Surgical management with a local?


‘Mrs Hudson took my skull.’
Aug 21, 2016
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We found out today that our baby has died at about seven weeks. I don’t think I want to wait but I’m frightened of being in hospital and going under a general. I’m not sure if our hospital offers this option for a local instead but I wondered if anyone here has any experience of it?
So sorry hun. Here they do what is called a D+C and it’s not a general anesthetic. It’s a local. For a 7 week loss I do think that is what would be offered. Again I’m so sorry. I have always had natural miscarriages and I did have to wait for my loss that was at 8 weeks... and bled for a long time. But it was my 2nd pregnancy and I really didn’t want any interventions that might damage my fertility.
Thanks <3 and Bev thank you too x x

Apparently our hospital don’t offer this. I’m really annoyed and hoping whoever my husband spoke to was mistaken. Our hospital is a consultant led unit where women are sent with any complications so I cannot understand why on earth it wouldn’t be offered here.
I don’t know what to do otherwise. I’m really frightened at the thought of being put under. At the same time I don’t want to face this at home either. Surgical under a local seemed the best option as this would mean I also get to go home shortly after which is what I need as I have other children, one of which is still breastfeeding. I can’t afford to be away from them. And I would rather know when this happens, rather than sitting waiting for possibly weeks not knowing when. I really dislike spontaneity
I’m so sorry to hear that :(

I was put under general anaesthesia for a surgery on my uterus and removal of endometriosis back in July. I had never been under anaesthesia and I was terrified. In the end it really wasn’t bad at all.

They gave me a pill, which I guess was an anti anxiety pill when I first came in. This was standard procedure. When they were prepping me for surgery I told them I was really scared of vomiting after the procedure and they said they could give me extra nausea medication. Not sure if they did or didn’t but I didn’t have any issues with nausea. They gave me the medication to put me under intravenously. I’m not scared of needles so that wasn’t a problem. The last thing I remember is the anaesthesiologist saying that I should start to feel tired soon and then the next thing I remember is waking up in the recovery room.

In the end it was nowhere near as bad as I had thought. I had very little discomfort and wasn’t scared at all through the process. I did faint using the toilet after, but there was a nurse with me as that is a common side effect. Honestly it wasn’t bad though.

I think the worst part was not being allowed to eat the afternoon and evening before and then waiting to eat until after the surgery. When they gave me some broth and these dried toasts it was the best feeling ever to eat again.
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I was put to sleep for a D&C with my first loss at 10+4 weeks.
I did start pouring with blood at 10+4 weeks but was rushed to hospital and I was told i had to have a D&C and be put under anesthesia.

I'm really so so sorry hon.

U have been in my thoughts and prayers
I’m not allowed to have the MVA. We went to the scan at hospital on Wednesday and they said that I no longer meet their criteria, I think it may vary depending on trust. Even if I was eligible it’s not available at our hospital which I don’t understand.
They want me to go back Tuesday to confirm mmc because the baby measured between 6.8-7.3mm and 7mm is their cut off for saying I wouldn’t need a rescan - it’s just too close so since it’s their first scan (can’t take private into account) they have to offer a rescan before they let me talk to the doctor about our options.

I should be 10+3 today. We should be booking in and looking forward to the 12 week scan we have booked for the 19th, the day after my birthday. Some birthday that’s now going to be. Instead of talking about how to move our stuff around our bedroom to accommodate a new little one, we are discussing whether or not surgery is something we should do. It’s not like I haven’t been here before but twelve years ago it was a very straight forward miscarriage, it just happened. This is completely different. I’m finding myself wondering how I’m going to deal with it if I let it happen at home, and where to put the baby if I happen to not let it go down the loo. I know this happens all the time and I know it’s not unusual, you just don’t sit there and think you’re going to have to deal with that when you had no sign of anything wrong
I’ve been thinking of you. I’m currently going through a mc but I’ve been in your position. I was 13 weeks but my twins heartbeat had stopped at 9 weeks. I opted to let it happen at home. I ended up having to have a d&c afterwards anyway because of an infection and retained products. I am glad I let it happen at home though because I got to see my babies. I put a tub in the toilet to make sure I caught them. Here if you need to chat xx
Thank you <3

I didn’t go to my scan appointment today, just didn’t see the point as I’m just going to hope this happens as straight forward as possible at home. I had a tiny amount of spotting yesterday and today and some mild contraction-like pains on and off so I’m assuming things are now happening. My husband rebooked the scan for me for next week Tuesday instead to give things a chance. Hopefully they will then be able to confirm a complete miscarriage, without any complications I’m praying.

One minute I’m doing ok, I feel like I’m coping ok and the next I’m back in the room with the screen showing an empty looking sac and hearing her words that yes there is a small baby, but their heart stopped beating. And then I feel like I’m losing my mind. Which, I don’t know, sounds like I’m being a drama queen.

We have a huge plant pot in our yard with weeds currently growing in it so we ordered some compost and will be ordering a cherry tree so if I manage to save the baby from being flushed down the loo, I will bury them there
Bless u for asking sweety.
My scan went really well. My due date is now the 28th September but I have my hospital dating scan next Friday 19th March so it may change again. I was measuring 2 days ahead at my 8+1 weeks scan and was still measuring 2 days ahead at the privet dating scan.
It did this with DS too. I was measuring bang on at my 7+1 wk scan then 2 days extra at 9+1 wks then at the hospital dating scan I was measuring 3 days extra.
I will have the screening bloods done next Friday too and I am nervous about that because of my age but just praying baby is healthy.

Silly question but how are u doing now?

Sadly the lady that took over the group after u also had a MC so now there is a new 3rd group.
Still the same name so that's stuck
Just wish u was still there with us:-(

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