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Recurrent Miscarriage Thread

Well ladies, I'm back from my apt. It went something like this.... "How are you feeling?" and I reply, "A bit anxious but otherwise okay..." Then doc, "we don't have test results back yet from the fetus so I'd like to wait until they come back before testing you two...I'll call you when we get them." I was then told if I don't feel better in the next couple weeks to call back and he'd prescribe me something for the anxiety. :rofl::rofl: I'm floored, I just feel like that was a waste of my time, $ and energy. I could have completed that exam on the phone. :dohh: Idiot docs.
Hubby thinks I'm over reacting. Maybe he's right. But I had hoped to get started on something today. About the only thing accomplished that I feel good about is that I've been given the go ahead on having sex! So woop!!! for that. But it wasn't w/o a cautionary warning that if I did end up knocked up this month it would give me higher chance of mc. DUH! Like I'm even thinking of the next pg yet. This doc must think I'm gluten for punishment. LOL Any way, overall I'm disappointed in my doc. *big sigh* So now a wait some more.
Thanks for listening.
haaza123 - congrats to you. Hoping next time will be 4th time lucky too...

P - how annoying... what was the point in going if that was all the doc said? I'm with you... I'd be really annoyed/upset too. Hope you get results of fetus soon as possible xx

Thanks to all the other ladies who've responded. It is also lovely to hear of good stories out there. I can't imagine going through 10 mcs but to know you have chn at the end of it would defo make it worth it xx
p so sorry to hear you are having to wait a bit longer. i too would be upset and disappointed why they cant of just told you that over the phone i dont know!

glad you can resume sex now though am sure you will want to wait til you get the results before trying again. i know i cant risk falling pg til i get my results from jessica (not that df would :sex: without protection anyways lol)

:hug: coming your way did they say how long it would take?

widger its lovely when you hear of success stories i know i have 2 girls already but they were born before my miscarriages and my dream of having another healthy baby is slowly slipping away so it too gives me hope that i might one day get another baby and hopefully not go through anymore heartache. x
sorry they couldn't say much else, dr's do suck and its worse when they play with your time and money! :hugs: and cheers to a promising future.
Those docs sure do have a way of stringing us along.........................:hug::hug::hug:
wishing did they offer any medical support for what they found so far? or is more a keep trying thing? It is hard to keep trying...went through that this weekend...it just hurt so bad physically it was like I can't keep doing this....but I do want my own child at the same time.

they said to call with any questions but there is not much they can do. its very hard to keep trying but i know that it will be forgotten once we are sucessful. (hope i dont offend) forgotten might not be the right word but the pain is not as raw.
every time we m/c we say not again but once i stop bleeding we always say one more time. its a damn hard road but the reward at the end is worth more than winning a multi million dollar lottery. i hate that i go through so much pain but i dont think i would feel so lucky if i did not experiance this. (once again i hope i did not offend anyone with my point of veiw)

good luck to you all

edit: forgot to add that it was not found untill i had m/c #8
wow. and I do understand every bit of what you said from dealing with the pain, to the reward being great enough to take it all way. I really can't wait for that, its soooo hard. I'm debating now if to go see the specialist 1st or just keep trying? My hubby rather we keep trying, but I want to go...
bk and wishing- I know what you mean about the rewards being worth all the grief. It takes me some time to get over it and 'forget' but each time, I go into knowing.
I've been stewing over my doc apt since Monday. It's just got me feeling so helpless and hopeless. I just want a doc who's going to jump on it, do whatever is possible (within reason), give me the facts and help me make a decision. I'm tired of waiting and playing the science experiement games with progesterone and asprin. It's just like each time we add something else, to see if maybe that'll work. I want to know my odds, so I can move on. I feel like I'm stuck.
Hey girls.. I have gotten my bloods back and this is how it was put to me.
You bloods are looking better still low Iron, which now have put me Repliva a Iron tablet. As for the virus I had some more bloods taken to see if it is still flared up, but Dr. seems to think the antibiotics I have taken for a week have done the job.
Dr. is hoping if I can get my Iron under control that my immune system will pick up and we can fight this.
I am second guessing my decision now to have the surgery. My DH asked me last night if I am absolutely sure I really want to stop trying since I was so adamant on having another child. Feeling very unsure with myself at the moment. I am so afraid even if I go through all this meds and get my irons under control that I will get y hopes up to have them broken again.
I have a appointment with a specialist today (second opinion) to show him all my paper and bloods to see what he thinks and if he thinks I could carry another baby to term. This is very expensive but I feel I have to have it as this surgery I have planned is a permanent decision. Thanks for listening
Rachjim98 the decision should be between you and your OH. I'm gald you are getting a 2nd opinion to get more data to base that judgement on. Is it possible to atleast hold off on the permenant proceedure to give yourself more time to think and maybe your body more time to resolve the immune and other issues? It may be worth waiting and even trying again?

Superp123- I feel the same way with the experimenting and feeling stuck. I do think some of it (getting & staying pregnant) is still chance, but it sucks so bad to keep taking that chance each time. I have an intial appointment with a reproductive specialist on the 18th and we'll see what happens from there. I want to do some more testing to see if anything else is up, I think i'm beyond aspirin and progesterone, but we'll see.
rach- I'm glad to hear that you're getting a second opinion. It will be worth the cost, at least to say that you've left no rock unturned. I think it'll do wonders for helping you make a very important decision, with no 'what ifs'. I hope that it goes well for you today. :hugs:
Bk- Thanks for the reply. I'm just tired of rolling the dice... which isn't to say that every other woman who gets a BFP doesn't. But I do really feel like I'm not sure how many times I can do this. I do want a child, but at what cost? I just want a doc to give it to me straight. Instead my current doc is still operating on his 'fluke' therory and hoping for the best. It's very easy for him to say, but for me to be the one who goes through it all, I don't feel like he's doing everything possible. Does that make sense? He hasn't even run my bloods this time.
I'm back from the specialist and things went better then I was thinking they would. He looked over my bloods and went over my test results I had done week and half ago.

He seems to think if I get my anemia under control which I have started taking prescription iron pills to do that, and my immune system improves. I could very likely carry another pregnancy to term with help of medication to prevent the virus from doing damage to the baby.
I will take that as a positive :thumbup: It is going to be a struggle and a long road but I think this is enough to keep my head up a bit.

I have canceled the surgery will have to pay a fine for doing it so late into the process, but I have a pressure off my heart I have been carrying for a few day now wondering if I was doing the right thing here. Thanks for listening ladies:hugs:

Super123- I hope you can get some answers I cant believe that they did that come on they could of told you that over the phone.. But then again they wouldn't have made the $$ pisses me off!!
Hi girls! Hope you dont mind me posting....

Well i have a colourfull past and im sure that my future is not going to be black and white either! Im michelle and im now 28, and my journey started 11 years ago! 17 and thinking i knew it all, i found my self pregnant and scared, and not knowing what to do, well it was quickly answered for me as i had mc a couple of weeks later. To be honest at the time i was relieved, and thought i have the rest of my life! Within a year, still young and knowing it all, i met, moved in and married the then so called man of my dreams. After marriage it was the starting the family bit and we didnt waste any time. It took 3 years, but then one day i felt awfull, and i just knew! I was pregnant!! But then it happend, a mc, i was devastated. But picked my self up and carried on trying. A few months later the same thing happend, 2nd mc! A year later,i started to feel ill, very ill. I went to the doctors and one of the test that they done was a pregnancy test, to my shock it was positive, i hadnt even been late! Was booked in for scan the next day, well i will never forget that day. Laying there and watching the doctors face while doing the scan was awfull, it turned out to be an ectopic, and i was nearly 12 weeks. I was taking to theatre and had my left fallopian tube removed, the the next day the doctor came and saw me just to say that my remaining tube was twisted and i had adhesions, and that my only hope of concieving now was IVF!
I will fast forward abit (3-4 years) otherwise i will be here all day. 2 years ago me and my husband split, not having gone through the ivf yet, and no more pregnacies, I met a wonderfull man and fell madly in love! To our amazment, i found out i was pregnant within 2 month of us being together, it was miracal, but short lived as once again i mc, but just that hope of being able to fall pregnant was enough for me! The one year later, i was pregnant again, went for a scan at 6 weeks, and was told it was another ectopic, they said it was in a bit of my left, that they left after the surgery last time! So next day had surgery, just to be told after, that there was no ectopic at all, and that the surgery would propbably make me mc, 2 days later i did! I was so mad at them! It was the worst i had felt in a long time, just thinking what if's all day! 2 months later pregnant again, but i dont think i need to tell you what happened..mc 3 days later! Because then it was the 3rd mc with new partner, i was refered to the hospital for tests. I had blood tests, HSG, and a scan and all came back normal. So was told that there was not much more that could do for me, and have put me on 75mg (baby) asprin and extra folic acid.
Im just hoping to have a sticky bean..and hope it will be one day soon!!
Hi littlehush nice to meet you.. So sorry for all your trouble and for your losses. I wish the best for you in your journey. It sound like it has been a long one, but am very impressed with your courage to keep on trying. Best of luck:hugs:
Littlehush- honestly I just admire your strength to keep going because like superp123 said it is hard to keep going. Superp123 you so remind me of myself, I feel like i'm reading my thoughts when I read your posts! and to some degree its good to meet people who just understand how difficult this is. I've been trying to get my hubby to understand, but theres nothing like physically enduring this thing, its hard. Littlehush, I wish it wasn't so hard for you, I hope it doesnt have to be hard for long for all of us.
Rachjim98 i'm so happy for you, glad you got this news just in time.
I've had 2 confirmed (6 week D&C, 8 week natural) and unconfirmed 3rd in 2 years between the ages of 19 and 21, and am currently pregnant again. The consultant that I've been referred to has put in to test me for Lupus, and Chromosomal defects of myself and my husband.

Just wondered if anyone else has been tested for this, or if it's quite ununsual?
Rach- glad to hear the apt went well. Its good news, hopeful news!! Crap about the fine though. These docs are raping us!! Agh.
Littlehush- You're an inspiration hun. Truly one strong lady, and surely it won't be long. Welcome and good luck on the baby making! :hugs:
Bk- No kidding! I was thinking the same of you.
Well ladies just wanted to come on and let you know how my day has gone today, and vent a little. I got the results from the genetic testing we were waiting on. Genetically perfect little girl. :cry: Wow, that hurts... Why on earth, if nothings the matter with me or bubba?? This news is perplexing and saddening to say the least. I also had a frank discussion with the doc (over the phone this time) about testing. We've tested everything now, so the only thing to do according to him is try again. :nope: Seems like such a stupid thing to do. At least for now, today. *big sigh*
I guess i better add myself to this thread aswell..

Alot of you already no me but for you who dont Im Tracie. Im 21 and iv had 4 m/cs between december 06 and june 08, All between 6-10 weeks. I had tests done on me and hubby last year resulting in being told i carry a genetic problem that affects pregnancys, 1 of my chromosomes are broken and attached itself to another so i have 2 abnormal chromosomes. I need a procedure called PGD ( pre implantation genetic diagnosis) Its assisted by IVF to find a sutible egg to make a baby with. i have a 50% chance of finding a good egg and 25% of it working threw IVF. Im due to have Treatment sometime this year. Its been a very very very long road and theres still alot more to come but if i can make it to the end then im sure everyone can :)

Nomatter what life throws at you always remember you are stronger to keep going, even when it feels like your not you are :)

i have had alot of miscarraiges luckily with 2 amazing babies in between because i dont know if i would have bothered trying anymore, i didnt take asprin as all tests came back negative both of my normal pregnancies were concieved naturally, although with my 1st i was put on complete bedrest for the first 14 weeks due to bleeding and scanned every week, i also spent a fortune on private scans everyweek too as i could not go 3 days without seing she was ok, however the docs told me i could not carry a certain sex (boy) thats why i was loosing them but low and behold i had Max this year and didnt have any rest, bleeding or complications whatsoever, i dont know why mine were lost i still to this day have no answers, i had years of heartbreak and i will probably never want to try again due to this, but in my eyes and from first hand experience when the tests come back negative and there is no apparent reasoning, the docs try and palm you off with any excuse, pill to take etc to stop the hassling, it turned into a daily routine for me forever calling my gp, gynae and asking for another test to be done.

if you need any questions answering that i may be able to help with please pm me xx
Hey girls...thought i would just let you all know..i got a bfp today! hope you dont mind for letting you know, if so i will delete post!
Im just praying that this is a very sticky beany xxx

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