The 'am i pregnant' thread


Well-Known Member
Mar 16, 2009
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I come on this site all the time, and ive noticed theres always people making threads about thinking theyre pregnant etc (including me on more than one occassion!) so i though i'd make a thread especially for people who think they might be pregnant, that way there wont need to be so many threads on the same thing and everyone can see other peoples experiances. Good idea? Ill start by letting you all know that ive been getting mild cramping and headaches for the past week along with a messed up appetite....but i wont let myself worry until next week if my period doesnt arrived:winkwink:
these are the most common things ive noticed come up so i thought everyone could give some advice for each one and ill add it on here or let me know if you think somethings incorrect :

"i forgot to take my pill"
the more pills you forget to take the more your increasing your risk of pregnancy,if you forget just one pill aslong as you take it as soon as you remember you should be fine, usually there is a information leaflet inside your pill pack that will tell you about missing pills, my pill pack states that if i forget up to 3 pills in a row i am still protected against pregnancy but once i miss more than 3 pills in a row i am no longer protected. If you forget to take your pill quite often you may want to look at another form of contraception

"we used a condom but it broke"
If you used a condom and it broke and you DIDNT take the morning after pill, you can still take it up to 3 days after having sex although the longer its left the less effective it is.

"we had sex on my period"
There is a definite chance that any woman can get pregnant during her periods. Though the chances of pregnancy during periods are usually low during periods, they exist for all women. During periods, the chances of pregnancy are comparatively lower at the onset of a woman’s period and increase just after her periods. The truth is that there is no predictable time during the month when the risk of pregnancy can be said to be absent.

"we had sex without a protection but he pulled out"
This method is estimated to have a 27% failure rate annually among typical users. That means that every year, over 1 in 4 people using withdrawal as their only method of birth control will get pregnant. Failure rates will be lower for couples using withdrawal in combination with another method. Perfect users can expect a failure rate as low as 4%, which actually compares favorably to many other methods. See table of contraceptive failure rates... Withdrawal has a 31% annual failure rate for teens because they typically have less practice using this method effectively. More about birth control failure rates for teens and young adults...

"im on the pill but i took antibiotics"
you will have to speak to your doctor or read the information in your pill packet with this one as every pill varies but as far as im aware taking antinbiotics while on the pill will make your pill ineffective so you should use condoms

"im on the pill but still think im pregnant"
If your on the pill and think your pregnant stop taking it and speak to your doctor, in the meantime use condoms

And finally here are some of the most common early signs of pregnancy:

Light Spotting - if you have conceived, spotting can happen when implantation occurs before your menstrual period should begin. Pregnancy bleeding from implantation is pinkish or brownish and not heavy. A normal menstrual flow should begin light, become heavy, then taper off again before ending.

More Frequent Urination - urinating more often is one of the very early signs of pregnancy. Many women experience more frequent urination even before a missed period, usually from about 7-12 days after the temperature rise at ovulation. The changes in hormone levels produced by implantation of the embryo, especially the hormone "human chorionic gonadotropin" (hCG), cause more frequent urination.

Elevated Body Temperature - it's normal to have an increase in body temperature at ovulation. Your basal body temperature staying elevated after ovulation is completed and remaining elevated through when your period should begin can be one of the very early signs of pregnancy.

Missing a Menstrual Period - a missed period is one of the obvious 10 pregnancy signs. However, you can miss a period for other reasons including illness, stress, hormone imbalance and reactions to foods or medications. If your menstrual cycle normally occurs very regularly, missing a period can be a sign.

Fatigue - lack of energy as one of the very early signs of pregnancy may be hard to distinguish from other kinds of exhaustion. Feeling tired is related to the change in hormones in the body, which usually disappears as the body adjusts to the new hormone levels.

Cramping - the uterus can contract often and regularly. Moving around, exercise and orgasm all can trigger uterine cramping in early pregnancy.

Nausea - morning sickness is the name given to feeling nauseated when pregnant. Of the 10 pregnancy signs, only about half of pregnant women experience nausea, and feeling nauseated can happen any time of the day or night.

Tender Nipples and Breasts - one of the very early signs of pregnancy is a feeling of tenderness in the breasts and nipples. The good news is that these feelings of tenderness go away as the body becomes accustomed to the new hormone levels.

Darker Areolas - the area around the nipples becomes darker as early as one week after conception. The bumps on the areolas may look more prominent.

Constipation - you may notice a change in your bowels in early pregnancy. The intestines may relax and function less due to changing hormones and be one of the 10 pregnancy signs.

Food cravings. Yes, it's a cliché, but food cravings sometimes can be a sign of pregnancy. Don't rely on them as a sure symptom (it may be all in your head, or even a sign that your body is low on a particular nutrient), but if cravings are accompanied by some of the other symptoms on this list, start counting the days from your last period

Altered sense of taste. You may notice that your sense of taste changes. Some women say they have a metallic taste in their mouth, others that they cannot stand the taste of coffee, tea, or a food they usually like.

■feeling faint
  • feeling bloated
That's a really good idea to make a post designed especially for those who think they might be pregnant, i come on here all the time at each day there's a new one. But yes if you havnt missed your period yet don't worry. :^)

I always think someone should make a thread like this.
Really, you can find lists of symptoms EVERYWHERE, and we can't tell you if you're pregnant or not. Just test!
Isn't there a list of symptoms at the top to... There really is no way for us to know if anyone is pregnant without testing though. Maybe this will help cut back on some of the posts... But I doubt it cause most are just in a hurry and don't look to see if there is already a post like this to put theres in...
glad you all think its a good idea:thumbup:
i think the problem is, everyone has their own different storys so they just post it on here in a new thread and expect answers. Bit hypercritical as ive done it myself a few times but after being on this site a while ive noticed its quite common and may i add slightly annoying when theres about 4 similar threads. Kelly where abouts is the symptoms thing couldnt see anything or did you mean i should add the symptoms to the top of this thread?
Yep, ill second this threads a good idea :)

I wouldn't worry too much if you haven't missed your period, id worry when you've missed it by a few weeks..But if it does get to that stage where your worrying out of your mind and your periods gone..Id test :)
i think its a great idea!! can i add another symtom, feeling bloated.
Good idea. How about this one:

In March I had my period from the 8th-16th. 16 days later I had unprotected sex and the very next day began having light pink spotting. Why is this happening? Could I be pregnant?
It was probably just from the sex, it can irritate your cervix sometimes. You wouldn't even have any signs of pregnancy for at least a week after the fact as at this point your body doesn't know its pregnant and the embryo wouldn't be in implanted in the uterus yet to cause spotting. However with your timeline pregnancy its possible and you could conceive, if its been within 3 days I'd suggest taking plan B. Implantation spotting can be a sign but it doesn't happen until around when you'd normally get your period if you were to get it...I didn't.

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