Sex with two guys and now pregnant.


May 27, 2016
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Hi everyone,

I am currently 7 weeks pregnant and confused :(
I am not sure but was wondering if maybe someone can give me advice because I am scared! Maybe help me understand who the father can be.
I know many won't like what I am about to say so please don't be negative and judge. :/

I had my period on April 4th and I am always regular on my periods.
I had sex with guy #1 on April 7, 14, and 15.
I had sex with guy #2 on April 23rd.

According to my doctor's appointment I was 6 weeks and 6 days on May 23rd.

Is there any way of knowing by all this who the father is?
I don't know who I should tell and I am scared about this.
I hope this makes sense and hope no one puts mean comments :(

An early thank you for whoever took the time to read this and help.
Do you know when you usually ovulate dear or how long your cycles normally are? That might help you pin point which time you conceived.
Did you end your period on the 4th or just start it? I know tmi question but did both men finish inside you or was a condom worn with one and not the other?
No, I am not sure when I ovulate. I always have my periods normal every 28 days. I don't know how to calculate that.
I can try to find out though.

Thank you so much for your reply!
I have them like 7 days or less.
Like on April I had it from the 4th-9th

Thanks for the reply!
I started on the 4th.
And I didn't use protection at all. They both did finish inside me. :/

Thank you for your reply!
The average woman ovulates about 2 weeks into her cycle, but there can be a lot of variation among women. If you follow this average pattern, then if your period was on April 4 you would ovulate on April 18. Your fertile window is from about 5 days before ovulation until 2 days after ovulation so for you that would be from April 13-20. So based on this it would be more likely that guy #1 is the father. However, a lot of women ovulate later than what the 'average' is, so if you ovulated just 3 days later than what is average, then guy #2 could be the father. The only way to know for sure is to do a paternity test once the baby is born.
If you measured 6 weeks 6 days on 23rd May, that would put your conception date as April 19th, which would make guy #1 the father. However, there are always variations and babies can measure a little ahead or behind, I think the dates are just too close between the two guys and potential ovulation dates to be certain. Sorry, like pp said I think the only way to know now is to test baby when it's born ��
Hey, no judging from me whatsoever. If I was a betting woman I would say guy number one but obv there is no way to know 100% until baby is here.
Big hugs though, it's a tough situation to be in x
Chances are it is the first man but there is really no way to be sure. Are they aware that your not in a committed relationship with them and therefore there is a possibility you could sleep with other people?

If so I would be upfront - it's not ideal but it's nothing to be ashamed of. I know PLENTY of young people who think nothing of sleeping with different men. They are single and not in a relationship with the men so they are not doing anything wrong.

Just explain to both men that you are pregnant and there is a chance they are the father and once the baby is born yo u will do a test to confirm who is the father. These things happen.
I agree that being upfront is the best option with the 2 guys.
Definitely a hard position to be in, but you asked for help, that shows you are strong and can handle this!! This board is full of amazing support and no judgement... :hugs:
It's most likely man#1. According to your dates you would have ovulated around April 18th, according to the ultrasound April 19th. So sex on the 15th would be the most likely day you became pregnant.

That being said, babies can measure ahead or behind so a 5 day difference isn't totally unheard of.
Getting a paternity test will be your best bet. I believe they can be done before birth through amnio or after birth through the traditional saliva test.
Sounds like man #1. Hope you can get answers soon xx
You will never really know unless you have a dna test, if i were you i would just be really honest with both guys, you haven't done anything wrong, its just one of those things, and hopefully both will be supportive xxx Good luck babe, h&h 9 months xxxxx
Thank you for all the comments! All are kind and respectful! I was scared to post!
But I now talked to both of them...let's see what happens. For now, I am going to take care of myself because I am pregnant. Thanks for all the help!! :)
I am so sorry you're in a position where there is uncertainty as I know how stressful that can be. I also was in your situation with my first. As much as I got judged and had to spend my entire pregnancy alone, I felt good in that at least I was honest. There is something very liberating about saying, hey, oh well, I am human! I am not perfect. I will say that things happen how they should and you will be fine no matter what! If you end up having/needing an amnio, you can also DNA test from that, but I think that gets pricey!

Now alternately, I had a friend who also found herself in this situation. She chose to lie to all ends in order to make herself "look" better and she ended up losing her child to a guy who is not even biologically related to her child! So I do believe that honesty pays off! Good luck with everything:hugs:
Hi hon, no judgement at all. Difficult situation to be in. Have u considered being straight from the start with both guys. It takes two and they both knowingly didn't use protection. I know its a tricky one 😣. Was just a thought.
Going from what you said about having regular 28 day cycles , that should mean that your lp is 14 days so based on that I would agree with others Prob guy 1.
Good luck hon x

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