pre-IVF anxiety... Help!!

Thank you @mimi4 and @Bevziibubble

@WinterBub I'm impressed with your Hebrew :) definitely looking forward for Saba and Savta to arrive.. it's a challenge here with my daughter and I'm sure my mom will help her a lot with adjusting.
Hey pregnant ladies, how are you?? @elencor you must be very close to your due date, and @WinterBub how are you feeling?
@Megan0625 I hope you and your family are doing well
@Nima @Megan0625 how is life with a baby going? I hope you are enjoying these moments a lot ❤️

I’m 37 weeks and 5 days today and honestly I’d give birth today if it was up to me… I’m feeling a hit discouraged. I’m not feeling great at the moment, my hands and feet are swollen and I feel very tired. I had an ultrasound a week ago and the baby was fine, weighting around 3.1kg and head down. Im a bit worried he might have changed position since I feel since yesterday that my belly is higher and wider, I don’t want to think too much about it because there’s not really anything I can do, also I don’t have any more ultrasounds until week 39 + 4 days.

Anyway I’ll keep you updated, I hope very soon I can share the birth of my baby boy ❤️ I can’t wait to meet him.

@WinterBub how are you doing?
@Nima and @elencor we are doing great! Little Clarke is so perfect and is such a sweet and funny girl. She’s been smiling nonstop since she started social smiling about a month ago :) She does little giggles and is so close to laughing. I do think den may be going through her 4 month sleep regression because she’s been waking up in the middle of the night and it takes sometimes 1-2 hours to get her back to sleep. She hasn’t done this since she was a newborn! We are exhausted but just totally love her. We also started her in our local infant swim class to start strengthening her legs and make her comfortable with water and she totally loves it :)

@Nima how is your little family doing?

@elencor you are getting so close! I had Clarke at 37 weeks 2 days, though it was due to health concerns, but you could have your little one any time now! I felt miserable in my final days pregnant and I’m still a little bummed that I couldn’t properly enjoy them. Keep your chin up, you’ll be holding your perfect son any day now :)

@WinterBub how are you feeling??
@elencor very excited for you, you'll be meeting your little baby so soon.

@Megan0625 baby Clarke sounds adorable, and sleep regression will go away, but I have to admit there's always something: once they're done being newborns they start teething, or regressing, or being tired because they started skipping a nap...

We are doing OK. It's been hard to adjust to the new situation, especially for my daughter. She was really depressed for a while, now she is mostly ok but very angry and has many tantrums. We try being as patient and loving as possible. It's hard being alone with the two kids when my wife is at work, and I have to accept that in many situations I just can't give both what they need, and I can only do my best.
Glad that little Clarke is doing well, Megan. I agree with Nima- it's always something! You'll get through this sleep regression, and it definitely won't last forever. Do you have a sound machine? We found that really helps- that and a bedtime routine start to eventually hammer home the bedtime message :)

I'm sorry that your daughter is struggling, Nima. I feel like you're a gentler parent than me, but I think that at some point you have to stop "apologizing" or trying too hard to accommodate her if she is being unreasonable. Ie. My MIL was visiting and playing board games with my LO. Whenever he was losing, he'd flip out and throw a tantrum. As long as she was there paying attention to him it went on and on. I eventually stepped in and told him "it's not a big deal when you lose, you can go and cry in your room and come back when you're done". And he would, but he'd be back in a few minutes because it's boring to tantrum alone ;) Your daughter and the baby are equals and she has to accept that. Just my two cents! You don't need to feel guilty or like you need to apologize for having a baby. ❤️ You can be loving towards her while also discouraging some of the OTT behavior.

Good luck, Elencor. Your baby will be here so soon! I hope he's in a good position for you. But I promise that a C/S isn't the end of the world if that is what happens. ❤️

AFM- I'm doing well, and am now 22w. But we found out the baby has a serious heart defect. She has only one ventricle, and will need at least two open heart surgeries. It can't ever be fixed into a normal heart, but they can try to help her. So, we've been through a lot of tears, but finally feel like we have a game plan and can focus on trying to do what we can for her.
@WinterBub oh I'm so sorry your daughter will need surgery . This must be so hard for you. I send you so many hugs and prayers that it will be as easy as possible. She has a strong mom, so I'm sure she'll be fine, but you must be aching for her already.

Thank you for the encouragement and reassurance. Sometimes it also helps to know kids have tantrums regardless of siblings or anything we did to cause them... today was a good day though with only one Tantrum when she was very tired, and it was also ok. So I hope we're o the right track.

@WinterBub I'm so sorry. That must be so worrying but I'm glad you have a plan and baby will get the best care. Thinking of you :hugs:
Oh Winter I’m so sorry, I pray everything goes as best as possible for your baby girl. I’m glad you have a plan, I’m sure it’s scary but cardiac surgeons are so great now a days. Lots of hugs ❤️
My baby is here ❤️ it was a difficult experience, very painful very long and with lots of complications, I’m still a bit traumatised but at the end it all ended perfectly with my beautiful boy here, we are so tired but so much in love with him. We’re still at the hospital, I’m having hypertension that is not going well.

I can’t write his name in here because it’s a family name, very rare and particular. But I can tell you in private if your want!

I hope you are all doing ok, lots of hugs!
Wow @elencor I am so sorry you had such a traumatizing experience. If you are like me, you might be going over everything you did/said/felt and are trying to figure out where it went wrong. So I just want to tell you: it's not your fault! Shit happens and you did you absolute best to bring your beautiful boy to the world. Well done mama! Huge congratulations. Take time to heal and bond with your baby. Take time to cry if you need to.
I am sending you lots of love from across the continent.
@elencor Wow, congratulations on the birth of your baby boy <3. I'm sorry it was difficult/ traumatic, I hope you have the opportunity to heal and just enjoy this time with him. The time goes so fast!

@WinterBub I am so sorry to hear that, that must be so scary! Just know that you will have very specialized and talented doctors working on your baby and have faith that everything will be okay! I know it's easier said than done. I truly believe that everything will go smoothly.

AFM - Clarke is growing so fast! I had an emotional breakdown this morning because I realized she's almost too big for her bassinet and will be moving to her crib soon in her nursery. She's over 15 pounds and is so long, is almost in 6-9 month clothing! She rolled from tummy to back for the first time a few days ago, is "talking" like crazy, and just started laughing! <3 She just got over her first cold, which was so sad but I guess it's good for her to build her immune system. I hate how fast time is going, I feel like I was just in the hospital with her and now she's so big. I try to treasure every moment with her.

@Megan0625 Aww it's so bittersweet when they grow up so quickly, the time goes soo fast <3
It really does! I love every new milestone, and I absolutely love this stage she's in. I love seeing her personality grow and making her laugh, but I definitely also miss that tiny newborn. I will say I'm loving getting more sleep lol, but I definitely miss my tiny baby.
@WinterBub how are you doing? I’m thinking about you a lot ❤️

My beautiful boy is 5 weeks old, he’s already changed a lot, it’s scary how fast time goes!
@elencor wow 5 weeks! Yes it goes so fast, our girl is already 5 months she’s rolling and starting solid foods and so talkative. It feels like I was in the hospital with her just yesterday

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