Recurrent Miscarriage Thread

Thanks for the welcome ladies, it's nice to have somewhere to go where you all understand the hurt and devastation.

After my second m/c , I was soooo confused . I hadn't know about mmc before that. Knowing I carried around a dead fetus for 4 weeks and after knowing for another 1.5 weeks was terrible.

I asked my GP for a workup to look into any issues or causes but was told that they don't look into anything unless you've had 3. (WHAT!!!???) I persisted and was given a referral to an OBGYN. That appt is in March. I don't know if her taking me is agreeing to investigate or if I may still be denied.

I haven't even had my progersterone checked yet I hear so many of you have.

I started with a naturopath last week and did acupuncture and was given a herbal supplement (most disgusting thing I've ever drank) I need for my own peace of mind to do a something differently. I am thinking of asking for progesterone and maybe go on baby aspirins too. I'm torn. My husband says taking something I don't need to may be a bad idea.
Hi Mediterranean 😊 first to answer your question I was taking the prometrium starting 3 days after a positive opk and stopping 15dpo if not pregnant. I also had a monitored cycle in that time so I for sure was taking it after ovulation. I'm now starting 100mg clomid this month. My RE is leaving it up to me whether I take prometrium during my luteal phase or after a bfp.
I'm so sorry for your losses. I'm especially sorry the last one was so traumatic ❤ We conceived our first two easily and since then it was conceiving easily and losing them then we haven't been able to get pregnant in 6 months now. Do you think you'll see a specialist soon?

Thanks for your sympathies. I am meeting with a OB in March but I have not been sent for any testing to date. It's beyond frustrating. I met with my family dr yesterday and asked for progesterone suppositories so I started those last night. I have never been tested for progesterone levels either but I wanted to take them for peace of mind.

It's good you have a Dr who's on top of things and starting you on clomid to regulate your cycle. I hope for good things next cycle for you! Were your previous pregnancies just good timing or did you know you were in the window for TTC?

We have been TTC and I was tired of waiting to be far enough along to take a pregnancy test so I went for bloodwork (I have an open Beta HCG req from my miscarriage) and my levels were at 37 at 9dpo! I went again two days later and my results were at 109, so they more than doubled in a little less than 48 hours. I am soooo scared but very happy. I didn't ovulate until day 21 (I used OPK's for the fist time in my life and it's a good thing I did) I have always had a 27, 28 day cycle so I ovulate somewhere around day 14 but I think a couple of days later than that. I would have given up before day 21 if I hadn't tracked.

I haven't told my husband yet and I'm not sure I want to. He closed himself off last time and then when I had the horrible miscarriage, I felt so alone because he wasn't invested at all throughout. I'm praying this one is successful for us.
Ladies, hope you are all ok. A quick update from me.

Had my last tests / ovarian reserve, prolactin, 3D SIS and vitamin D. This is on top of karyotype, thyroid, NK cells, clotting and a genetic testing of the last loss.

I have a higher than average ovarian reserve and one ovary is even polycystic looking (it's not polycystic but it has lots of follicles). This means that if I were to go for IVf I would have to be on the lowest trigger to avoid OHSS. But the low trigger can lead to poor quality immature eggs.

Also, as my OH still has 49% DNA fragmentation even ICSI with IMSI cannot guarantee that the non fragmented sperm will be selected. So basically all IMSI will do is maybe (!) improve the chances of not having a chromosomal loss.

But OHSS can meet blood clots, hospitalisation and fluid on the lungs. So all in all I have decided against IVF. Rates of success are 30-40%, whereas I get pregnant almost every time we have sex, so probably have better odds naturally.
I really hate that I'm able to say that I'm able to post on this topic. I'm usually not a "posting" type of person but.....

After years of horrible endometriosis and 3 lap surgeries to clean me out, I somehow managed to conceive my lovely son after only five months of trying; I had him a month after I turned 29. When he was about 1.5 years old my husband and I decided to try again, thinking that by the time we conceived and then I gave birth, our son would be closing in on 3.

After almost a year of trying my Dr ran some tests and discovered I have PCOS, which I was quite surprised about. I have hypothyroidism but by this time it was being monitored--during my pregnancy with my son it wasn't at all, and now that I looked back after everything, I wonder how I got pregnant at all.

She put me on Metformin--1700 mg a day--but after six months I still wasn't pregnant, so we decided to try IUI. I took progesterone from the day after I ovulated until I got my period, or if I got pregnant, until week 10. I also took Letrozole from days 3-8 to help my ovulate. I got pregnant on our first try but when we went in for the ultrasound at 8 weeks, we discovered it was a blighted ovum. We were devastated but knew we wanted to try again. I miscarried in April 2016 and was pregnant again by August 2016. We heard the heartbeat at 6 week and 7 weeks, and then at 8 weeks there was nothing.

That is the miscarriage that still haunts me. I wasn't sure what to do with "it"--I couldn't think of it as a baby at that time--when it came out, but I knew that I couldn't flush it. My miscarriage happened very fast; I started to bleed and two hours later I had a contraction and it came out. There was no blood on it and it looked exactly as the pictures said it would. My husband buried it at the ravine near our house.

Two cycles after that I was pregnant again. I went in for an ultrasound at just over 5 weeks and saw nothing but the gestational sac but knew that this wasn't a cause for concern. I went back in the next week and saw a different Dr who all of the sudden is telling me that I'm actually 7 weeks which made no sense. Regardless, I knew it was another blighted ovum as soon as I saw the screen. I also had a subchronic hematoma in my second and third miscarriages.

Much like with my previous miscarriages, I passed everything very quickly so I know that I'm lucky in that regard. My Dr is confident that it's chromosomal as she's ruled out any gynecological issues and we know it isn't my thyroid. We are looking at IVF and will probably do the genetic screening to see if there is something causing this. I just don't get how I managed to have one son who's perfect and then all of the sudden it seems like there are chromosomal issues here. I'm not even 33 yet; I don't drink, smoke, do drugs, etc. Also, the fact that I went blighted ovum, heartbeat, then blighted ovum is making me question if it's just been horrible luck or if it's something else, but I know that we may never figure it out.

We are booked to see a genetic counsellor in a few weeks but I really don't know what they'll be able to tell us. The cost of having the genetic screening during the IVF process will raise the cost by about 25% so I doubt we can do too many cycles.
Momtothebean-Welcome and I'm glad you found your way here. This thread has been a life saver to me over the years.

In some ways, my story is much like yours. I've had inexplicable losses after seeing a heartbeat and several blighted ovums that my drs all don't feel are worth looking into. I had low progesterone levels at one time but my more recent pregnancies have been fine in that regard.

In my case, we found-after 7.5 years of ttc and 8 losses and me requesting the test because my dr doesn't think it's my issue at all-that I have the MTHFR gene mutation that causes folate deficiency and clotting problems. I recently went to my naturopath who found my immune system attacks my placentas while they are trying to implant and this causes bleeds as well as impedes proper implantation so there's less bloodflow to the baby thus ending in loss. Between the low progesterone levels to start with, the lack of folate going to the baby (which is hugely necessary for fetal brain development), the clotting issues I have, and this immune response, it's honestly a miracle I have children at all. It's been 9.5 years of ttc and I've had 11 losses in that time. I've also been blessed with three rainbows and I'm currently pg with what I hope is rainbow #4. So there is hope.

It's not easy being in this situation and often I feel alone because there isn't anyone in my immediate network who truly understands why I'm so scared of pg and why I pretty much loathe it. They understand even less why I've kept ttc. I've been lucky to find a doctor who, even if he doesn't necessarily believe MTHFR is my issue, will prescribe most of the meds I've asked for (he won't prescribe steroids though I've practically begged for them), a naturopath who has never once stopped looking for causes to my losses and is finally FINALLY finding answers, and a therapist who will talk to me night or day whenever I need to because she has had her own infertility and loss struggles so she 'gets' it in a way no one else can.

My advice is to do your research and stand firm if you want specific tests or medications. Find empathetic/sympathetic people to keep around you and don't internalize your emotions. RMC is hard enough. Keeping your fears and tears inside doesn't help. (Trust me on that.) Bring a list of questions with you to the genetics appt and don't be afraid to ask them. In medicine and RMC especially, there are no silly questions. I waited for too many years before requesting the blood test that proved I had MTHFR because my dr doesn't believe it causes miscarriages. It was only after I requested a referral to a hematologist that I found someone who said 'Oh yes, it DOES cause issues and I'm surprised you haven't been on high dose folate for years already.'

:hugs: I hope your appts yield some answers for you and that you finally have that rainbow baby you yearn for. I'm sending all the positive happy vibes I can.
I'm waiting to bleed after my test has gone pretty much negative, my rmc appointment isn't until June, so not to long to wait, I just feel very numb at the moment, I felt so positive with this one with getting an early bfp
Oh myheart, I'm soooo sorry to hear the horrible news. You've had your fair share of losses. My heart goes out to you.
Well guess im here now
Just experienced my 3rd MC. Doctors are going to see if i have any issues why that keeps happening. First MC (also first pregnancy) was at 8 weeks, baby stopped growing at 6 weeks. Second was a chemical and happened around 12 dpos. Third i just lost at 5 weeks. Between my first and second MCs. OB wonders about a blod cloting disorder or low progesterone. I believe i have low progesterone but that has never been scientifically want me to get hCG checled next week to ensure it fell back to zero. Then go from there w testing. What can i expect, testinf wise? Will i have to out ttc on hold?
First off, I'm so sorry for your losses.

Second to answer your question on what tests to expect, that sort of depends on what the dr you are seeing knows of RMC. I'm in the US and my 'full workup' for my recurrent losses was considerably less than other women's because my dr only tested me for the things that are 'known' to cause issues with pregnancy. Most US drs don't know much about RMC and those that do usually aren't as advanced as some of the drs in other parts of the world.

Anyway, my history is 11 losses, 3 rainbows, with a history of first tri bleeds and blighted ovums. I've had my thyroid tested, my progesterone levels checked (but only during pg, never while not pg oddly enough), numerous CBCs, some sort of blood sugar test, basic clotting and autoimmune panel,rH factor, and MTHFR.

Ttc is probably up to you BUT be aware that many of the clotting, autoimmune, and hormone tests will not be accurate if you are pregnant while getting tested. And some tests need to be repeated in 6 weeks to confirm the results. So it's highly advisable that you put off ttc for a few months and I know it's not easy to wait when you want this more than anything but in the long run, a few months wait to hopefully get some answers is worth it. At least it was for me.
Hi ladies,
I hope you don't mind me posting this here.. I have recently had my third MC in 4 months, and don't have any answers at this stage.
I have a question in regards to those who have the MTHFR gene mutation.. Do you know which mutation you have? Or both?
I do have a mutation, but it's the "lesser" of the 2.. I've got the mutation in the A1298C gene, but my C677T is normal/not mutated.
From everything I have read, they only associate MCs and pregnancy issues with the C677T mutation.

Regardless, I've been taking a folate supplement my naturopath subscribed for just over a year now, and well in advance of trying for number 2 (not to mention I wasn't even aware of it when I got pregnant with my son off our first IVF cycle).

Anyway, I suppose I'm just hoping to see if any ladies on here, in similar situations have any other information on it...

I just feel at a loss to why this is happening... :(
Katbar I can't help with the question but I just wanted to say how sorry I am for all of your losses.
Katbar, I will share what I was told. Bear in mind that I'm not saying it's true or not but I was told this after asking a genetic counselor I saw, my RE and my MFM. They all told me that mthfr isn't really important. They said half the population has one mutation or the other and the most recent studies show it's not a factor in losses. Like I said, I don't know what to make of that. I was shocked to be told it wasn't important to them.
Katbar, I will share what I was told. Bear in mind that I'm not saying it's true or not but I was told this after asking a genetic counselor I saw, my RE and my MFM. They all told me that mthfr isn't really important. They said half the population has one mutation or the other and the most recent studies show it's not a factor in losses. Like I said, I don't know what to make of that. I was shocked to be told it wasn't important to them.

Thanks for your response! I am actually not too surprised to hear of you being told that, as I have certainly heard others saying similar things. And I know when I mentioned it to my IVF doctor, he wasn't overally concerned, and mostly dismissed it (although in a way, he was kind of dismissive in general - not rudely, but I think he just feels the embryos from the MCs have had genetic issues, and it's just a matter of getting to the healthy embryo).

So hard to know though, as I have also seen women who have had multiple MCs, find out they have MTHFR, go on supplements, and then have healthy pregnancies afterward..

I must admit, that given we had success with our son, and that was the first time I had been pregnant, I do feel like it'd be surprising if this mutation was then suddenly causing recurrent MCs.. I guess all we can do, is try, and try again..
I agree! It's so hard to keep trying. I had two healthy pregnancies before all my losses and is just devastating to be told try again. It is so encouraging though that most women will go on to a healthy baby with no intervention even after multiple unexplained miscarriages ❤

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