, and the strength/frequency of the contractions, we went to the hospital at 10:30 a.m.

Our doula arrived shortly thereafter, and we walked. I had to lean against the wall every time a contraction hit, and our doula would rub my back.

I was 3 cm and 90% effaced when we arrived.

A couple hours later, they checked me and I was already 5-6 cm! It was much more painful, but as I had been planning a natural birth, I started using my support team, a birthing ball, and a tennis ball on my back to relieve the pain.

Around 2 pm I got into the bathtub, and my urge to push came. i could not control it!! The contractions were getting more intense and I would breathe in really deeply as they began, then let out this low, guttural moan. In the tub, my water broke (felt like I was peeing in the tub).

Our doula ran to tell the nursing station I was pushing strong, and they got me into the bed to check me. I was 7 cm and because I was already pushing and couldn't help it, I was developing a cervical lip.

I had a death grip on my boyfriend's shirt, and I had entered transition. I felt such intense pressure and quite frankly, as though there was a boulder coming through my pelvis.

The nurse had to hold back the cervical lip and I went to 10 cm instantly. I started to get scared, and had a brief moment of "please help me", but the pushing consumed my body and within seconds our baby's head popped out, with one arm against her head like a superman pose.

I pushed again and her shoulders popped out and then the rest of her "shot out" according to my boyfriend.

She was born at 3:41 p.m. She weighed 7 lbs, 5 1/2 oz. Strangely, her placenta had already drained into her and the cord was already white and stopped pulsing, so my boyfriend cut it (I don't remember that part!). I delivered the placenta within 15 minutes, and she was breastfeeding within the hour.

I had been Strep B positive, and they had only given me the first dose of antibiotics at 2 pm. So the antibiotics never had a chance to work.

They took her to the NICU and my boyfriend went with her to run some tests. I took a shower, which was the most glorious thing in the world.

Unfortunately, only a day later, we learned our baby girl was showing signs of infection and she had to spend 2 days in the NICU on antibiotics We were devastated, but she was a trooper, and the NICU would call me whenever she needed a feed as they knew how important breastfeeding was to me.

On Thursday, her bloodwork came back normal and she was given a clean bill of health. We had our baby girl back in our arms! We came home on Friday, 5 days after she was born.

I was up, walking, squatting, twisting, turning, etc, within minutes of birth. I really felt great, no issues at all! In fact, I've been able to muck out horse stalls and carry water buckets and do pretty much everything I could in the same way as in early pregnancy!

So I did achieve a natural birth, it was so crazy and powerful but I wouldn't have it any other way

Our little girl is 9 days old today, has gained 3 oz since Friday discharge, and we love her to death. We are cloth diapering as well, which is going awesome.

Our 3 dogs love her, and are all so protective of her. She is fitting in 'at the farm' with no issues, though she does get fussy every night from 10-2 am depending, but we are handling it all right. The sleep deprivation is not fun

But, I did it And we have such a beautiful little girl to be rewarded with. Her name is Katelyn.
Here's the link to my all-natural home waterbirth story:https://babyandbump.momtastic.com/pregnancy-third-trimester/1734755-yikesbabys-home-waterbirth-story-finally.html

It was such a magical experience that I would do it all again in a heartbeat! :) Despite the fact that I ended up with a second degree tear my recovery was very quick... I've stopped bleeding and I feel great. :)

Sienna is alert and so content... she's dreamy!
24 days ago I had my 3rd beautiful home birth :)

Labour started around 6.15am with semi regular contractions 7-10 mins apart. At 7am I called labour ward to send out my midwife as my last labour was only 2 hrs!!
At 8.15 my first midwife and student midwife arrived, followed 10 mins later by my second midwife.
By this stage contractions were coming every 2-3 mins and getting stronger. I had really bad pain in my lower back - student midwife massaged it during each contraction which was wonderful :)
I was standing - holding onto hubby for support at this point then at 9am I decided to kneel against the bed and started taking some gas and air as the contractions were getting very strong by this point.
They were monitoring baby's heart rate during contractions and she was fine no decelerations.
At 9.50 my waters went with an enormous pop!! All over my hubby's legs as he was kneeling behind me :) the relief when the pressure of them had gone was wonderful.
At 10.00 baby's heart rate was dipping to 110bpm during contractions but recovering afterwards so they did an internal and confirmed I was fully dilated. I changed into a semi recumbent position as my knees were starting to ache and they told me to start pushing with contractions - at 10.10 they took the gas away from me so I could focus on what I was doing! I had no urge to push so wasn't doing it correctly - at 10.16 they told me that baby was getting tired and if I couldn't get her out soon they would have to call for an ambulance. Her heart rate at its lowest point was 104bpm which wasn't that low in reality looking back now!
At 10.24 her heart rate stabilised at 140bpm - which they said she was in a far better position now and I was now feeling a strong urge to push.
After a few pushes at 10.26 they confirmed they could see the top of her head, I went very slowly and delivered her head by 10.29 and at 10.30 she was fully born into the world.
She needed 2 rescue breaths as she was a little shocked and wasn't making any effort to breathe but her heart rate was good and she was pinking up. Her apgar scores were at 1 minute -5 and at 5 minutes -9
At 10.32 she was handed to me for cuddles and we waited for the cord to stop pulsating prior to cutting as I was planning a physiological 3rd stage. At 10.44 cord stopped pulsating and at 10.45 hubby cut it.
At 11.00 placenta was delivered intact and as it should be. I was checked over and pleased to report no tears or cuts :)
At 12.00 midwives all left me snuggled up in bed with my beautiful little girl

Alannah Seren Hunter arrived safely at 10.30am on Tuesday 5th March 2013 weighing in at 8lbs 12.5oz.

This was my 3rd home birth and I would do it all again tomorrow :) xx
Natural home birth story in my signature! In the US, so... no G&A, even.
Natural BREECH birth in a hospital. https://babyandbump.momtastic.com/b...tural-hospital-breech-birth.html#post27809201
Natural BREECH birth in a hospital. https://babyandbump.momtastic.com/b...tural-hospital-breech-birth.html#post27809201

Congrats hun! So glad you got the have the vaginal birth you so wanted :)

Feel free to use mine, it's from last year in July (2012) but was a planned, very positive and very quick home birth using gas and air and my mum as 1st midwife :) planning another with this baby boy in 5 weeks time xx

Congrats (although it's a bit late) on your homebirth hunni and good luck with the next one - although I'm sure you'll be fine ;)

Thank you to all my mommys willing to share their story and everyone who updates this! This is so comforting as a mommy who is planning a homebirth.
I've got a positive natural breech birth story, link in my sig :)
I've had two natural hospital births and plan on a third in January.

My first I was scared since everyone would tell me it is not possible to give birth without a epi, but I was still adamant. I have always been stubborn. Well four day after my due date, the doctor stripped my membranes since otherwise I would have to be induced. Well that night i went to sleep and woke up at 3 am having strong contractions in the back. I took a quick shower and my mom and husband hurried to the hospital. Once we got there, they sent us immediately to the delivery room. I spent as much time as I could manage walking around. My water broke on my husbands shoes and that was truly a highlight! Eventually I made it to 9cm and was at a stand still. I felt like I had to push so bad, but the nurses wouldn't let me. I also had to go to the bathroom super bad, but had a fear to go. My nurse, after not making progress for awhile, told me to use the bathroom and immediately after I became fully dilated! They then brought a mirror in as I requested so I could watch and the pushing began! Once I began pushing, it seemed like most of the pain from the contractions vanished. I mainly felt lots of pressure in the vagina. 30 min of pushing and my son (who we had been guessing was a girl the whole pregnancy) entered the world at 10:32 am. I fell in love with him immediately! We did skin to skin contact as he easily nursed.

My second was a bit different. It started out the same, though. Four days past my due date my doctor had my membranes stripped so I didn't have to be induced. Immediately after I began getting some mild inconsistent contractions. Nothing bothersome. I had a birth plan ready this time, though, since my first they kept begging me to get the epi. Well, when 5 pm came about, I knew it was time and called my hubby. He was getting last minute things in town and told me he had a few more stops. I told him that he needed to forget about the rest and get his butt home. So he came home right away and headed to the hospital while my parents took our little one. When we got in the delivery room at 8 pm, my doula greeted us. Little did I know how wonderful the doula was going to be. My contractions were in the back again and I was able to walk around focusing on the cute little newborns in the nursery. Eventually the pain got real bad and my doula stepped in and put some pressure on my back. It was a lifesaver! After being in this intense pain for awhile without feeling any urge to push and my water bag not breaking, I asked to get my water broke to progress labor. When the doctor came in and checked my dilation, he said I was 10 cm dilated and probably was for awhile! I was so relieved! He said I could push her out while she was in the water bag. My normal non-pain self said that would be neat, but all I could think was how would it be. Would it be harder to push her out or easier? My logical side was gone, though, and all I wanted to do was do what I did the first time - what I knew. So the doctor popped the bag and told me to do some practice pushes. Although push one, the baby was crowned and my doctor was running around trying to get suited up since he was not expecting that. This time, the pain did not vanish with pushes as with the first. In fact, I had no urge to push what so ever. But after about four pushes, it didn't matter since the baby was in my arms! 10:46 pm my baby girl entered our life and nursed eagery!
Great Story! I do wonder if babies born in the Cal (sp?) are harder to push out... i do know that in some cultures this is considered good luck :)
Unmedicated home water birth of 9 lbs 12 oz baby
Bump! Gotta subscribe to read later. Thank you ladies and congrats on your beautiful babies and natural births!!!

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